Broken Love (Broken #4)

I dropped back against the back of the sofa and sighed. “Why am I such a fuck up? I’d do anything for Ava and I let one stupid moment mess it up.”

“You’re not smooth with the ladies, bro.”

Lifting my head, I glared at my brother. “And you are?”

Nate flashed me a smile and said, “Of course I am. See, if that had been me I’d have played it much cooler. Now we both know you were probably slightly freaked out because two women that you’ve had sex with were both standing next to each other. One clearly wants back in your pants, and to her that is the ticket to this beautiful home she desperately loves.”

Rolling my eyes, I moaned again and dropped my head back.

“The other clearly loves you and doesn’t give a rat’s ass how much money you have and is perfectly content living in a cramped-up, old, damp stone house. When faced with the challenge of which one do you give your utmost attention too … you chose poorly.”

“I didn’t give Vanessa all of my attention. Was I expecting to see her … no, I wasn’t. It was a shock I’ll admit it, and I obviously handled it all wrong because now Ava is upstairs and not the least bit interested in why we came here.”

Nate pushed out a breath and stood. “Sorry, dude. That really sucks for you. I hope you’ve got some kind of plan on making this up to her.”


Narrowing his eyes, Nate tsked. “Yeah, Ryder. A plan to swoon her as Jennifer would say. You’ve got some serious ass kissing to do my friend.”

Burying my face in my hands, I mumbled, “I’m such an idiot.”

“And with that I bid you adieu.”

My hands dropped as I watched my brother head to the front door. “Where are you going?”

He looked over his shoulder and smirked, “To live the single life.”

After he left, I pulled my phone out and texted Jennifer.

Me: I messed up and need to swoon Ava

Jennifer: What did you do? Something bad?

Me: I don’t think so. Apparently she thinks I gave Vanessa Emerson the wrong kind of attention.

Jennifer: Huh. Did you?

Oh for Christ’s sake. Is she going to start on me as well?

Me: I was shocked to see her and yes, I might have been stumbling on what I was doing.

Jennifer: Do you have feelings for Vanessa still?

“It was a one-night stand!”

Hitting Jennifer’s number, I walked into the kitchen.

“That’s not a good sign you called me when I asked that.”

“No I don’t, Jennifer. I love Ava.”

There was silence for a few moments before she asked, “Do you see your future with Ava?”

“Of course I do. I couldn’t imagine my life without her in it.”

“Perfect answer! Where is she?”

Closing my eyes, I shook my head. “Upstairs lying down.”

“Oh … she must be upset with you. I know how much she was looking forward to going to the house.”

“You’re not making me feel any better, Jennifer.”

With a giggle, she said, “Make her a fabulous lunch. Take it up to her on one of the serving trays. Go to the greenhouse too; I know they keep fresh flowers in there. Pick a few and put them in a small vase.”

“Where are the vases?” I asked as I looked in the refrigerator.

No food. Great.

“In the butler’s pantry on the lower left side.”

“There’s no food, Jennifer.”

“Shit! I didn’t think about that. Let me go over this in my head for a moment.”

My sister Jennifer lived in Helena and worked for a law firm downtown.

“I’ve got it. I’ll order it from one of my favorite places to eat. All you have to do is take it out of the boxes and put it on the plates. Can you do that without messing up or will we need to worry about Vanessa wanting to help?”


“Ava just sent me a text … asking about Vanessa.”

My heart stopped. “W-what did she ask?

“She asked if Vanessa is always so willing to help you with things. She said Vanessa gave y’all a tour? Holy hell, Ryder! It’s your house; why would you let Vanessa come in and take over?”

“I know the error of my ways, Jennifer. Just tell her Vanessa is of no concern and for her not to worry.”

“Oh I already did … I told her Vanessa is a little tramp who would do anything to get into your pants or Nate’s because she is a money-hungry whore.”

My mouth fell to the ground as I stopped dead in my tracks on my way out to the greenhouse.

“Wow … I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk like that.”

“Hold on!” Jennifer said as she began ordering food on another line.

Opening the door to the greenhouse, I smiled as I looked at all the flowers. Reaching for some flower clippers, I cut three purple flowers that I had no clue of what they were. All I knew was they reminded me of Ava.

I set the clippers back down and made my way back to the house, securing the greenhouse door behind me.

“Okay, your food will be there in thirty minutes.”

With a grin on my face, I began my search for a vase. “I owe you, Jennifer.”

“Yes. Yes you do. And Ryder?”

The whole bottom left cabinet was filled with all different sized vases. Reaching in, I grabbed a smaller one and placed the flowers inside of it.
