Chasing You (Love Wanted in Texas #5)

Oh. Holy. Shit.

Things were about to get interesting.


THE ROOM SPUN as I sat down on the bed. The air in there was getting thick as I cleared my throat and tried to breathe. I shook my head and tried to erase what my mother had just said. Not that I didn’t want my mother to find happiness, because I did. I just wasn’t prepared to walk in on that happiness and see it sucking her face and his hands all over her ass.

I closed my eyes and thought back to a few moments ago when I was lost in Meagan. I’d give anything to be there again.

My mother is having sex. Oh God. I’m gonna puke.

“Gray? Baby, look at me.”

Meagan’s voice pulled me from the depths of hell I was currently in. Her blue eyes searched my face as she took my hands in hers. With one look, she told me to snap the hell out of it. My mother had finally found someone to make her happy, and I was acting like the world was ending.

My hands cupped Meagan’s face as I pulled her closer to me and kissed her quickly. “I love you,” I whispered on her lips.

“I love you, too.”

Dropping my hands, I stood and took my mother in my arms and held her. For as long as I could remember, it had always been my mother and I. I needed to make myself understand that she deserved to find love just like I had. The fear that another man would hurt her was far less than the desire for her to find happiness. “I’m happy for you, Mom. I needed a few moments to process it all.”

Her arms held me tighter as I felt a few sobs escape as we stood there. “Grayson, I’ve never met anyone like James. He is so good to me and I’m not sure I deserve him.”

I held my mother out at arms length and gaped at her. “Don’t ever say that again, Mom. If anyone deserves to find love, it’s you. And if James is the one, then I’m excited to get to know him and let me tell you right now, he is the lucky one to be getting you.”

Relief washed over my mother’s face as she reached for Meagan and pulled her into our embrace. “Everything is perfect!” she said as Meg and I both laughed.

My mother stepped away from the embrace and took in a deep breath while smiling so big I couldn’t help but smile back. “Okay, let’s head on down there before James thinks we all took off and left him.”

I reached for Meagan’s hand as we followed my mother out of the bedroom and downstairs.

Before we reached the kitchen, Meagan pulled me back. “Be nice, Gray. You know he means a lot to your mom.”

Flashing her an I don’t know what you’re talking about look, I winked and said, “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll be good . . . ish.”

Her mouth dropped open as she watched me walk into the kitchen. Mumbling something about she should have kept her panties off, I laughed and glanced at her over my shoulder. Meagan gave me a behave look as we walked into the kitchen.

My attention was drawn to James as I walked up to him and stuck my hand out. “Let’s try this again. James, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Gray, and I’m going to try really hard not to threaten you in any way with bodily harm if you hurt my mother in any way what so ever.”

James grinned and shook my hand firmly. “And that is the response I would expect from any son who loves his mother.”

“And I do love her. Besides Meg, my mother is the only woman I’ve ever loved, so it’s hard for me to give her up.”

James nodded his head. “I’m not asking you to give her up, Gray, I’m just asking that you let me have a piece of her heart.”

Ah hell . . . a romantic son-of-a-bitch.

Meagan and my mother both sighed behind me as I fought to keep from rolling my eyes.

Turning, I faced my mother and pointed to Meagan. “Right, so Meg forgot the dip.”

Meagan’s eyes widened in surprise as she looked between my mother and me. “What? I had it in my hands and you distracted me with your—well um yeah, I forgot it.” My mother brushed it off with a wave of her hands, saving Meagan from digging herself in deeper.

“No worries, Meg. We have so much food. James made potato salad, and beans and I made homemade fries along with steamed veggies. We will have plenty of things to eat. Not to mention the apple, cherry and pecan pies James and I made.”

With a chuckle, I shook my head. “My gosh, Mom. Why did y’all make so much food for just the four of us?”

Turning away from me, she pulled out the plates as she gave James a quick peek. “Oh well, we have a few more people coming over.”

“Who?” I asked as I popped a piece of cut up cheese into my mouth.

James took that has his cue to step in. “My daughter and son. Sandy and Rick.”

“Your kids?” I asked slowly. “Wow, do they at least know about my mom, or are they walking in blind as well?”

With an awkward smile, James shook his head. “I told them this morning. They’re both thrilled and excited to meet everyone.”