Challenging the Center (Santa Fe Bobcats #6)

“God, why do we have to be in public?” he asked with a groan, tearing his lips away.

“Who cares?” she asked. “Nobody’s coming in here. Nobody’s even here, apparently.” As she said it, her hands were working their way down his body to find his shorts, the elastic waistband. She slid her hand inside to grip him firmly.

He moaned, then started tugging at her own shorts. He stopped though, before they’d budged an inch. “Condom.”

“Yes, sure.” She kept kissing him, but he wasn’t kissing back. “What?”

“I meant, I don’t have one.”

“I’m clean and protected. I trust you.” She kissed him once more, then realized, as he didn’t kiss her back, maybe that was a stupid thing to say. “I mean, obviously you might not trust me because…”

Because I got sent here for being irresponsible and impulsive. And you’ve known me all of two weeks. Why the hell would you trust me?

It shouldn’t have hurt. She dug her own grave on that one. But there was a sharp bite of pain at the realization that he had no reason to trust her… and trust was a building block of any half-decent relationship.

But then he hoisted her up under her thighs, pressing her back against the wall beside the desk. Letting one leg down, then the other, he quickly pushed down her shorts one leg at a time until they were at her feet. His forehead dropped to hers, and he breathed in deeply. “I trust you.”

Those three words… they might have been the second-most sweet trio of words she could have heard from him. The number one trio would require replacing “trust” with an L word she had never used with a man before.

Whoa, baby. That’s way too fast for that. Impulsiveness is your downfall. Slow down before you scare the poor guy off.

Then he was lifting her again, back pressing against the wall, and entering her slowly. His mouth found her neck, and his thrusts were sharp, intense, his hands cushioning her butt from the wall. When she began to make a sound, he covered her mouth with his.

“Shh,” he breathed. His hips slowed, and she nearly scratched at his back in need for him to speed up again. Then he moved his mouth to her ear and whispered, “Touch yourself. I need to feel you come around me.”

That nearly did it without any movement at all. But she reached between them—not an easy feat to do—and managed to just barely graze her clit with her forefinger.

And detonated in his arms. Silently, which only made the orgasm more intense. She bit back every single sound, then he kissed her and she took his own groans of orgasm inside her.

After thirty seconds of heavy breathing, Michael managed a shaky, “Wow.”

She chuckled, then patted his arm. He understood the signal and let her down easily. She wasn’t quite steady, but he held on so she didn’t fall.

He’d never let her fall.

Chapter 19

Michael followed Kat out of the office, walking along the short hallway back into the lobby. Gary now stood at the desk, clicking away at his computer, and Thomas was on the court with two girls who looked like they were in high school.

“Those two giggly girls again,” Kat said with a sigh.

“Why aren’t they in school?” he wondered out loud. “They can’t be older than sixteen.”

“Homeschooled. Parents don’t want their sweet angels being corrupted.” Gary snorted without looking up from the computer. “You two done doing whatever it is I’m pretending I don’t know about you doing in that office?”

Kat flushed, looked at Michael, then quickly looked away again. “Sorry we ducked out. He… needed ice.”

“Uh-huh.” Gary never looked up from the screen. “Thomas could use some help with those two ninnies on court two. Go help him out for a minute, would you?”

“Sure.” Looking relieved to escape the awkwardness, she glanced at Michael once more, leaned toward him, then apparently thought better of a good-bye kiss, and jogged to the door that led to the courts.

And he longed for that good-bye kiss. An ache just under his breastbone.

“Got a shiner, huh?”

Michael blinked. “Oh, uh, yeah. It’ll color up some. No big deal.”

“Your coaches give you shit, just tell them to call me.”

He smiled at that. It was nice of the old guy to care, but—

“I’ll tell them what a shitty excuse for a tennis player you are, and your concentration is jacked up.”

Ah, there it was. “Thanks, Gary.” He watched through the window for a second as Kat joined Thomas on the court, then took the place of one of the teens on the court to demonstrate some wicked overhead thingy at the net. God, she was a pleasure to watch. Her body in motion was meant for viewing. Muscular, powerful, dynamic… gorgeous.

“Gotta get her head wrapped around doubles. Damn Peter’s been sending her down the wrong path for years.”

Jeanette Murray's books