Broken Love (Broken #4)

“He’ll be a few minutes more.”

I lifted my hand and gave her a thumbs up. Jesus. What is wrong with me? Am I twelve? “Um … great thank you.”

“Sorry about that wait, Ms. Moore.”

I was pretty sure my jaw dropped to the ground when the doctor walked in.

“Are you … um … you’re not the doctor are you?”

With a warm smile, he nodded. “I am.”

I could not believe the sight in front of me. The guy couldn’t have been older than me and not to mention he was easy on the eyes. Not nearly as good looking as Ryder … but none the less he was pretty to look at. “Wow.”

He stopped and turned to look at me. When he smiled that smile men do when they think you’re interested, I quickly snapped out of it. “Wow? Is that wow a good thing or a bad thing.”

I smiled politely as I felt my cheeks flush from embarrassment.

Sinking my teeth into my lip, I couldn’t help but notice his eyes drop and his smile widened. Shit. No! No! No! Not flirting, Mr. Hot Doctor. Just nervous. “Um … ahh … good.”

Clearing his throat, he put my x-rays up as I began to swing my legs. My cast felt heavy as hell but I didn’t know what to do with my now nervous energy.

“Looks like everything has healed really well. You were scheduled to get your cast off in a few days so if you’ve got the time, I’d be more than happy to remove it for you … myself.”

I swallowed hard. How in the hell did he make that sound naughty?

Shit! I wanted my cast off and I needed to derail him. “Great!” Too excited sounding, Ava. Calm it down. “I mean, I’d love for you to take my cast off.” Dear lord. How did I make that sound naughty? Flippin’ shit balls. Where is Jay when I need her?

His eyes lit up. Derail Ava. Derail. I went to talk, but he cut me off.

“May I ask what brings you to Texas?”

“I live here. I was visiting Montana when I broke my leg and ankle.”

“And you stayed up there for … work?”

With a nervous chuckle, I said. “No. I mean, I’ve been working up there but my fiancé lives in Montana. So, I guess you could say a little work and a little play.”

Ugh. Why did I say that?”

“It’s always good to play every now and then.”

Oh God. He’s flirting. What part of fiancé did you not hear?

“Yep. Keeps life exciting.”

He seemed to zero in on my lips before he seemed to snap out of it.

“Well, let’s get this cast off you.”

By the time the good doctor got the cast off, I was ready to run out of the office.

Glancing down at my leg, I gasped. “Gross! That looks like … like … I don’t even know what that looks like.”

Dr. Russell laughed as did the nurse. “You’re probably going to want to see about physical therapy at least for your ankle. You’re moving around pretty good on it.”

Excitement coursed through my body. Finally, I got that heavy bitch off! I was so happy I wanted to scream. “I am! Just in time for some salsa dancing at Volstead’s tonight.”

The nurse chuckled. “Well, don’t get too crazy.”

Not using my brains, I blurted out, “Oh I never get crazy, unless I’m dancing with a hot guy.”

Dr. Russell stared at me and I swore his eyes darkened. “It was great meeting you, Ava. Please feel free to come back anytime.”

Staring at him with a confused expression, I tried to figure out if he was really flirting or maybe it was just my imagination. After all, I was upset with Ryder and maybe I was reading into it. At any rate, I needed to get out of this office and quickly. “Well, if you’ll pardon me being blunt, you’re nice and all doc, but I pray I never have to come back and see you or any other doctor for a broken bone again.”

“Touché. Let me walk you out, okay.”

“Sure. Thank you so much again for working me in like this.”

“Not a problem, Ava.”

Jay lifted her eyebrow when she saw me walking out with Doctor Hotty Pants. Standing, she let her eyes roam freely over him. “Well, I see you’ve been in good hands.”

Dr. Russell laughed as he placed his hand on my lower back.

Holy shit balls. We have physical contact! That is not good!

“Well, you ladies enjoy yourself tonight.”

With a polite nod, I grinned and said, “We will. Thanks again.”

My leg and ankle were for sure sore and I was limping for fear of putting too much weight on it. We hadn’t even made it to the elevator when Jay busted out laughing.

“You dirty slut!”

My eyes widen. “What the hell?”

“You were flirting with him … admit it! I could see it all over his face. He probably had to go back to his office and jack off.”

“Oh my gosh … your mouth is filthy.”

Stepping into the elevator, I pulled out my phone.

Nothing from Ryder.

My heart ached as I pushed the phone back into my purse.

“So, was that your way of paying back the fiancé for ignoring you?”

“Remind me why I tell you anything. And I was not flirting. I may have said something innocently that he took as flirting.”