Challenging the Center (Santa Fe Bobcats #6)


He spread her with his thumbs, and her eyelids dropped down in response to the cool air touching her heated flesh. With one lick, she moaned and her eyes closed the rest of the way. He flicked his tongue inside, swirling and tasting her. Her hips moved, enough that he lost his rhythm and planted his palms on the inside of her thighs to keep her still.

That drew a grunt of annoyance from her but nothing more.

Interesting. Though she wouldn’t have chosen it, she clearly wasn’t pushing back against him taking charge in bed.

He danced around the area he knew she wanted him at most, licking and sucking around her wet center, taking his time until she finally bucked up once, hard. Her patience had worn itself out, and from the way her stomach heaved with her breaths, so had her body. He finally moved up and gave her a few teasing licks to her clit and watched her explode.

Her entire body convulsed, each muscle spasming intensely as her head thrashed on the pillow. Michael had to fight to keep from being thrown off, losing contact. God, she was strong, and that was an insane turn-on. Then her hands fisted in his hair and jerked, a sign he knew to let up, that she couldn’t take any more.

But she didn’t reach for him, just collapsed back onto the bed, breathing heavily.

He stood, shedding his clothes quickly while she seemed all but incapacitated. After rolling a condom on, he crawled back in bed and nuzzled at her breast.



One hand came up to cup the back of his head, cool fingers trailing lightly over his warm neck. It was amazing. He could have stayed there for hours.

“You’ll need to be more awake for the next part. Much as I like this quiet, contained version of Kat, I’m not really into doing sleeping chicks.”

She smacked his ass—hard—for that one. He ground his hips down, pressing his erection into her thigh in response, and she opened her legs wide to accommodate.

“I’ll take that as a sign you want to proceed.” Reaching down, he positioned himself at her entrance, then pressed in an inch.

Her eyes opened, and Michael nearly sucked in a breath at the moment that passed between them. Something hot but more. More enough that he hesitated an instant before continuing on. Something in him needed acknowledgement she felt that something more too.

Then she nodded, craned her neck up to kiss him, and he sank fully into her. It was electrifying, the feel of her clamping around him, her arms on his back, her mouth on his. They combined to create a full body onslaught, and he barely had to move before he felt his own climax reaching up to get him.

“God, Kat… damn it, too close.”

She stopped meeting him in the middle of each thrust. “Foot fungus.”

“What the fuck?” He reared back, staring down at her in horror. “What the hell are you talking about?”

She grinned slyly. “Not thinking about coming now, are you?”

Michael blinked. “You little shit.”

“I know. I’m a genius.”

“You’re a sadist.”

“It was either this or twist your balls a little.”

“Thanks, I guess?”

“You’re welcome.” Her hands slid down his back until she gripped his ass—hard—with both hands and squeezed. “Now, where were we?”

“I believe I was at the point where it felt so good my eyes were going to cross.”

She rolled her lips in as if fighting a smile. “Then by all means…”

He slammed his mouth down on hers, hips pistoning fast, unable to stop. Unable to give up this feeling of her in his arms, of being inside her. Unable to slow himself down from rushing to enjoy it.

And then he came, his breath bursting out in fast huffs, whole body grinding into hers until he collapsed beside her.

The last thing he remembered before drifting off into a light sleep was her hands smoothing over his back and her lips on his forehead.

Chapter 15

“I have to say, I miss your ugly mug on the line.” Michael leaned over the bench press bar and spotted while Stephen pounded out an eight rep. And because he knew his friend couldn’t talk and focus on proper breathing during the set, he added, “Probably just too pussy whipped anymore to handle the offensive line.”

Stephen pushed out eight, let the bar rest back in its racked position, then reached backward lightning fast and punched Michael in the thigh, mere inches from his balls. He nearly saw his own life flash before his eyes as he groaned and draped over the bar.

Jeanette Murray's books