Can't Hardly Breathe (The Original Heartbreakers #4)

“I love you. I love you so much it’s a sickness inside me. No, no, that’s not true. It’s the only thing that’s healing me from the sickness I’ve carried for far too long.”

She swallowed the lump growing in her throat and looked around. Her mom and sister were grinning. Ryanne and Lyndie were crying. This was actually happening?

“You deserved an apology before. After the storm,” he continued. “I didn’t give it to you then. I gave you one yesterday, but for all the wrong reasons. I was sorry you’d left me. Sorry I missed you so much. Sorry I couldn’t function without you. The truth is, I’m sorry I allowed fear to lead me. I’m so sorry, love. I fought my feelings for you when I should have fought to keep you.”

She had to swallow again.

“If you want to chase storms, I’ll be your driver. If you don’t want me to be your driver, I’ll have a hot meal waiting for you at home. If you want to move to the city, I’ll move with you. There are no conditions to my love. I will love you even if you hate me. I will love you forever. If you decide to take a chance on me—and I’m begging you to take a chance—we can adopt as many kids as we want. I’m on board for a big family.”

Her hand fluttered to her throat, where emotion continued to coagulate. Resist him. She had to resist him. “The future will never be assured. What happens when your fears come back?”

“I’m sure they will, but we will fight them. Together. And we will win. You will always and forever be my prize. My life isn’t right without you.”

Dang him! He was telling her everything she’d ever wanted to hear.


“I love you, Dorothea Valentina Mathis, and I want you now and always. I want to marry you and spend the rest of my life proving just how much you mean to me. I’m not worthy of you,” he said. “I know this, but I’m going to do everything in my power to change that. I’m going to fight for you, every day, in every way.”

“Say yes,” someone shouted. Another voice she recognized. The crowd was still gathered around them, though Dorothea had somehow been oblivious; they parted, revealing a smiling Virgil.

In that moment, the misery Dorothea had been stroking like a lover finally just evaporated. She couldn’t have it and have Daniel, and she would much rather have Daniel. She’d accused him of clinging to his fears, but hadn’t she done the same?

“Wait just a sec, sis. Don’t you dare say yes to this man.” Holly strode to her side and faced Daniel with all her customary sass on display. “Not until he promises a few things.”

Tenderness welled inside her. “Right,” she said, doing her best to appear stern. “You want me, Daniel Porter, you’re going to have to negotiate with me.”

Hope gave way to undiluted joy, dancing in his eye and lighting his entire face. For several seconds, he clearly tried his best to tame his expression, but he failed. “You’re right. We need to negotiate. So here are my terms. You’ll hand some of the inn’s responsibilities to me. Let’s face it, love, I’ve got better people skills and—”

“What! You do not have better skills!”

He snickered at her. “Thing is, I like the work. I feel like I’ve finally found my place. And I’ve already spoken with Jude and Brock about taking a behind-the-scenes role at LPH. I can work from the inn and take care of customer service for both of us. As for you, love. You will compliment me at least once a day. A woman isn’t the only one who needs praise, you know. And I insist, I absolutely insist you take my last name when we get married. I don’t care how much you protest, there will be no hyphens for you.”

“I never—”

“Also, we’ll take equal responsibility for Adonis and Echo. They’re part of our family.”

The first of their children, she thought, that well of tenderness expanding.

He looked to Brock and Jude. “Am I forgetting anything?”

His friends stepped from the crowd. They’d been here all along? Her skills of observation amazed her. But in her defense, she’d been pretty wrapped up in Daniel.

“Yes,” Brock said. “You’re forgetting about the sex.”

“Sex. Right.” Daniel nodded. “Three times a day is the bare minimum for us. And the lights will be on.”

“Sweet fancy Moses.” Her mother fanned her face.

Lyndie and Ryanne gave her a thumbs-up.

Holly sighed. “He’s offering you a gold-star mediocre deal you probably shouldn’t pass up.”

Excitement shivered through Dorothea as she focused on the man she loved. “I’ve heard your terms, Daniel, but before I can even consider giving us a chance,” she couldn’t help but tease him, “you’ll hear mine. You’ll finish the theme room. In fact, you’ll finish all the theme rooms. On top of guest satisfaction at the inn, you’ll be responsible for helping me clean the rooms until we’re flush enough to hire someone else...and you’ll do it shirtless. In fact, go ahead and throw out all your shirts. Oh, and you’ll cheer me on as I finish school online and continue to grow my website.”

“Yes, absolutely yes,” Daniel rushed to say. “I agree to everything.”

Whoa. Hold up. “You’re not going to try to change my terms?”

His expression turned deadly serious as he said, “This is too important. If you want it, you get it—as long as I get you.”

Her insides turned molten, and she just about died of happiness right then and there.

“The inn is my home,” he added, “and I’m willing to beg for the privilege of working there. Plus, you’ll be paying me in kisses, so I’ll be the richest man in town.”

Every time he spoke, she melted a little more. “Daniel—”

“I will fight for you, Thea. Always.”

He was fighting for her, she realized. He was willing to give up anything and everything to be with her.

Her resistance had never stood a chance.

With a sob, she threw herself in his arms. He stumbled back, but if the contact pained him, he didn’t show it, holding on to her tightly.

“I love you,” she told him. “I love you so much.”

He pulled back to frame her face in his hands. Tears were welled in his eyes. “You love me?”

“I do. I really do.”

A radiant smile glowed down at her. “I would spin you around, but I’m pretty sure I’ve already torn open most of my stitches.”

“Daniel! We need to get you back to the hospital.”

“No,” he said. “I’m right where I want to be.”

“A wedding,” Carol called. “There’s going to be a wedding! A big one!”

Dorothea pressed her forehead against Daniel’s chest and moaned. “Momma—”

“She’s right,” Daniel said. “I want to marry you, and I want a big wedding. The whole town will witness my pledge to love you forever. We’ll even invite Jazz. I want him to realize you’re mine, and I’m never letting you go.”

Embarrassment gave way to pleasure. “All right. Yes. I’ll marry you.”

“I’ll plan everything.” Carol clapped her hands. “It will be absolutely perfect!”

“That’s right. It will be perfect,” Holly piped up, “because I’ll spend my time stopping Mom.”