Brooklyn & Beale

“Point taken,” Chloe replied with a smile. She was more than fine dealing with the insanity that came with the three of them. She couldn’t imagine anything better.

They arrived in LA when the first traces of dawn touched the sky. Sleepy and exhausted, Chloe was relieved when Reid insisted on taking her home. Even more so when he grabbed his bag and followed her inside. With only enough time for a few hours of sleep before they needed to get back together, it only made sense for him to stay. After months of seeing each other every day and sharing a bed, she wasn’t sure how easy of an adjustment it was going to be waking up without him next to her.

It was midafternoon when Chloe began to stir. Disoriented, she blinked several times until the room came into focus. She looked to her side and smiled. Reid lay on his stomach, one arm curved under his head and the other draped across her waist.

“What time is it?” he asked, his face still pressed into the pillow.

“A little after two. We should probably get up.” Chloe sighed and slipped out from under his arm, laughing softly at his muffled protests. Moving into the kitchen, she put on a pot of coffee and grabbed her phone. Her brows pulled together when she saw a text from Holden.

Look on the front porch. Glad you’re back.

Walking into the living room, she opened the front door and grinned. On the mat was a large plastic container that Chloe was certain held some sort of amazing food.

You’re the best, she typed out before grabbing the container and taking it into the kitchen. Popping off the lid, the smell of cinnamon hit her immediately. Four huge cinnamon rolls lined the bottom, icing blanketing the tops.

“What is that?” Reid asked, moving beside her.

“Breakfast. Or lunch. Whatever we should call it. Holden left it on the porch.”

“Josie’s brother, right?”

“Yup,” Chloe answered, putting a roll on a plate and handing it to him.

“He’s married, right?”

Chloe laughed. “Happily.”

Reid took a huge bite of the roll and moaned. “Thank God. I’d hate to enjoy something this much if it was from some guy who had the hots for you. As it is, I need to send him tickets to the show.”

“Well, you don’t have to worry about that. Anders got tickets for him, Josie, Maddie, and Holden. They’ll all be there tonight.”

Reid smiled and wrapped his arm around her. “That’s awesome. They get good seats?”

Chloe gave him a blank stare. “He’s Anders Ellis, what do you think?”

“He got good seats,” Reid surmised. “Well, they’ll enjoy the show tonight. They’re going to see something new.”

Chloe’s brow furrowed. “New? What are you talking about?”

Reid ate his last bite of cinnamon roll and winked, his lips curved into a mischievous smile. “You’ll see,” he said, giving her a peck on the cheek before darting down the hall and into the bathroom.

Chloe stood with her eyes wide and her mouth open. “What the hell . . .?” she mumbled as she heard Reid turn on the shower. She remembered all the times the guys shooed her away from rehearsals, even after Reid asked her to become a permanent member of the band. She was pretty sure this new thing for the show and those rehearsals were connected. What she couldn’t figure out was why she wasn’t involved.

Dumping out the rest of her coffee, she wiped down the counters. It wouldn’t be long before they had to leave and she needed to get ready. Whatever they had planned, she would find out soon enough.

People bustled around backstage as the opening act hit the midpoint of their set. Chloe, Reid, and the rest of the band sat around in his dressing room, laughing and hanging out. Chloe looked at her phone and stood.

“Where are you going?” Reid asked, tugging on her hand.

“Josie just sent me a text. They’re here and I wanted to bring them back here with us, if that’s okay.”

Reid stood as well. “Of course. I’ll come with you.”

Hand in hand, they walked out into the hall and toward the area where Josie and the others were waiting. “Hey, guys,” Chloe smiled, releasing Reid’s hand to hug Josie.

“Look at you two being all cute,” Josie whispered with a smile.

“Shut up,” Chloe laughed, moving to hug Madison.

“I can’t believe you’re banging Reid Ryder,” Madison giggled, causing Chloe to nearly choke.

“Jesus, Maddie. It’s good to see you too.”

“And you thought I was bad,” Josie quipped.

“I should have known better.” Chloe rolled her eyes and hugged Holden. “You will have your hands full for the rest of your life.”

“Don’t I know it,” Holden laughed.

“Hi, Anders,” Chloe said with a smile, offering a small wave.

Anders put his hands over his heart and frowned. “What? No hug for me? I’m hurt.”

Chloe let out a nervous laugh and stepped forward, giving him a quick hug before stepping back. “Sorry, you still freak me the hell out. And I’ve heard all about your moodiness. I wasn’t sure what to expect with you and Maddie together.”

Olivia Evans's books