Brooklyn & Beale

Reid gathered his toiletries and clothes strewn around the tiny room and tried to shut out the chatter coming from the front of the bus. An unwelcome feeling of anxiety bloomed in his chest. The room felt smaller than before, the air stifling. Greer’s loud, obnoxious laugh followed by Chloe’s giggles caused his jaw to flex and his teeth to grind. He didn’t need to guess what the growing feeling trickling under his skin was; he already knew. It was an emotion he had no right to feel, but it gnawed at him nonetheless.

The ringing of his phone pulled him from his darkening thoughts as the bus crawled to a stop and the rumble of the engine faded. He looked at the screen, his stomach dropping when Jess’s name flashed across the screen again. His gaze darted from the phone to the door, indecision making his pulse quicken. When Chloe laughed again, he blinked once before shoving his phone into the pocket of his jeans and opening the door.

By the door, everyone waited their turn to file out of the bus. Tom moved to Reid’s side and cleared his throat. “I need to tell you something.”

Reid shook his head and moved forward. “Can we talk later? I’m starving, and I promised Chloe a cupcake.”

Tom gripped the back of his neck. “Yeah, about that—”

“Reid,” Chloe yelled, only her head visible as she spoke from outside the bus. “Inky is going to take care of my bags. Give yours to Tom and let’s go get my birthday cupcakes.” The wide smile and excitement dancing in her eyes caused Reid’s throat to bob when he swallowed.

“I’ll be right there.” He smiled and offered his bag to Tom with a sheepish smile. “Do you mind? We can talk when I get back.”

A look of concern crossed Tom’s face before it was replaced with what Reid could have sworn was pity. “I’ll take care of it. You guys go have fun. Take your time.”

Reid hesitated for only a moment before disappearing into the warm June air. The sun glinted off water puddles trapped in the dips of the cobblestone road, the air fresh from the recent rain.

“Wow,” Chloe whispered, her voice laced with awe. “This is beautiful.”

“It is,” Reid echoed, tearing his eyes away from Chloe to see what had captured her attention. Clearing his throat, he looked around, noticing the curious glances from passersby. “Come on, let’s go find those cupcakes.”

Side by side, Chloe and Reid strolled down the streets of Paris. The smell of fresh baked bread and sweet confections hung thick in the air. People bustled along the sidewalks, only sparing the briefest of glances at what they assumed was a beautiful couple covered in colorful tattoos. Reid knew how they appeared. Smiling and laughing, their hands moving animatedly in the air as they discussed music and food and cultures. His chest tightened and something akin to pride swelled inside him. It was a new and exciting feeling, almost manic.

“I want one of everything,” Chloe sighed as she peered through the glass case protecting the rows of delectable cupcakes.

Reid chuckled. “And exactly where do you plan on putting them? There are more than twenty cupcakes. After two, you’d be stuffed.”

“Don’t underestimate the side pocket.”

“The what?”

Chloe laughed. “It’s something Josie and I used to joke about as kids. We’d eat until we felt sick, but there was always room for sweets. We called it our side pocket. She tried to tell Anders about it once, and he asked her if she had compartments like a cow. I’m telling you this now so you don’t make the same mistake.” She glared at him playfully. Reid’s eyes widened and his lips parted when he processed her words.

“He didn’t.”

“He did.”

“Poor bastard,” Reid laughed. “I bet that didn’t work out how he’d planned.”

Chloe shook her head but didn’t say anything more. Understanding that the conversation was over, Reid turned his attention back to the cupcakes. “I’ll make you a deal.”


“You pick out one for now, one to have at midnight when it’s your birthday, and one for after the show tomorrow night.”

“I can totally do that.”

Reid narrowed his eyes. Her expression was too innocent. Too agreeable. “However,” he added. “I’m keeping them with me. You’ll get them just as planned, but they will come from me.”

“What?” she nearly shouted. “That’s so not fair.”

“I knew you were up to something,” he teased. “I’m putting you on cupcake rations.”

Chloe rolled her eyes. Reid was impressed with her restraint from stomping her foot. After choosing her three cupcakes, Reid ordered the same for himself and the pair resumed their leisurely pace back to the hotel.

“Thanks for the cupcakes,” Chloe said as she took another bite.

“You’re welcome.” Reid looked at her, a smile stretching across his face when he noticed icing smeared on her lips. Without thinking, he gently wiped the creamy, sweet topping from the corner of her mouth. Chloe’s lips parted and her eyes widened when he sucked the icing from his thumb.

“You ate my icing.”

Reid’s expression was unapologetic. “I did.”

“But it was mine.”

Olivia Evans's books