Chaos Bound (Sinner's Tribe Motorcycle Club #4)

Zane cracked his knuckles. “You’re too kind-hearted, Gun.”

“Gunner really is a softie.” Sparky said. “That’s why he gets all the girls.”

“It’s against the law to assault a federal agent.” Michael pulled his ID from his pocket and Cade snatched it from his hand and tossed it over the bar to Banks.

“Is there a federal agent somewhere?” Cade pretended to look around, then stared at Michael. “Are you a federal agent? You got some ID?”

“Maybe he’s not a federal agent,” Naiya said. “Maybe he’s just some drunk guy who sat beside me and tried to pick me up even though I told him I’m…”

“A Sinner.” Banks smiled. “And the Sinners protect their own.”


Holt spotted Naiya at a table with Ally as soon as he entered the bar.

Ever watchful, Tank stood beside Naiya, his hand in his cut, his eyes darting from side to side as he searched for danger.

“Darlin’.” Holt leaned over to kiss her and she pulled away. He supposed he deserved that, but right now he wasn’t in a mood to play games. His brothers had taken Michael out back to await Holt’s justice and after Holt had let loose his anger, he wanted nothing more than to hold his woman in his arms. Preferably, naked and in his bed. But first he’d have to gain her forgiveness.

Naiya glared, her eyes dropping to his blood-smeared hand. “Is that Maurice’s blood? Ally said you beat him up.”

He pushed her hair back behind her ear, trailing his fingers down her neck. God, she was beautiful. Sexy. Fiery. And his. What the hell had he been thinking walking away and leaving her unprotected? “Nah. That’s Michael’s blood. I had to teach him a lesson. He made the mistake of messing with a Sinner’s woman in a Sinner bar in the Sinners’ town.”

Naiya stared at him aghast. “You beat him up, too?”

“Anyone who hurts you. Anyone who touches you. Anyone who makes you scared. Anyone who makes you cry. I’ll rip out their hearts, break their bones, and drown in their fucking blood to keep you safe.”

“That’s kind of romantic in a terrifying, morbid, ruthless, outlaw-biker kinda way,” Ally said. “Doug just says ‘love ya, babe’ or ‘keep safe.’”

“It’s only romantic if the guy is actually around to do it,” Naiya said, slapping Holt’s hand away. “But if he drops you off at a hotel in a strange town and leaves you to fend for yourself while he drives off to get himself killed, it loses its effect.”

“You looked after yourself pretty good.” Holt pulled his chair closer, rested his hand on her knee. “Smart move coming here when you saw Michael sniffing around.”

Naiya pushed at his hand, but he held her fast, stroking his thumb along the inside of her thigh.

“What was I supposed to do?” Her voice rose in pitch. “Go to the police? I may have been living a civilian life, but I spent six years with the Black Jacks. I know the kind of power the clubs have. I know how things work. And I know I’ll be happy when I leave town and get away from all things MC.”

“You also know you gotta listen to your man. And your man wants you to stay with the Sinners until I’ve dealt with Viper.” Holt tilted her head back with one finger under her chin, then leaned in and kissed her, his free hand ready to grab her wrist if she tried to slap him.

Which she did, because his Naiya had a spine of steel.

“Who says you’re my man?”

“I do.” He met her gaze, watched her eyes darken to brown.

“It sure didn’t feel like you were my man when you left.” She pulled away, and Holt gritted his teeth. Didn’t she understand that he had come back for her? That for now he had put aside his quest for revenge to keep her safe?

“When I put you in the position of having to pull that weapon, I realized I’d brought you back into a world you don’t want to be in. I didn’t want to waste any time getting you out.” He traced the bow of her mouth, pleased when her lips parted at his touch. She couldn’t be that angry. After all, she was still here, and she had come to the brothers to ask them to warn him.

“I can take myself out.” She drew his hand away. “I’ve got interviews set up in different states…” Her voice trailed off when Holt frowned. How could he protect her if she left? Viper would send men to chase her wherever he went. Sweat trickled down his back. This reunion wasn’t going exactly as expected.

“You don’t leave,” he blurted out. “You don’t go.”

Sarah Castille's books