Chase Me (Paris Nights Book 2)

Also, if he got more aroused, he might honestly start trying to talk her into public sex. So there were dozens of tourists around and they’d end up on YouTube. So his career would be shot. Was that the end of the world?

And just then the black Tower started sparkling like someone had laced champagne with gold leaf flecks and shaken up the bottle.

He rested his hands against the wet parapet beside her, giving himself something solid to hold on to. The sparkles just danced and danced against the shadow of the Tower. Hell, that Tower made him think of…himself, actually. The sparkles would be his sense of humor, and the shadow would be…

He looked away from that shadow down at his own personal, honest-to-goodness Bond girl. Who was pressing her black-gloved hands against the parapet and gazing at the gold-dancing Eiffel with a pride and pleasure that made her look like a teenager. “Damn,” he said. “I should have proposed here. Can I do it over again?”

She rolled her eyes and didn’t even bother to glance up at him. So he had to nudge his body into hers, of course, to get back all her attention.

She slanted a glance up at him, adding ten more degrees to his already overheated blood. Her eyes still sparkled from the Tower, and yet they held this speculative wickedness.

Hell, she was thinking about it.

He’d already gotten lucky tonight, just by her throwing knives at him, but she had a look like he might get Super Duper A-Meteor-Must-Be-About-To-Hit-Me Lucky.

He nudged her some more, using his bigger body to bump her gently around until he could close her in against that parapet. Jesus, he was going to go out of his mind. Even that much contact just sizzled through his brain and entire body and made him want to see if he could rip leather with his bare hands. “I give you full permission to tie me up,” he said.

She blinked. Then she got this smile on her lips that flooded him with red heat and made him want to kneel at her feet and beg.

“If you need to slow me down,” he said.

“Now why would I want to do that?” she purred.

Oh, holy hell. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

“I’m kind of, maybe”—he took deep breaths—“rushing you.”

“That’s the only way to do a one-night stand, isn’t it? Rush into it and enjoy every second?”

A one-night—? His lips parted, and then his dick just roared up in dragon-rage at his brain. Shut the hell up. Just go with it. Don’t argue with a damn thing.

“Definitely enjoy every second,” he breathed, letting his hips settle against hers. Finally. And hell but that was not enough.

She stood on tiptoe, which dragged her body against his as she brought her mouth to his ear. The dancing Eiffel lights behind her turned starry red. Or was that his brain? “You’re very sure of yourself,” she murmured, with that brushed pure-sex accent of hers. He was pretty sure the Rs just reached down and physically started stroking his dick. “Are you that…cocky in bed?”

“I—I can—” Speak. Think. Complete a full sentence. Breathe. “Take direction, too.”

She brushed her lips down the side of his throat. Oh, hell. She really might need to tie him up. It was so hard not to just grab her butt and grind himself against her, the muscles of his arms might snap in the fight against himself. “I’m fully convinced of your ability to come in two seconds as soon as you see my panties,” she murmured.


But, hell, that might be true.

“But what I want to know is, do you have any…stamina?” she breathed as her lips brushed back up his throat to the underside of his chin.

Ooh. The nice, loud mental slap of a gauntlet thrown down. He did love that sound.

“Honey, I can promise you one thing.” He curved his hands around that gorgeous leather-clad butt and pulled her up into him so he could bring his mouth to her ear. “If I get you in a bed, you’re for damn sure not getting any sleep tonight.”

“But I have that billionaire’s banquet tomorrow,” she protested. Or it was kind of a protest. She might be just teasing him.

But he didn’t want to risk it. “Fine. I’ll set an alarm and stop at three.”

She pulled back enough to raise her eyebrows at him, biting her lip. Amused, but sexy amused. Like she, too, found laughter erotic. “You’ll set an alarm?”

“A loud one.” He showed her his watch. He was surprised that watch didn’t include a miniature missile launcher for all the damn things it could do. “Otherwise I’ll never notice.” He gave her a slow smile. “I told you I could focus.”

“Yeah, but you brag quite a lot,” she said.

Hey. What? When had he bragged? He’d been staying so humble all evening. He’d barely even flexed a few times.

She rocked her hips ever so gently against his. “So I guess I need…proof.”

There had to be a meteor headed for the Earth. Or an alien invasion or something. Those alien invasions always did attack the Eiffel Tower first.

He was exactly the guy Hollywood would expect to leap into the breach and fight them off if aliens did show up about right now.

But for once in his life, if the bomb dropped, he would love to be the last to know.

“Oh, yeah, honey.” He bent and captured her mouth. “Let me prove myself to you.”

Chapter 6

Laura Florand's books