Catching Summer (Second Chances, #6)

“Oh my God, you did that to him?” I asked, eyes wide. Almost all of Jaxon’s face was black and blue; he looked horrible. “What is your coach going to say about that?”

“Don’t know, don’t care. If Jaxon says it was me, I’m going to make sure he regrets it. But I highly doubt he’ll do that because I can have him thrown off the team for what he did.”

“The same goes for Lindsey if I’d just turned her in. I guess I’m just a nice person,” I mumbled.

“And that’s what I respect about you. Not many people are like that.”

“You are,” I said. “If you weren’t, you’d have turned Jaxon in. It looks like we have something in common.”

Letting my hands go, he picked up his bag and threw it over his shoulder. “I’m pretty sure we have a lot more in common than just that. I’ll show you soon. That is, if you want me to.”

I winked up at him, playing it cool even though my whole body trembled in anticipation. “I’ll think about it and let you know.”

Opening the door, he ushered me inside, smiling mischievously at me as if he knew something I didn’t. Instead of going down the hallway toward the locker room, we went the opposite way toward the meeting room. “Lara said you had some good news to share. She thought maybe you’d want to be the one to tell me.”

“Yes,” I squealed excitedly. “I wanted to call and tell you yesterday, but the day sort of slipped by me. The restaurant is going to be featured in Southern Trends as one of the best restaurants in North Carolina. Do you know what this means?”

“That you’ll need to hire more staff since the restaurant’s going to be busy as shit,” he commented with a smile.

I laughed and elbowed him in the side. “That, too, but it’ll give the tavern the publicity it needs. For so long, I was afraid it would tank and we’d go bankrupt. It’s taken off the past year and now it’ll only get better. All I wanted was to make Austin’s dream come true and it has. It’s an amazing feeling.”

“Well, Austin was a very lucky man. Lara told me you went to visit him yesterday. I’m sure he’s proud of what you and his brother have accomplished.”

“Thanks,” I said softly, smiling up at him. “I didn’t know what you would think of me visiting his grave.”

“Did you think it would make me mad?” He waited for an answer, and all I could do was shrug in reply. In all honesty, I thought it would make him uncomfortable. Taking my hand, he turned us down a vacant hallway and backed me into a corner. It was dark and quiet, except for the pounding in my ears. He gently pushed me against the wall and blocked me in with his arms. “You loved your husband, Summer. I’m pretty sure you still do. Visiting his grave doesn’t bother me. I want you to be able to talk to me about these things.”

I nodded quickly and felt the burn behind my eyes. “I’m trying, Evan. It’s so hard to let go.”

His hands gently slid up my arms until he cupped my cheeks and tilted my head back. He bent down and breathed me in, his body so close to mine. My skin broke out in chills as the stubble on his cheeks rubbed across my neck. “You don’t need to let him go. I would never ask that of you. All I want is for you to find room for me. I just hope you don’t wait for me to pass out again before telling me how you really feel.”

Gasping, I pushed on his chest so I could see his face. “What are you talking about?”

Chuckling, he trailed his fingers down my cheek. “I wasn’t asleep when you kissed me the other night. I heard every word you said and felt every touch. Is what you said true? That I am what you want?”

“I can’t believe you were awake,” I hissed low. “I wasn’t ready for you to actually hear that.”

His gray eyes bore into mine. “Well, I did. And now I want to kiss you knowing that nothing is going to hold us back.” His thumb brushed across my lips as he stared down at my mouth. “Say yes, sunshine.”

Leaning closer, he stopped with his lips only a breath away. His fingers caressed my skin and I closed my eyes, moaning as his warmth seeped into my body. He was so close, but I wanted him closer.

“Yes,” I breathed, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Nothing will hold us back.” His hands, his lips, and his scent engulfed me. I opened up to him and let him kiss me, long and deep, but most of all it was full of need. He needed me and I needed him. There was no turning back.

Chapter 12


After our first-aid class, Evan walked me out to my car before having to go out on the field with the guys. It was strange how everything came back to me from nursing school. I hadn’t used any of my medical knowledge in so long I was afraid I’d lost it. It turned out that I still had my nursing skills.

My day was cut short since I wanted to make sure the restaurant was in top shape before the journalist came to interview us and take pictures. I was happy with the way it looked, but I wanted it to be perfect for Austin’s sake.

Putting his hands on my waist, Evan guided me back toward the car and leaned against me. “What are you doing this weekend?”

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