Cherished (McKenzie Brothers, #5)

Facing Ramon, I realize there is more going on than what he wants made public. He makes eye contact with me but then tries to look anywhere but at me. His eyes find me again.

It’s on the tip of my tongue to question him further, but I bite the questions back. They can wait until we’re alone because I sense he doesn’t want to talk in front of his brothers.

“I’ll go and talk to him. Try and get a feel as to whether you’re on the right track or not,” Ramon runs his hands through his hair. “I’ll get Jackie to make an appointment tomorrow.” He looks at me. “We’re going to go and say our goodbyes…I’ll let you know the outcome of the meeting.”

“Let me know the time and I’ll come with you,” Lucien offers.

Ramon looks surprised but hides it quickly. “Don’t worry about it. I can handle Griffin.”

Lucien looks at his younger brother and seems to be seeing straight through him, but agrees, “Okay, but you call if you change your mind.”

Ramon smirks. “I’m not five, Lucien.”

Lucien grins. “I know,” he sighs.

“God, we’re outta here.”

Chapter Thirteen


The walk back to my cabin had been made in silence. I knew that Noah wanted to question my reaction to Brendan Griffin’s name. I’m just glad that he decided to keep quiet in front of my brothers.

It wasn’t as much Brendan’s name as it was the mention of his son, Andrew. I had gone to school with him, and to college…

“You’re thinking too much,” Noah bursts into my thoughts. “We’ll talk after we’ve showered and changed. I, for one, would love to get out of this suit and into my sweats first.”

Noah is always one for comfort first.

“I agree.” Which I do, but I’m also glad to be able to put our conversation off.

There isn’t much to tell, especially as I wasn’t with Noah when I knew Andrew. My heart still aches when I hear his name. I wasn’t in love with him, although I did have strong feelings for him and it took the air out of my lungs when I found out he’d died.


I slam into the front of Noah, not realizing he’d stopped and turned to face me.

“Perhaps you better tell me now, and get it all out. I hate seeing you so distracted.” Noah reaches out and starts to massage my tense shoulders.

Having his hands on me feels amazing, and it’s helping me relax, which is why I blurt, “Andrew was the first guy I fucked.”


Keeping the groan inside at my callous statement, I risk a look up at Noah, whose hands have stilled on my shoulders.

He’s thinking and letting it roll around in his head.

“Let’s go and sit on the porch,” I suggest. “It isn’t a long story to tell.”

Perhaps, after it’s out in the open, we can retreat inside and relax, or do other things.

Climbing up the porch steps on tired legs, I walk over to one of the rocking chairs and drop my ass into it. This is one of the times I’m glad I let my mom talk my ear off about buying some rockers for out here. Most times I’m cursing them when I trip over one of the legs.

Noah joins me as I try to look relaxed when I’m anything but. It’s been a hell of a long time since I thought about Andrew. He’d pop in my mind every now and again, but since I met Noah, he’s been scarce.

“Talk to me Ramon.”

Sighing, I tell Noah about Andrew, “We were friends all through school and college. Best friends, I guess, although we didn’t used to hang out at each other’s houses. We kind of just hung out at school and then, afterwards, in bars through college.

“It was one drunken night when things came to a head. One thing led to another and, in the morning, we woke up naked with our antics of the night before rushing back too quickly for me to comprehend. I tried to get up but Andrew refused to let me up until we talked…He’s the one who made me realize that I prefer a dick to a *,” I chuckle. “He was relentless and wouldn’t let me walk away from him.”

Glancing at Noah, I see his fists clenched on the arms of the rocker. I don’t like the fact that I’m the one causing his tension.