Calamity (Reckoners, #3)

“Talk normal-person, Knees,” Megan said. “Dead Drop?”

“An Epic who used to live in the city. He could make copies of himself—kind of like Mitosis, but Dead Drop could make only a few at a time. Three, I think? The copies each retained his other powers though. And, well, you know how Larcener is….”

The other two looked at me blankly.

“He’s an assumer….Don’t you know what one does?”

“Sure,” Cody said over the line. “Makes an ass out of you and Mer. Hate that guy.”

I sighed. “You people know very little, for being a specialized team trained to hunt Epics.”

“Maintaining lists of Epics and their powers was Tia’s job,” Abraham said. “Now yours. And we haven’t had our briefing.”

After a few days in the city, spent investigating who was here and who wasn’t, I had planned to sit them down and explain all the Epics they needed to watch for. I probably should have prepped them for Larcener early. We’d been too focused on Prof.

“An assumer,” I said, “is the opposite of a gifter. Larcener steals powers from other Epics—it’s his one natural ability, but he’s very powerful. Most assumers only ‘rent’ the powers, so to speak. Larcener can take another Epic’s abilities permanently, and he can keep as many as he wants. He’s got an entire collection of them. If Prof found a clone, it means Larcener grabbed Dead Drop’s powers—an Epic who could create a decoy of himself, imbue it with his consciousness and powers, then retreat to his real body if the decoy was threatened.”

I took my gun back from Megan and studied the decoy. It was decomposing quickly now that it had been killed, the skin melting off the bones like a marshmallow slipping off its roasting stick. Undoubtedly this was how Prof had recognized that he didn’t have the real Larcener.

“Larcener makes other Epics very uncomfortable,” I explained. “They don’t like the idea that someone might be able to take their abilities. Fortunately for them, he’s not very ambitious, and has always been content to stay in Ildithia. The Coven relied on him—or the idea of him—to keep other Epics from moving in on their territory….”

Megan and Abraham were rolling their eyes at me now.

“What?” I demanded.

“You look like you just found an old hard drive,” Megan said, “full of lost songs by your favorite pre-Calamity band.”

“This stuff is cool,” I grumbled, inspecting Prof. He seemed thoroughly displeased by what he’d discovered in that hole. Now he was contemplating the market, which I could see from out here was packed like Mizzy had said.

“I don’t like that look on his face,” Abraham said.

“Guys,” Mizzy said, “I think I’m by a wall to the outside. I can see sunlight through it if I squint. Maybe we can get me out that way.”

Abraham looked at Megan. “Can you make a portal into another dimension, where the wall isn’t there?”

Megan looked skeptical. “I don’t know. Most of what I can do is ephemeral, unless I’ve recently reincarnated. I can trap someone in another world for a time, so long as it’s very similar to our own—or pull that world into ours. But they’re only shadows, and sometimes things seem to reset after the shadow fades.”

Prof was on the move, striding toward the marketplace. He snapped his fingers, and Dynamo hurried over to him. A moment later when Prof spoke, his voice boomed through the area, as loud as if enhanced by a speaker.

“I am going to destroy this building,” Prof said, pointing at the market. “And all of those nearby.”

Ah, right, a part of me thought. Dynamo. He has sound manipulation.

The rest of me was horrified.

“Everyone who wishes to live,” Prof continued, “must come out here to the square. Those who run will die. Those who remain will die. You have five minutes.”

“Oh, hell,” Cody said over the line. “You want me to pop him? Make a distraction?”

“No,” I said. “He’d come for you, and we’d trade one problem for another.” I looked at Megan.

She nodded. If she created a distraction and Prof came for her, she’d reincarnate. Sparks. I hated thinking of her ability to die as some kind of disposable resource.

Hopefully we wouldn’t need that.

“Abraham, fall back and support Cody,” I said. “If something goes wrong, you two continue with the plan to make a safehouse in the city. Be sure he doesn’t spot you.”

“Roger,” Abraham said. “And you two?”

“We’re going to get to Mizzy,” I said. “Megan, can you conjure up some temporary faces for us?”