Challenging the Center (Santa Fe Bobcats #6)

Kat met the following morning with the trainer Peter had hooked her up with. And immediately knew he wasn’t the right fit. She spent an hour with him, left feeling like nothing had been accomplished— “Let’s talk about our feelings for a while first.” Ugh—and was ready to light fire to her hair just to get out of there.

“Peter, what are you doing to me?” she muttered as she waited for the Uber to pull up to the apartment’s drop-off area. After a minute’s thought, she changed her mind. “Actually, can you take me somewhere else?” She looked up the address, then gave him the location.

Ten minutes later, she and her driver arrived. He looked up under the windshield at the building, whistling. “You’re going in there?”

“Yup.” She grabbed her bag and hefted it onto her shoulder.

“They know you’re coming?”


“Should I wait?” The added Are they going to kick you out? went unspoken.

“Nah, I’ve got friends there. Hey, you a Bobcats fan?” she asked as she opened her door.

“Yeah, ’course. I live here, don’t I?”

Kat grinned. “Sure. Who’s your favorite player?”

“Trey Owens,” he answered without hesitation.

Safe answer. “What about Michael Lambert?”

“He’s, uh, good,” her driver said, eyes blinking rapidly in a classic liar’s tell. “Really good.”

“You have no clue who he is, do you?” she asked on a laugh. “Don’t feel bad, neither did I before a week ago.” She got out of the car and closed the door, approaching the building with a confidence she didn’t quite feel.

Don’t be a wuss. This is for your career. Do it.

She opened the front doors and sailed in, smiling at Kristen.

“Hey, girl,” Kristen greeted her.

“Hi.” Kat paused and adjusted the bag on her shoulder. “Uh, so the other day, you know I was in here working out with the guys.”

“Oh, I think everyone knows that.” Kristen smirked and sat back in her chair. She wore a ruffled white blouse with a teal skirt and some heels that managed to look both hot and demure at the same time. Her hair had the illusion of being supported by two chopsticks in a messy bun, like it could fall at any moment… but Kat knew it wouldn’t dare disobey the woman who styled it. She was insanely pulled together in a way that might make another woman feel inferior; but then she smiled, and the air around her warmed.

“Right, so, uh…” Spit it out, Kat. “I’d like to get back there and talk to Caleb if I could. The strength and conditioning coach,” she added when Kristen’s brows went up. “Is that… I mean, is he even here?”

“Possibly. The coaching staff usually come in through the entrance by the gym, not the front office, so it’s anyone’s guess.” Kristen folded her arms. “I’m surprised you aren’t here for Michael.”

“No, just coaching advice.” Kat gave her a weak smile. “Do I just go back and look, or…”

“Let me call down.” Kristen picked up the phone, punched in a few buttons, and while she spoke to someone, Kat took the chance to look around the lobby.

She knew from being in there earlier in the week that the main offices of the Bobcats organization were attached to their practice facility. The stadium sat in the heart of Santa Fe, but the practice facility was where the team spent most of their time. A person could easily get lost in the winding tunnels that felt as if you were a mile underground even if you weren’t at all. But where the practice facilities were extremely efficient, though devoid of much décor, the lobby of the main Bobcat offices were luxurious, with blue and gold accents everywhere. Stylized photos of past MVPs and other great players graced the walls, and everything shined.


She jolted, then turned back to face Kristen.

“Caleb is coming down to get you. He’s got some time between small group training since most of the players are watching game footage today.” Kristen smiled warmly. “I’m not sure how much help he’ll be since I doubt he’s ever picked up a racket, but he seemed happy to meet with you. Good luck.”

“Thanks a lot, Kristen. Really.” On impulse, Kat walked over and reached out to hug the other woman. The other woman froze for a second, then hugged back. “Okay, enough after-school special mushiness,” she added, laughing and pulling away.

A door opened behind her, and she heard Caleb’s voice. “Kelly, you ready to move? I’ve got somewhere to be, so you’re coming with me.”

“Coming, Coach!” she called, giving Kristen a quick grin and jogging after the already-departing man.

Chapter 9

“Yeah, but Seattle’s no joke, even on our own home turf. The twelfth man is everyone, somehow.” Stephen Harrison rubbed the back of his neck and grimaced. “Loudest damn fans in the world.”

“You’re telling me,” Michael muttered. “You don’t have to listen for the audible anymore.”

Jeanette Murray's books