Chasing You (Love Wanted in Texas #5)

Grayson frowned and said, “I could have made that better.”

With a shake of my head, I looked deeply into his eyes. “No . . . it was beautiful. Perfect. So very perfect.”

Still lost in each other’s eyes, the sales lady took my hand and checked the fit of the ring. “My goodness. It fits like a glove, like it was meant to be!”

“It was,” I whispered as I glanced down to the ring. It was breathtaking and I couldn’t wait to tell the girls and my parents.

Oh. God.

My parents.

“That look of horror can only mean one thing.”

I swallowed hard. “My parents.”

Grayson shuddered as I giggled. “I should have asked your dad’s permission first.”

The sales lady quickly stepped between us. “In the meantime, shall we go ahead and wrap up this purchase?”

Grayson and I looked at her as if she had lost her damn mind. It was obvious she was more concerned with the sale over the fact that my father was most likely going to flip a gasket when he found out I was marrying a man they didn’t even know I was dating. Everything had been going so well with Grayson, and I knew the moment I told my parents, my father would be on the first flight out to check out Grayson and scare him away.

Grayson took out his wallet and handed her his American Express card. “Talk to me, Meg.”

“My parents don’t even know we are dating. My father is going to freak out, Gray.”

Grayson took my hands in his as he gave me the sweetest smile. “Whatever happens, we’re in this together now. If you want, I’ll fly to Texas and ask your father for your hand in marriage.”

All the tension left my body as I looked into Grayson’s eyes. The idea that he would risk his life for me had me longing for him. My lower stomach pulled with the instant desire I was feeling.

“He’d kill you if you showed up and asked to marry me.”

The left corner of his mouth rose as my insides quivered. “I’m willing to take the risk.”

The saleslady handed Grayson his credit card back along with her card. She was talking a mile a minute, and all I heard was something about bringing the ring in every six months to check it out and clean it.

I turned to her and nodded as I flashed her a polite smile before grabbing Grayson’s hand and pulling him out of the jewelry store right as it began snowing. Where in the world did the snow come from?

“Jesus, Meg. Where is the fire and where the hell did the snow come from?”

Spinning around, I pierced his eyes with mine. “Between my legs, Gray.”

Grayson started choking as he pulled me to him. “What? The snow came from between your legs?”

Frowning, I looked at him. “No. I want you.”

“Oh yeah?” he asked with a come get me look on his face.

My eyes frantically searched his face. I wanted to say so many things to him. I wanted to tell him I was scared and excited, but more than anything, I was so turned on it felt like my insides were going to explode. There had been plenty of times I wanted to jump this man in public and right now was one of them. “I want you.”


Pressing my lips together, I softly spoke. “Now.”

It was Grayson’s turn to pull me now. “My truck is around the corner.”

Walking carefully without slipping on the freshly snow-coated sidewalk, Grayson reached down and picked me up as I let out a giddy yelp. He opened the passenger door and practically threw me inside as I laughed.

Fifteen minutes later, the door to Grayson’s apartment flew open as we stumbled in, lips pressed together and hands all over each other.

“Fucking hell, Meg.”

My hands shook as I quickly stripped my clothes off while watching Grayson do the same. His hard dick sprung out of his pants as I let out a moan.

Dropping to my knees, I took him in my mouth as he pumped his hips and grabbed onto my hair. “Jesus . . . ahh . . . damn it, Meg! You need to stop.”

Grayson lifted me by my shoulders and pulled me up as his hand made its way between my legs. My breathing was erratic as I anticipated the feel of his fingers inside of me.

“Tell me how you want it, Meg.”

His fingers pushed deep inside me as I gasped. “Fuck me, Gray. I need you to fuck me.”

When his lips crashed into mine my hands tunneled through his thick brown hair and grabbed a handful. Grayson let out a rumbled growl from the back of his throat as he lifted me while walking me toward the wall. One quick movement of his hand and he pushed everything off the new wood table he had bought for his foyer. My ass landed on it with a thud as Grayson’s eyes roamed greedily over my body. Grasping my breasts with both his hands he bent over and sucked on one of my nipples as I dropped my head back and cried out in pleasure as my own hand found its way to my throbbing clit.

“Fucking hell, that is so hot watching you play with yourself, Meg.”