Chasing You (Love Wanted in Texas #5)

“I am single. Yes.”

The growl that came from Jennifer caused me to look back at her as I made my way to my office. “The things I could do to you.”

With a chuckle, Grayson headed down the hall. “Behave, Jennifer, or I’ll have to put the handcuffs on you.”

I rolled my eyes and made a gagging face as I unlocked the door to my office and headed in. Grayson followed me in and sat in a chair as I fumbled with my jacket. I looked through a few files, looking for Mitchell’s, as Grayson sat there watching my every move.

Finding the file, I sighed as I sat down and opened it. I flipped through the paperwork as I read over my notes from yesterday when I met with Mitchell.

“Grayson, would you mind if I made a phone call? I won’t be long.”

With a slap of his hands on his legs, Grayson stood up. “Sure. I’ll go flirt with Jennifer.”

He was out the door before I even had a chance to protest.

With a shake of my head, I typed in Mitchell’s number.

“Hey, it’s my shrink!”

I smiled as I pulled up Facebook. “How are you doing today?”

“Personal phone calls, wow, Ms. A, do you have a thing for me?”

This kid reminded me of someone.

Jennifer laughed as my eyes traveled to my office door.

“Very funny, Mitchell. Did you still want to meet today?”

“Nah, I think I’m good. I think we can wait and meet this Wednesday.”

I heard a lightness in his voice. “Did you ask her out?” I asked, hoping he would say yes.

“I did. She said yes.”

With a smile, I did a fist pump. Mitchell had been a star quarterback at his previous high school. He moved to Durango a few months back and obviously his instant popularity threw a few of his teammates off. What started off as innocent teasing by other players was slowly becoming something more. An observant teacher was the one who notified Mitchell’s mom which led to our weekly meetings.

“Good. Take her somewhere nice. I’ll see you Wednesday.”

“Thanks, Ms. A. Later!”

I made a quick note in Mitchell’s file, closed it and then grabbed my jacket and slipped it on before heading out of my office. As I locked the door I could hear Jennifer giggling. My stomach turned at the idea of Grayson flirting with her.

I rounded the corner and saw not only Jennifer standing in the main lobby, but my boss, Melissa was also standing there. Both were staring at Grayson with puppy dog eyes. He had them eating out of his hands.

Gag me.

“Gray, are you done here?”

Grayson looked up and smiled. “Yeah, I was showing them a video.”

I lifted my eyebrow and gave him a quizzical look. With a smirk, he shook his head. “It was a kitten we got out of a tree yesterday.”

My eyes widened. Here I imagined him to have this badass job where he hunted down bad guys and he was saving kittens from trees.

“Wow, your job isn’t boring,” I said.

Jennifer snapped her head up and glared at me. “I think it is sweet that they saved this kitten.”

I forced a smile. “Oh, I do too, Jennifer. Far cry from his last job.”

Grayson cleared his throat and took a step away from both women.

“Well ladies, it was nice chatting with you.”

“Bye, Detective Bennett. Be safe!” Jennifer called out as Grayson held the door open for me.

“Bye, Grayson! Come back and visit anytime!” Melissa called out.

As we walked over to his truck, Grayson stopped and opened the door for me. “They were nice.”

I didn’t say a word as I climbed into the truck. By the time he walked around the front, Melissa had run back out and handed him something. My mouth dropped open when I saw him kiss her on the cheek.

“What the fuck?” I whispered as Melissa glanced into the truck and gave me a quick wave. Somehow my hand lifted as I waved back with a stunned smile.

Grayson jumped into the truck and started it up. “What in the hell was that all about?”

Grayson shot me a confused look. “What do you mean?”

“Seriously? You’re showing them kitten videos and kissing my boss on the cheek?”

Grayson threw his head back and laughed. “She gave me a brownie. It was nice of her. Besides, she’s like the age of my grandmother. I was being polite.”

I rolled my eyes and sighed in disgust. “Whatever. And she isn’t that much older than us you jackass.”

“Are you jealous, Meg? Do you want a kiss on the cheek?”

I shot him a smirk. “Friends, remember?”

Grayson’s head pulled back. “Isn’t that where you kiss friends, on the cheek? I mean I wasn’t about to lay one on Melissa’s lips.”

“Whatever, Gray. What are we doing today anyway?”