Chaos Bound (Sinner's Tribe Motorcycle Club #4)

“Don’t do it again,” he mumbled.

Her shoulders dropped, releasing a tension he hadn’t realized she’d been holding “Only if you promise not to try and get yourself killed too soon. I have a vested interest in seeing Viper dead, too.” Naiya placed a basket of garlic bread beside him and a bowl of tossed salad, the vegetables so brightly colored he almost wondered if they were real.

“Ally said to go slow and easy with the food. Drink lots of water. She didn’t think alcohol was a good idea but…”

“Whiskey. Neat.” He looked up when she startled, mentally kicking himself for his abrupt tone. “Please.”

“I didn’t know bikers said please.” She headed over to the counter, covered with bottles, cans, and shopping bags.

“It’s been known to happen when beautiful women drug them, take them to cabins in the mountains, save them from their own pig-headed stupidity, and then cook for them.”

Naiya laughed, a light bubbly sound that made him smile. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

She returned with the drinks and joined him at the table. “Cheers to revenge.” She held up her glass and Holt did the same. Then he shot back the whiskey in one gulp.

“Son of a bitch.” He wheezed out a breath as the bitter liquid burned its way down his throat and into his shriveled stomach. His head spun and he wondered if it was possible to get instantly drunk.

“Eat something.” Naiya handed him the bread basket, and he shoved a piece of warm garlic bread in his mouth. Oh fuck. The taste, the tang of garlic, salted melted butter. Texture. Warmth. He’d never tasted anything so good in his life.

“More.” He reached for the basket, and Naiya pulled it away.


Holt grunted his annoyance. “Pushy little thing, aren’t you?”

“Actually, no.” She picked up the spatula and served him a steaming slice of lasagna before filling her own plate. “I’ve never had anyone to boss around. When I was little, I lived with my grandmother and after she passed away I lived with my mom, which basically was like living with half the Jacks since they were in and out of the apartment all day, doing drugs, selling drugs, shooting up, and…” Her face tightened, and she toyed with her ring. “While my mom did what drug-addicted sweet butts do.”

“In front of her kid?”

“Unless she had a boyfriend. Some of them didn’t like to share. The sharing types wanted to share me, too, so I spent a lot of time at the library or staying late after school to help the teachers so I didn’t have to go home. I read a lot of books, found places to hide…”

Holt’s stomach clenched at the image. She talked about it so casually, yet he saw her tremble when she put down the spatula. And when she sat down, she put her hands on her lap instead of picking up her fork.

He recognized her pain. Understood it. Hell, she’d been abandoned just like him. And yet there was more she wasn’t telling him. The real reason she needed to plan and control every aspect of her life.

Naiya was full of secrets. Painful secrets. Beautiful secrets. If they’d met her in a bar, Tank would have been all over her, and Holt wouldn’t have stood in his way. Holt went for assertive women who would speak their minds—women who laughed loud and enjoyed being the center of attention. He liked a woman who knew where she wanted to be touched and how. Tank, on the other hand, liked the quiet women, deep, the ones with hidden passion. Tank liked to explore, seduce, unlock, and uncover. The more secrets a woman had, the better. Except, right now, the thought of Tank anywhere near Naiya made Holt’s stomach clench. If anyone was going to tease out Naiya’s secrets, it should be him.

“Looks like I’m hiding again,” she said, “Except this time I’m not alone.”

Guilt speared through his gut. How could he go through with his plan to use her to lure Viper from his den when she had dragged him out here to save him instead of escaping with her friends?

“Not while Viper is still walking this fucking earth.” He lifted a fork full of lasagna, and his taste buds exploded. Christ. Had food ever tasted this good? The combination of tangy sauce, rich ground beef, and sharp cheddar stole his breath away, and for the next five minutes he couldn’t speak. Instead, he savored—simple pleasures that had long been denied.

“Fucking delicious.” He reached for the spatula, and Naiya shook her head. “I think you should stop. It’s not going anywhere. If you feel okay you can have more later.”

“Bossy.” He put down the spatula, reached for the bread.

“Only around you, it seems.” She tilted her head to the side and laughed.

Sarah Castille's books