Chosen One (Forever Evermore #6)

He inhaled deeply, faltering for a moment before he slammed into me so damn hard I choked as he groaned heavily, his lips curved cruelly, his face turning vicious over me. “Good. Be fucking jealous.” He drove into me again furiously, then began a relentless rhythm meant to drive me insane in pleasure, driving his cock in and out of my slick channel, our skin smacking feverishly, the sounds of our joining echoing throughout the room, his voice a growling pant. “Now, you know what I’ve felt for the weeks you were fucking every goddamn cock in sight.”

“Fuck you,” I muttered breathlessly, tugging on my restricted wrists as I slammed my hips back up into his, just as hard as he was me. “I was trying to forget.”

His nostrils flared, and he released my hands, grabbing handfuls of my hair as his soft lips touched down on mine without kindness, his mouth demanding and dominant as his tongue grazed mine back and forth as potent as he was driving his cock into me. “It didn’t work, did it?” he asked breathlessly against my lips. “This,” he drove his hips savagely against mine, our skin slapping loudly throughout the room, “is what you want, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” I groaned low, grabbing his flexing ass, digging my nails in, enjoying how he moaned low in his throat, his hips working mercilessly against me. “Nothing worked, dammit.”

“I know,” he growled low, his tone furious. He curled his tongue around mine, gliding it repeatedly. “I fucking know.” He groaned deeply, his lips stroking mine feverishly, his body beginning to tremble over mine. “I want to see the stars, honey.” I moaned as he ground his pelvis against mine, hitting my clit. “Show me the fucking stars.”

“Mmm-hmm,” I hummed, pulling one of my hands up and thrusting it into his curls as I bucked under him, grabbing his soft hair tightly, screaming into his mouth as his continual driving thrusts, pressing against all off my spots, warmth suffusing my limbs in lightning streaks. “Again…oh, God, Cain…again.”

He did. Driving his hips faster, his panting breath flying into my mouth as mine flew into his, our tongues gliding feverishly against each other, and he pressed harder, rubbing against me deliciously, and I stilled under him, my body tightening uncontrollably. I screamed. Fire shot threw me, my Core opening even as my channel clenched him tightly, my body bowing against him as I glowed brightly, stars shooting off my flesh into his chaotically swirling wild animal power that was pressing around us like a tornado. My lids closed as I convulsed under him, even as he shouted, raising up to pound into me fiercely, his cock pistoning within my pulsing channel as my mind blew in whirlwind speed and warmth, hearing his choked shout of pleasure, his wolf growling so loudly it shook the floor under us as he slammed into me brutally, driving himself deep as his cock pulsed inside me, his hot cum scalding inside me in long spurts, making me whimper in pained fulfillment.

Floating down, air escaped me as his quaking, massive form landed heavily on top of my shuddering frame, his grip still brutal in my hair. He barely kept any weight off me with his elbows, just enough so I could suck in oxygen, his unique scent, as our hearts pounded against each other, chests heaving, and I growled breathlessly against his neck, “God, I hate you.”

“Back at you,” he rumbled against my temple, lips rubbing against my damp skin, his tone just as breathless and pissed as mine. Slipping from the room, which we most definitely should not have had sex in, or even had fucking sex for that matter, I went the opposite way as him after we had broken away from each other, both seething from the act, glaring at one another, even though both of our faces were flushed as we silently threw our clothes back on. I wouldn’t have minded jumping him for a second round as I watched his goddamn delicious body move, which it was apparent he wouldn’t have minded either when he had inhaled heavily, staring at me for long moments before we quickly moved away from each other. He hurriedly jerked the door open and stormed out into the hallway as I hurried to grab my book. Now I was creeping down the damn hallway like a thief in my own home, glancing into each room I slowly passed, thanking God no one had been nearby.

And I turned a corner.

Stopped dead at one door.

And frantically worked to blank my features as King Collins noticed me before I could move.

…Where he sat in a small study with the three other Rulers, talking quietly.

He glanced at his watch, and then peered back up to me where I was illuminated in the light from the room. “It’s getting kind of late, isn’t it, Caro?”

I swallowed as both the Queens’ heads turned, rubbing at their own eyes tiredly before squinting in my direction, and I nodded once. “Yes.” I waggled the book in my hand. “Late night reading, but I’m going to bed.”

And, I firmly kept my gaze away from King Zeller, who had already been staring out the doorway, watching, waiting, where he sat comfortably with an elbow on the arm of a chair, his chin in hand, fingers covering his mouth with an utterly blank expression…silently observing.

…well within range of his fucking ears to have heard everything.

Queen Cooper chuckled. “Did you enjoy it?”

My eyes widened marginally, my heart rate skyrocketing even further, and I swear I saw King Zeller’s shoulders start to shake a bit as my gaze flew to her, my tone a smidge too high pitched. “I’m sorry?”

She rubbed her eyes again, still chuckling, pointing with her other hand. “The book of Laws you’re holding. I can’t imagine it’s very interesting reading this late at night.” She waved a hand at me. “But, you seem awake enough, so I thought you might actually be enjoying it?”

“Oh.” I stared at the book a moment, taking a step toward the salvation of the dark hallway, out of the spotlight. “Actually, it’s boring as hell.”

King Collins eyebrows were together. “You’re not coming down with anything again, are you?” He pointed at his face, then mine. “You’re kind of flushed.”

My lips parted slowly. “I am kind of hot, so I should probably go to bed.” The words didn’t flow as easily as I had hoped they would, but it still worked, so I waved a hand. “Good night, everyone.” And then, hearing them call their good-byes, I speed walked as fast as I could without actually running, not bothering—or wanting—to glance in any other rooms for fear of who they might hold, damning King Zeller for being there, but slapping myself mentally for having sex in that room—with him, only mildly relieved I didn’t believe King Zeller would currently ever out us on our reckless deed.

Chapter Eleven

Still kicking myself the next morning, angered all anew I couldn’t get him out of my fucking head, I was a…bit…of a grouch when Sin and I walked into the breakfast room. Sin had been giving me my space, but I could feel him watching me with an eagle eye, as if I was going to revert, and head down the spinning path of self-destruction again. Which, I wasn’t.