Brooklyn & Beale

Chloe leaned into Madison. “‘Ivy’?”

Madison grinned. “That’s what he calls her. Because of the ivy tattoo on her hip. Of course, the story is much more interesting than that, but we’ll save it for another time.”

Anders laughed when Josie groaned and shifted toward Chloe. “Anders, this is Chloe. Chloe, this is Anders. Anders, be polite and say hello.”

“She acts as though I have no social skills. I can be nice when I feel it’s necessary. It’s not my fault that 99% of the time I feel it’s completely unnecessary. In your case, however, I’ll make an exception. Chloe, it’s nice to meet you.”

Madison’s and Josie’s mouths fell open in shock as they looked at one another, wide-eyed. Holden chuckled and Chloe sat in shock. When she remained silent, Anders spoke. “This is usually the part where you say it’s nice to meet me as well. Is something wrong with her?” he asked, looking toward Josie.

“No. God. Sorry, this entire situation is a bit overwhelming. It’s nice to meet you, too.” Chloe gave Anders a nervous smile and grabbed the glass of water in front of her, taking a large gulp before placing it back on the table.

“Don’t worry about it. I get that a lot.” Anders smirked.

“What is happening right now?” Madison stuttered. “Why are you being nice to her?” Madison turned to Chloe with an apologetic expression. “Not that I want him to be mean to you, it’s just, well, he’s kind of a prick. His contact name in Josie’s phone is ‘Asshole,’ for Christ’s sake!” Madison turned back to Anders, who watched her with what looked like a part amused, part annoyed expression. “Were you abducted by aliens? Are you on drugs?”

“I know I should defend you right now,” Josie added. “But the last time I introduced you to someone, you told them to empty their pockets to make sure they weren’t trying to record our conversation.”

Anders bristled. “That guy was shady as fuck, Ivy. I don’t care that you went to school with him. He looked like he was one step away from a tinfoil hat.”

“Are you talking about Ryan?” Holden asked. “Because I have to agree with Anders on this one.”

“That’s it. We’re all doomed. The apocalypse is here.” Madison threw her hands up in dramatic fashion as she looked helplessly between Holden, Anders, and Josie.

“He’s the guy that does that weird brow thing, right?” Chloe asked, her voice hesitant and timid.

Anders slammed his hand on the table as Holden laughed.

“I knew it wasn’t just me,” Anders touted. “It’s like he’s having brow spasms or some shit. Creepy as fuck, if you ask me.”

“Chloe, please don’t encourage Anders . . . or Holden, apparently, since they’ve decided to become besties.” Madison shuddered and twisted her face into a frown.

Josie cut her eyes to Madison and Chloe and grinned. “Had I known weird eyebrow movements would have caused these two to play nice, I would have brought Ryan up months ago.”

Anders sighed. “You two are absurd.”

A waitress appeared at the end of the booth, a nervous smile on her face. “Hi, guys. Can I get you all something to drink?”

“I know I’m going to regret this, but how about those tequila shots, Josie?” Everyone turned their attention to Chloe, their expressions ranging from excitement to dread.

Josie grinned. “Excellent idea.”

“That is the opposite of an excellent idea. If you made a list of every idea you’ve ever had, this would rank right at the bottom with the other times you’ve suggested tequila.” Anders’s deadpan expression matched the tone of his voice.

Josie leaned into him and whispered in his ear. A slow, devious looking smirk pulled at the side of his mouth. “You’re going to be in so much trouble.”

“So shots it is?” The waitress shuffled her feet and looked around the table. Chloe understood her discomfort. Anders and Josie were practically obscene and they were only talking.

“Shots it is.” Madison grinned and turned to Chloe. “Now, tell us all about Reid.”

“Or,” Anders cut in, “you could tell us stories about you and Josie growing up.”

Josie laughed. “Now I get it. You’re playing nice because you think Chloe is going to dish dirt on me.” She patted his cheek. “When will you ever learn?”

Anders smirked. “If she’s anything like you and Maddie, I won’t need to ask her anything. I give you two a half hour before you’re both telling stories that start with ‘Remember that one time . . .’”

“It’s true. You and Maddie have always done that,” Holden added.

Chloe cringed a little. “Maybe the tequila shots weren’t such a good idea, after all.”

Josie waved her off as the waitress placed the shots on the table. “Whatever. We’ll regret this tomorrow. Tonight, I want to let loose and have fun with my friends.” She grabbed the salt-rimmed shot glass full of tequila and lifted it in the air. “To trouble.”

Olivia Evans's books