Chaos Bound (Sinner's Tribe Motorcycle Club #4)

She’d been afraid to live. But right now she had to make a choice. Live or die.

Holt stepped toward the vehicle, and Naiya’s training kicked in, making the decision for her. “Don’t touch it. Your prints will be all over it. And take off your shoes. They’ll be able to trace everywhere you’ve been from the dirt in the treads, and they’ll be able to tell your height and weight, unusual aspects to your gait, whether you walked or ran…”

Holt laughed and wrapped his hand in his shirt before rounding the vehicle to the driver side door. “Very useful skills. You’d be an asset to the club.”

She opened her mouth to tell him she hadn’t spent all those years in school to wind up right back where she’d started, when a hand wrapped around her neck.

“Look what we got here. Viper’s new bitch.”

Her breath caught when the cold barrel of a gun pressed against her temple. She didn’t have to turn around to see who had found her. She knew the voice of Viper’s second in command, remembered every detail of his sharp, angular features, pale skin and thin slash of a mouth. But more than his face, she remembered the enormous cruel power of his muscular body. That night in the clubhouse, Leo had been one of the men who held her down.

“Yo, Sinner,” he shouted as he pulled her away from the vehicle. “Look what I caught.”

Holt looked up, and his face tightened. He whipped out his gun and stalked toward them, his gaze fixed on Naiya and not the Black Jack behind her.

“That’s far enough.” Leo shouted when Holt was only a few yards away. “Put down the weapon and maybe I’ll let you watch me fuck this bitch before I put you to ground.”

“Don’t be stupid,” Naiya snapped. “I belong to Viper. You can’t touch me.”

Leo smashed the butt of his gun against her head. Naiya’s vision blurred and pain lanced through her skull.

“What the fuck, little mouse?” he murmured in her ear. “Never heard you mouth off before. I liked you better when you were quiet, hiding in the bedroom at your momma’s place, thinking no one could see you. Except with that body and that sweet face, we all saw you. Only reason you didn’t get to taste a whole lotta Black Jack dick is ’cause Viper laid claim to you. Told us all your virgin pussy belonged to him and he was gonna have it when you turned fifteen. That’s why he sent Jeff to get you on your fucking birthday.”

No. She couldn’t imagine Jeff bringing her to the clubhouse knowing what Viper planned to do. Viper’s son had no love for his father. For the first few years after her grandmother died, she had hung out with Jeff and his sister, Arianne, and the other Black Jack club brats at the clubhouse when her mother was off on road trips with whatever biker she was sleeping with at the time. Although Jeff had turned to drugs after Arianne left the clubhouse, he’d always been friendly and kind to Naiya. She had no reason to doubt his motives when he called her up on her fifteenth birthday to invite her to a clubhouse party. Alone at home, and feeling sorry for herself, she’d made the mistake of accepting the invitation despite her misgivings.

“Jeff wouldn’t do that,” she spat out.

Leo laughed. “Well now he’s dead, so you’ll never know. But I’ll give you one piece of advice. Never trust a biker.” With the gun still at her temple, he yanked her hair, forcing her head back. “And as for touching you, I can do whatever the hell it takes to bring you back. Viper likes his women bruised and broken. I may not be able shove my dick in that sweet pussy, but there’s other places it can go.”

“You’re not gonna shoot her,” Holt closed the distance between them. “So there’s no point holding that gun to her head. Aim it at me. I’m the one you can kill. Viper’ll probably give you a reward for getting rid of me.”

Leo’s hand tightened on Naiya’s hair, and then he pointed his gun at Holt. “Your funeral, Sinner.”

“Her funeral.” Holt aimed his gun at Naiya’s chest. “What are you gonna do now? I kill her. You kill me. You go back to Viper empty handed, and you’ll be taking my place in the dungeon.”

Damn Holt was good with the mind games. Or was this for real?

“You’re not gonna kill her. You want her, too.” Leo’s heart drummed in his chest so hard she could feel it through her body. He was scared. But then, so was she.

“I needed her to get the fuck outta that dungeon.” Holt’s gaze flicked to Naiya and back to Leo. “Then I decided to stick it to Viper by using his bitch and sending her back to him full of my cum. But this is better. I’ll put so many holes in her, he won’t know which one’s for his dick.”

Sarah Castille's books