Buy Me: The Complete Series (Mistress Auctions #1-3)

“Don’t hurt her.”

My first reaction is to tell them to fuck off, but I understand she’s like family to them, so I try to make it as polite as possible.

“I would never hurt her. Ever.”

Aaron lets go of my arm, and I walk toward the door. When I reach the security guard, he scans my pass and talks into his headset, triple checking that I’m clear for entry.

“Your mistress is in room fifteen, sir.”

Once past the guard, I walk down a long hall lined with bright red doors. At the end of the hall is room fifteen. I open it and step inside.

The room is basic, with blues and creams covering everything. I think it’s meant to soothe anxiety, but that seems to be impossible for me at this moment. A hidden door on the far wall opens silently, and out walks my angel. Immediately I see the room’s color palate has done nothing to soothe her mood as she walks toward me. ‘Walk’ might not be the right word. She stomps across the room, clearly in a fit of rage.

“You!” She points at me accusingly, and then pokes my chest. She’s taken off her wings, and a white robe covers her. I feel somewhat at ease now that she’s no longer naked for everyone to see.

“Thank you for your generous bid, Mr. Townsend.” It’s then I notice Samantha behind Mandy, contracts in hand. “If we can just settle this last bit of paperwork, you will both be free to leave the property.”

She pauses, giving Mandy a hard look, and I see something pass between the two of them. Mandy shakes her head and Samantha nods, looking back at me.

“Very well, Mr. Townsend. Your signature please.”

I take her pen and sign the wire transfer agreements.

“As discussed, half of the money will be wired to Mandy now, and the remainder of the funds will deposit at the time the contract expires.”

Once I finish signing all the pages, I turn to look at Mandy. I haven’t spoken a word since I entered this room, and I feel like if I do so now, I might spit fire. Instead, I hold out my and wait for her to take it.

She looks at it, and then looks back at Samantha. After a moment, Samantha hands her a small suitcase. Mandy nods, taking it from her. She then turns to me and shakily reaches out her hand, placing it in mine.

I lead her from the room and down the hall. I keep ahold of her hand as I tuck her behind me, shielding her from view. I would carry her out of here, but these men have seen enough of her ass tonight.

Once we are at the side of the building, I see my driver waiting and holding the car door open. I help her inside the back seat, and then go in after her, slamming the door shut behind me.

The car has barely moved an inch before she turns and starts to accuse me. “You set me up.”

“I did.”

She stops, taking a breath, somewhat shocked that I admitted to it.

“You’re not even sorry, are you?”


“You don’t care that I don’t want you?”


I do care that she doesn’t want me, but I’m not about to admit that. I’ll do whatever it takes to make her want me.

She looks at me like she’s making up her mind about something, and then gives me the fake smile she reserves for problem guests at the casino. I've seen it on many occasions.

“Fine. You bought me. I guess you can have me.”

She gets off the bench seat beside me and kneels in front of me. I’m so shocked by her move, I don’t try to stop her. When her hands go to my waist, I grab her wrists with both hands. I don’t say anything. I just hold them there, feeling her steady pulse.

After a moment, she looks up at me through her lashes.

She’s kneeling in front of me in the exact position I’ve always envisioned her in. I let the power I feel flow from my hands to her delicate flesh. After a moment, I feel her pulse start to pick up, and I see her pupils slowly dilate. She’s showing me what I always knew was inside of her—a submissive.

Leaning in close, I see her eyes lower to the floor. I let go of one of her wrists, moving it to my other hand. I move my finger under her chin and tilt her head until she makes eye contact with me.

“I’ll have you the way I want you, when I want you. I paid for it and you’ll give it to me.”

She looks to the left, trying to break eye contact and break my control, but I squeeze her chin a little until we lock eyes again.

“Eyes always on me, kitten. Always.”

After a moment she nods her head, but that’s not enough.

“Say it.”

“Yes, Mr. Townsend.”

I’m irritates me that she didn’t call me Charles, or Sir, but I let it go. I won’t force her to say something she doesn’t want to. Titles are earned, but from all my hours with her, I’ve seen the need. She has the outer discipline and strength that makes the perfect inner submissive. She will fight to the end before she admits it, even to herself, but it’s there.

“Now take a seat beside me. Sit with your legs open until we get home.”