Buy Me: The Complete Series (Mistress Auctions #1-3)

I look up at her and see the after-sex glow on her face and a smile on her lips. It’s all I’ve ever wanted. To make her happy.

“Now we can go to dinner.” I lean in, kissing her lips as I pull out and put her panties back in place. “I’ll let you leave those on and think of what I’m going to do to you tonight when I’ve got all the time in the world.”

I watch Georgia blush as I help her off the dresser and she straightens her dress.

“Whatever you say, Daddy Warbucks. As long as you’re buying me a steak, you can butter my biscuit any way you like it.”

I laugh as she struts out of the room, her legs a little wobbly after our quick, dirty fun. God, I love when she speaks southern.

I walk up beside her, take her hand, and lead her out of the house to the waiting car. When we get in the back, I make her sit in my lap so I can kiss her neck and rub her belly during the journey.

I may have found the love of my life later than I could have imagined, but I’m not one to take such a precious gift for granted. I plan on making the most of the card-counting southern peach that busted into my casino and took the house. Not a day goes by that I’m not reminded how lucky I am, and with our newest chapter about to start, I know it’s filled with infinite happiness.

The surprise short story of Samantha and Leo.

Find out if they get their Happily Ever After…


They do.

Chapter 1


Her blonde hair is sprawled across her pillow in a wild mess, completely un-Samantha like. Most never see her with a hair out of place, and I’m giving her that look every night. I can still see the traces of last night’s love-making coating her thighs.

When she arrived last night, I could tell something was off. My Samantha always worked so hard to keep people at arm’s length, only giving them what she wanted to give. But I’d been working harder for the last year to break down those walls one by one. Last night it seemed like she had rebuilt a few when she arrived home. Though she’d never call it “home” out loud, but that’s what it is.

Her condo in the heart of Vegas sits empty now for days on end. If she wasn’t here, I’d show up there, and she knew I hated being in the city when I didn’t have to. I like living on the outskirts. The quiet is more to my liking, and Samantha knows it.

That’s how I first knew I’d really won a part of her. She comes out here every night knowing I’d drag my ass to the city if she didn’t. I’d do it for her, though. I enjoyed having her out here all to myself. A gate surrounding my home, no one to knock on the door and bother us, no assistants showing up at ungodly hours.

I think she likes the quiet out here, too. She just doesn’t say it. It’s why she hasn’t told any of the people she employs where it’s located. She doesn’t want to be tracked down either.

Sitting on the side of the bed, I brush some of the hair out of her face. Her make-up from the day before is still on, just a little smudged except for her lipstick, which I’d rubbed off rather quickly. I get off on making her pass out without her performing her normal nightly routine. She’s always so ordered and precise with everything, and I love that I can make her break that routine. That I can take her so many times. Rock her body with orgasm after orgasm until she passes out.

I still can’t believe I only met her a year ago, though I’d heard about her for years. Most of the powerful men in Vegas know who she is. It wasn’t until last year that I met her at an event. A man I’d been working a deal with at the time was the reason for my being there. Every now and then I was forced to do a little elbow rubbing. He’d seen me following her around with my eyes as she worked the room.

She was magnificent. Something inside me that I didn’t even know was there came alive. I’d lived a dull life. Father, a Sheriff. Mother, a Sunday school teacher. I did everything I was supposed to. Went to college and graduated while I worked the whole time in construction, saving every penny I had. I took the only two things I knew, business and construction, and mixed them. And that’s all I ever really did. Worked, slept, and ate. I didn’t crave much other than that. Until I saw her. I didn’t want dull anymore. I wanted her. I liked the things she made me feel.