Broken Love (Broken #4)

He tossed his head back and laughed. “I’m the lucky one,” he whispered as he stepped back and they opened the double doors. My eyes scanned the room and I couldn’t help but smile when I saw the white and pink roses.

The music started and I had to be prompted by Karen to start walking. I felt his eyes on me before I even saw him. My heart was racing as I looked straight ahead. Sucking in a breath of air, I was overcome with the sight before me. I’d never seen Ryder look so handsome. His face curved into the most delicious grin I’d ever seen. I could see his bright eyes as he swept them over my body.

The closer I got, the more my heart raced. I imagined Ryder must have been pushing his hand through his hair in a nervous manner because it was the perfect amount of messy. Nothing else in this world mattered to me except for the man standing in front of me.

Dear Lord … he looked sexy as hell.

Stopping in front of him, he looked me in the eyes and said, “You take my breath away, Ava. I can’t even begin to tell you how beautiful you look.”

Swallowing hard, I pressed my lips together in an attempt to hold my tears at bay. When I finally felt like I could speak, I barely got the words out.

“You look … handsome. I can’t breathe.”

He chuckled and kissed me on the cheek. I was taken by surprise when he placed his lips near my ear and said, “I can’t wait to slowly take that dress off and make love to my gorgeous wife.”

My knees wobbled and I was pretty sure I let out a moan. When we turned toward the pastor, I tried like hell to focus on him, but all I heard were Ryder’s whispered words playing over and over in my head. Then add in the beautiful backdrop of the garden and I was all kinds of not paying attention.

When it came time for our vows, my heart raced. Holy flippin’ shit balls. I can’t remember my vows! Ryder had been rubbing his thumb over my hand the entire time, causing tingles to race across my body. I was ready to tell Michael the hell with his photos, I wanted to go right to our room.

When the pastor told Ryder to recite his vows, Ryder opened his mouth and nothing came out.

“Oh shit.”

I really tried to hold back, but I lost it laughing. Ryder looked at me like I had lost my damn mind.

Dabbing my eyes carefully so I didn’t ruin my makeup, I finally got myself under control.

“I forgot mine too.”

The corner of Ryder’s mouth rose into a sexy as hell smirk. “You did?”

Nodding, I replied, “All I need to know is that you love me.”

He cupped my face. “I love you so damn much, I can’t even think straight. Do you love me?”

I lifted my eyes as if thinking hard about his question.


“Yes, I love you, Ryder, and all I want is to be your wife and wake up every morning in your arms.”

“Good enough for me,” he whispered with an even bigger grin on his face, crushing his lips to mine.

The preacher tapped on our shoulders and said, “Um … I pronounce you man and wife. You’re already kissing, so keep at it!”

We both laughed as Ryder deepened the kiss while dipping me back. Renee and Michael broke out in cheer.

“Don’t ruin her makeup,” the photographer said in a thick French accent.

Ryder pulled his lips back and looked into my eyes. I could see my whole future in them and all I saw was happiness.

“Are you ready, Mrs. Montgomery?”

“Oh I’m more than ready, Mr. Montgomery.”

I STOPPED AT the bottom of the staircase and moaned. “I’m too tired to walk up these stupid steps.”

Ryder laughed and the next thing I knew, I was in his arms as he walked up them.

“You’re going to carry me the whole way?”

“I am.”

Smiling, I sunk my teeth into my lip and took in his handsome face. I wasn’t sure how I got so lucky to score such a catch. He caught me staring at him.

“What are you thinking?” he asked.

“How lucky I am. How this seems like a dream. I’m praying I don’t wake up in my apartment with Jay passed out on my couch.”

His laughter rippled through my body warming it up even more.

“I promise this is no dream.”

When we finally made it to our room, Ryder carried me and slowly let me down until my feet hit the floor.

“Have I told you how breathtaking you look?”

My stomach fluttered while his eyes danced with desire. “A few times.”

Placing his hand on the side of my face, I leaned into it. “So beautiful.”

I covered his hand with mine and looked into his eyes. My heart was racing and my breathing picked up. I felt like I had just run a race.

“I can’t believe I’m your wife. It seems like it was yesterday you bumped into me.”

He slowly shook his head while his eyes searched across my face. “Do you have any idea how happy I am right now?”

My cheeks were beginning to hurt from smiling so much. “I have an idea, but why don’t you show me.”

“Oh Mrs. Montgomery, it would be my pleasure.”

Licking my lips, I asked, “What are you going to do first?”

“Turn around.”