Challenging the Center (Santa Fe Bobcats #6)

She grinned at that. They’d both retired at the end of the last season. Him with much fanfare, her with very little. But it suited them both just fine. Besides, they had other projects to focus on now.

She rubbed her stomach. It shocked her how fast they’d gotten pregnant. They had decided to wait until she was fully out of competing before trying, but she hadn’t thought it would happen weeks after her final tournament. The fact that she’d found out this morning had been a fluke but a wonderful one. She couldn’t be more than four weeks along, total.

She still hadn’t told Michael. She’d wait until camp week was over. This was the third year, and she knew from experience it was always such an exhausting, demanding time for Michael. She didn’t want the news of the baby to overshadow his elation in the event or vice versa.

In the end, it had been shockingly easy to walk away from her career in professional tennis. The years of worry and stress, the fear of not making enough, of losing money traveling to this tournament or that… it had worn on her. The added pressure of being “on” with her persona had grown weary. And while she’d loved playing with Talia the last few years, and money had ceased being an issue, her heart was no longer on the court. Talia had gone on to compete as a singles player and was kicking some ass, taking some names. Kat still practiced with her, keeping her skills sharp. She still coached, still gave privates at the tennis center with Gary. But the competition, she now left that to those with the stomach for it.

Michael had gone out on top, with several other Bobcats, retiring after a Super Bowl win. Their first in, well, far too long, according to many. It was elating to watch those who had played for the team for years—some close to a decade—walk away on that highest of high notes. She’d never seen so many large men cry. It was as humbling as it was humorous.

“You ready for your part?” Michael stood, and the few campers who had been talking quickly hushed. She nodded, inwardly grinning. He loved this, so very much. His experience mentoring had all been leading up to this, where he could catch the kids even younger, stop them so the worst of the mistakes could be headed off at the pass.

And the boys… She did grin now as they all leaned forward, ready to listen. Ready to hang on every word he spoke. They adored him. Worshiped him.

“You’ll be listening to my wife next,” Michael began as he gestured toward where Kat sat. A singularly cocky teen wolf whistled. He gave the crowd a knowing smile. “Yeah, that’s her. You’re about four years too late, kid. I saw her first.”

They all laughed.

“She’s still a kickass tennis player, but now she coaches and travels around the country talking to college and pro teams about social media and keeping your cool online. She’s got a little experience in that area.”

There was silence while they soaked that in. Many may have been too young to even know about the sex tape. That was fine with her.

“But she’s also got some fantastic tips on how to handle things, from Internet trolls to trash-talking opponents and even local media. Listen up boys, because she’s been through the trenches and she’s still here to talk about it. So with that intro, I give you Kat Kelly-Lambert.”

The boys applauded, and a few gave some enthusiastic hoots and whoops. Kat stood, smoothed down her Lambert Camp shirt, and walked toward Michael. Just as he handed her the mic, he gave her a quick pat on the ass and whispered, “Knock ’em dead.”

Kat just shook her head as she faced a group of young men who prayed to one day have careers like her husband had. Thought about the new generation she was currently carrying. Looked back at her husband, who gave her an encouraging nod and wink.

And found the courage to tell her story one more time.

The End

Thank you for reading this latest of the Bobcats series! To receive an e-mail letting you know about my new books, please sign up for the Release Alert HERE.

To read an excerpt from Changing Her Plans (Santa Fe Bobcats 7)

coming December 2016, turn the page!

To purchase the first five books in the Santa Fe Bobcats series, click below:

One Night with a Quarterback (Santa Fe Bobcats 1)

Loving Him Off the Field (Santa Fe Bobcats 2)

Takes Two to Tackle (Santa Fe Bobcats 3)

Romancing the Running Back (Santa Fe Bobcats 4)

Completing the Pass (Santa Fe Bobcats 5)

Changing Her Plans (Santa Fe Bobcats 7)

December 2016

Click here for more information.

Kristen Keplar tapped one hand on the desk, debating whether to leave early. Early in the off months between seasons meant leaving at four instead of five, which she’d been given authorization to do. The entire office staff had. It never set right, if there was something to accomplish, to take off before five. But there was nothing pressing on her desk, so…

Her son Isaac wasn’t home, so nobody was waiting for her to cook dinner. He’d gorge out on movie popcorn and soda and pick at anything she slaved over anyway. Maybe…

Jeanette Murray's books