Brutal Game (Flynn and Laurel #2)

He didn’t reply except to suck a long, guttural breath and bury his face against her throat.

Come back to me. She wanted all of him, but she’d take his sexual side only, if that was what was on offer. She’d take whatever iteration of her lover this was, let this sex be his solace or distraction, or her punishment.

Whatever he needed. Whoever he needed to be.


“What were you after, before?” Flynn asked, hands still guiding her hips, mouth at her throat. “Before I stopped you.”


“What were you gonna do, once you got me out?”

Laurel swallowed. “Suck your cock.”

A curt moan answered her and his hands gripped tighter, nearly too much. A breath before she could ask him to be gentler, he let her go. “On your knees.”

I know that voice. She made her way to the cold floor once more. That voice belonged to a man she’d met last summer, a stranger named Flynn who’d invited her to this very apartment and showed her all the frightening things he liked in bed. A man who’d professed not to spoon and not to call women after he’d messed around with them. In time he’d proven himself a liar on both counts, but the man with her tonight… This could’ve been their first time together, for how familiar he felt just now.

He sat on the couch. Laurel knew better than to stroke his thighs or go for his fly as she had earlier—not without say-so. This Flynn was in charge, and she’d do only what he asked. What he commanded.

“Show me what you were gonna do, girl.”

She dipped her chin in a tiny nod. She reached for his belt, unthreading it slowly, her body buzzing, hands nearly shaking. She felt as nervous as she had their first night alone together, but just as excited. Wet, too. Ready for whatever he demanded of her.

She spread the thick leather of his belt and opened the button of his fly, then the zipper. Merino wool teased her knuckles, the sweater she’d chosen for a man she’d known so well, worn now by this thrilling and unnerving stranger. It was so soft, the body beneath it merciless and hard. She let the feelings move through her like a song hummed out of tune. Any fear she felt was welcome, a dark new shadow in a forest she tread in fearlessly.

“Take me out. Get me hard.”

She knew those words as a penitent woman might know a Bible verse. She tugged his jeans low and he shifted, pushing them to his hips. The second half of his order proved moot; his erection looked obscene even through black cotton, and again Laurel felt that prickle in her mouth, thirst spiking. She stroked him with the heel of her hand, but he wanted more. He pushed his waistband down, exposing every ready inch. The breath left her in a huff.

“That what you wanted to see?”

She nodded, meeting his eyes. “Yes.”

“Stroke it.”

She wrapped her hand around that fevered flesh. His pulse throbbed in her grip, impatient. Insistent. She kept it slow, kept it tight, measuring him with her fist. His scent was so strong now. She’d find his excitement gleaming at his slit before long, evidence of his need so like the wetness already slicking her lips.

“You like that?”


“Tell me.”

“I love your cock.” I love you, exactly like this. It was like loving a stranger—impulsive and thrilling.

“Show me how much you love it.”

She gripped his root and lowered her mouth. He tasted as he smelled, potent and personal. She swallowed him halfway—as much as she could without gagging. Then again, again, stroking the underside with her tongue, letting his head nearly slip from her lips only to claim him again, a little deeper, a little deeper still.


I know what you want. What every man wanted, it often felt, but only this one had ever managed to make sexy, as far as Laurel was concerned. Words from three seasons back echoed in her ears—spoken to another woman but meant for her. Of that she had no doubt.

Good girl. I wanna see you choke on that cock.

She gave what he asked. Slid her lips past the point of comfort and his crown bumped her palate, triggering that first reflexive gag. She felt the spasm but not the sting in her sinuses, not the roiling in her stomach. She knew this act too well.

Cara McKenna's books