Broken Love (Broken #4)

With a smile that spread from ear to ear, she replied, “I’ve been exploring.”

“I see that. You found the family Bible, I take it. It’s been somewhat of a hunt for my mother to find it. She hasn’t been able to find it in years.”

“Did she know about Robert and Lizzy?”

“Yeah, they were our great-great-grandparents.”

She squirmed in my lap, causing my dick to start coming up.

“How exciting!”

“If you say so,” I said as I lifted my hips to her.

I could see the excitement dancing in Ava’s eyes. Maybe this was what she needed, an adventure of some sort to go on.

“I take it Robert had a higher level of class than Lizzy?”

“Yep. He was some kind of Earl. My mother said Lizzy was a ladies maid.”

Ava gasped and placed her hand over her heart. “He fell in love with the maid?”

Letting out a chuckle, I nodded. “Yep. Do you want me to ask my mom what all she has on them? I know she did some serious research.”

Her eyes grew wider. “Yes! Oh my gosh, do you think she would mind?”

“No, she’d love to talk to you about it I’m sure. She was obsessed with it for the longest time.”

She chewed on her lip and asked, “Did Kate also research it?”

“Not that I’m aware of. I think my mom found something years ago that led her on her search. Why?”

Ava pulled out a small book and held it. My sister Kate’s name was etched into the leather book.

“Is that?”

“Kate’s journal. I’ve been reading it ever since I found it. I have to tell you something and I know you’re going to think I’m insane, but I feel so connected to your sister. We are alike in so many ways it’s unreal.”

I couldn’t help the smile that moved over my face. “You remind me a lot of Kate. Your love of drawing and fashion, mostly. She had the same desire and passion that you do. I have no doubt the two of you would have been the best of friends.”

Ava’s warm smile made my chest tightened. “I’m sure your family misses her so much.”

“Yeah, we do.”

“Do you know if your mom kept Kate’s sketch books?”

With a shrug of my shoulders, I replied, “I’m sure she did. Kate’s room has pretty much been left untouched. They’re probably in there.”

The look on Ava’s face made my heart feel light. If this meant she’d stay longer in Montana, I’d do whatever I could to help her on her little adventure.

THERE WAS NO way I could hold my excitement in when Ryder mentioned Kate’s sketch books were probably in her room. Of course, the last thing I wanted to do was go asking her parents if I could take a peek in their daughter’s room.

“I see your wheels spinning. You want to look in Kate’s room?”

Chewing on the corner of my lip, I nodded. “But I would never want to do something your mother wouldn’t approve of.”

Ryder smiled. “Mom goes into Kate’s room a lot; I think she talks with her in there.”

“She should really come here,” I mumbled under my breath.

His expression fell as he looked at me with a questioning look. “Huh?”

I waved my hand as if to brush off what I said. “Nothing. I’m going to guess your mom hasn’t ever found Kate’s journal. I’m also going to guess she doesn’t know the family Bible was here, especially since I found a letter Kate wrote to her best friend in Ohio.”


“Yep. In the letter she mentions sleeping with Jackson in the house.”

“Yeah, let’s not share that with Mom. But, I’m sure she would love to know you found the family Bible. She’s been searching for it ever since Kate passed away.”

“It’s been here all the time,” I said as I pointed over to the bookshelf. “Surely she’s seen it.”

Ryder frowned.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

His eyes narrowed as he said, “I’ve looked at those books hundreds of times and I’ve never once seen the Bible. Was it hidden behind another book?”

I stood as Ryder helped me get over to where I found the book.

“Nope. It was right here. This picture of Kate fell and the sunlight hit it just right to where it was shining on the Bible.”

Ryder’s face turned white as a ghost. “That’s kind of creepy.”

With a giggle, I hit him lightly on the chest. “Don't tell me you believe in ghosts?”

“Considering that picture of Kate has been in our family room since it was taken and now it’s out here … I’m beginning to believe in ghosts.”

My smile faded as my heart dropped. I knew I wasn’t going crazy. “Oh. That is creepy,” I whispered.

JENNIFER LEANED OVER and bumped my shoulder. “So, Ryder tells me you’ve stumbled onto our sister’s journal.”

Nodding my head, I peeked over to Lucy. “I have.”

I could tell by the smile on her face, she was just as curious as I was when I first stumbled upon it.

“So … does she talk about Jackson in it?”

I nodded.

Jennifer gasped. “Oh my God! What does she say?”