Catching Summer (Second Chances, #6)

Discreetly, he leaned closer to my ear. “Then make sure to eat up and get your energy. You’re going to need it tonight.”

My body tingled and I shivered. His hand stopped right between my legs, where he put gentle pressure against my center. It was enough to drive me mad. I squeezed my thighs against his hand and let out a shaky breath. “You’re going to need it, too. Be prepared.”

“I look forward to it.”

Brianna had offered beforehand to be the designated driver, which was smart on her part since she didn’t want Derek to know she was pregnant just yet. Hopefully, she wouldn’t put off telling him. The food was amazing, but it wasn’t as good as my restaurant’s. I was beginning to believe that no place was going to be as fabulous as mine. There was nothing wrong with being biased.

Once everyone was done eating, we paid our bills and started for the door. Evan winked at me and I could tell he was feeling much better. That moment lasted for only a second, though, before we were outside in the parking lot, and definitely not alone. Standing by our SUV were three guys, all built like football players and ready for trouble. Evan stiffened and so did the others.

“Get behind me now,” Evan ordered.

My heart thundered out of control, but I did as he said, and Brianna joined me. “Who are they?” I asked quietly.

“The guy in the middle is number fifty-two. His name is Levi Milner.” Eyes wide, I looked at the tall dark-headed figure with the evil leer on his face. This wasn’t going to be good.

“Having a good night?” Levi asked.

Evan scoffed. “What do you want, Milner?”

Levi and his two goons approached. “Just seeing if you guys wanted to celebrate your win tonight.”

Clenching his fists, Evan was about to attack, but I grabbed his hand and squeezed. He took a deep breath and looked down at our clasped hands before turning his glare back to Levi. “I think we’ll pass. As much as I’d enjoy kicking your ass, I know that’s what you were hoping for. I’m not a fool, Milner. So back the fuck up.”

If Evan were to retaliate, he could easily lose his football career. I just prayed he had the patience to get us out of there. Levi wasn’t backing down, so I stepped in between them, placing a hand on both of their chests. Evan tensed, and so did Derek and Cooper. Smiling, I turned my attention to the opposing players. “Come on, boys, where’s your manners? Surely you have more important things to be doing tonight, right? I’m pretty sure I saw some hot-looking chicks inside.”

Levi grinned widely. “I see one out here. How about you come with me, and I’ll forget everything?”

My smile faded. “There might be a slight problem with that. I tend to get a little kick-happy in the presence of douchebags. I’d hate for you to choke on your balls, but by all means, keep taunting me.”

Levi smirked and nodded for his friends to walk on. When they left, Brianna unlocked the car and Derek helped her inside. Cooper and Gavin both got in, leaving Evan and me with Levi. “I’d keep her close,” he warned, winking at me. “You never know when someone might try to steal her away from you.”

Evan growled and pulled me behind him. “Is that a threat?”

Shaking his head, Levi sidestepped us and walked toward the restaurant. “Just a fact. I’d be careful out there, though. You never know when something will happen.”

He chuckled and strutted the rest of the way to the restaurant, disappearing inside. I pulled on Evan’s arm, but his glare never strayed from the door. “Evan, let’s go. Forget what he said.”

“Easier said than done.”

Thankfully, Cooper got out of the car and helped me push him inside. “Snap out of it, Townsend. It’s not worth it. He’s just talking shit.”

Once in the car, I sat down beside him and put my hand on his leg. “Let’s get out of here, Brianna.” She started up the car and got us away from there as fast as she could. I wasn’t going to lie; Levi’s words did scare me, but I wasn’t going to let Evan know that. We all rode to the hotel in silence, everyone afraid of Evan snapping if they said anything. When we arrived and got out of the car, he took my hand and led us to our room, not giving me a chance to say goodbye to everyone else.

Inside, he sat down at the bar and put his head in his hands. I didn’t know what to say to him, so I went out to our private patio and lay down on the giant hammock. If he needed time to cool off, I’d give it to him. The breeze was strong enough to move the hammock, so I closed my eyes and let it rock me. I wanted to believe that the football world was different from the MMA one, but it wasn’t. They were both violent and full of horrible people. There was always someone trying to deceive another to get ahead in the sport. Nothing but corruption.

“Do you mind if I join you?” Evan asked.

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