Chasing You (Love Wanted in Texas #5)

Meagan shook her head as she dropped her hands and stared at me with a gaped mouth. “Yeah, I’ve slept with like six guys! Six! Jesus H. Christ, twenty? Here I thought I was a slut. Oh my God. I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

Meagan turned and headed to my apartment as I closed my eyes and shook my head as I cursed myself.

Stupid! You stupid fucking idiot! Why did I tell her the truth?

Slowly making my way to the door, Meagan stepped to the side and looked down at the floor. “Meg, I don’t want this—”

Her blue eyes looked up and pierced mine. “It doesn’t matter, Gray. It’s your past like I have my past.” With a smile she winked and said, “Besides, isn’t this what best friends talk about?”

I instantly felt sick. “Maybe best friends who don’t have feelings for each other. I’m fucking going out of my mind trying to think of how I can track down those six guys and pound their faces in.”

Meagan’s eyes sparkled as a wide grin spread across her face. “You have feelings for me, Gray?”

I opened the door and pushed Meagan in as I backed her up against the wall. Keep it simple, Gray. This is not about sex.

My eyes lingered on her lips before I searched her face. Each breath looked as if it was a labored action on her part. “Really, Meg? You can’t feel it when I kiss you?”

Meagan’s mouth parted open as I moved closer to her. Our lips were inches apart from one another.

“Gray.” She barely spoke as I placed my hand on the side of her face and gently rubbed my thumb over her soft skin. Son-of-a-bitch, touching her was one of my favorite things to do.

“It’s just a kiss.”

With trembling lips, Meagan said, “It’s dangerous.”

I lifted my eyebrow as I looked into her eyes. I’d never felt like this before with anyone. Meagan had a way of bringing out the one thing I was so afraid to let out.


“Why is it dangerous, baby?”

“This feeling . . . I’ve never felt it before with anyone but you and that scares me.”

I held my breath as I asked, “Why does that scare you?”

Meagan closed her eyes. “I’m so scared you’re going to break my heart, Gray.” Her eyes opened as she chewed on the corner of her lip. “I honestly don’t know if I would survive if I let you in and you left me.”

My knees about buckled out from under me as I fought to keep my breathing steady.

“Meg,” I whispered as I lightly brushed my lips across hers. The energy that raced between our bodies was something I’d never in my life experienced before.

Deepening the kiss, our tongues slowly danced together as I placed my other hand on her face as I kissed her with more passion. Meagan let out a small whimper as I pulled her lower lip into my mouth. Her head dropped back when I released her from the kiss. I softly spoke as I kissed along her jawline. “Don’t you feel it, baby”?”

Meagan’s hands grabbed onto the side of my sweatshirt as she pulled me closer to her. When our eyes met, her smile said everything my heart was feeling.

“Yes, I feel it.”

My hands moved up as I took her hair out of the bun and let it fall along her shoulders. Running my fingers through her hair, I pulled her head to the side as I gently blew in her ear and spoke. “Good. Don’t ever forget this feeling, Meagan.” My lips moved softly across her neck. “I’m pretty sure this is what falling in love feels like.”

It felt as if Meagan’s legs gave out as she started to slide down the wall. Picking her up, she wrapped her legs around my waist as I brought her lips to mine and claimed her with just a kiss.


JUST A KISS, my ass. My head was reeling from that kiss and from Grayson’s confession of falling in love.

Please God, please don’t let him hurt me.

When we finally stopped kissing, I couldn’t help but smile. I’d never experienced anything like that before. Being with Grayson had always been different, in a good way. I knew I had feelings for him, but I never had the courage to admit it.

Grayson looked deep in my eyes as my heartbeat pounded in my ears. Was I ready to admit to him what my heart knew the moment he first touched me? I wasn’t sure, but I knew running from it was the last thing I wanted to do.

His blue eyes lit up as he took in my smile. “I’m falling in love with you too, Grayson.”

The grin that spread across his face was the most beautiful sight ever. Those dimples caused my chest to tighten as I pressed my lips together to keep from asking him to make love to me.

“Are you in the mood to go dancing?” he asked as he lifted an eyebrow.

With a giggle, I nodded and said, “Aren’t you ready to pass out?”

“For some reason I got my second wind.”

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I tilted my head and fought to keep my giddiness down. For Pete’s sake, I wasn’t Lauren. I didn’t get giddy. “I’m not really dressed for dancing.”

“How about we go to your place, you change and we head to Moe’s.”

“Moe’s? They have an outside dance floor. It’s snowing!”

“Nah, they have one on the inside too.” Grayson set me down and quickly kissed my lips. “Let me go change and we’ll head to your place.”