Broken Love (Broken #4)

The jovial smile on his face said it all. “We’re staying in the old stone house, and I’m going to take care of you.”

Pressing my lips together tightly, I attempted to hide how happy I was. Clearing my throat, I tried to act like a grown woman who was not internally fist pumping at the idea of spending so much time with Ryder. “What about your job? You can’t just up and leave everything to stay here and babysit me. I really was only going to stay a few days to heal up and then I planned on heading home.”

Bringing the car to a stop, Ryder turned to face me. His eyes were soft, yet filled with something I found myself longing to see each and every day. Passion. Concern. Love.

“This whole weekend … hell, this whole last month has been a whirlwind. I’ve felt things for you I’ve never felt with any other girl.”

Chewing on my lip, I nodded and stated, “I feel the same way.”

“Would I love for you to have stayed with me without breaking your leg and ankle, yes. Most certainly, yes.”

My hand covered my mouth as I giggled.

“But, you’re here with me and I want to take this time to really get to know one another, Ava. I don’t want you to think I just threw it out there when I said I loved you. I really feel something so deep within my heart for you, and I want to explore that more.”

“So do I, Ryder. I rushed into my last relationship because I thought I was in love. With you it’s so different. It’s exciting, romantic, and scary all rolled up into these emotions I’m not familiar with.”

I looked down at my hands wringing together in my lap. “But … I don’t know how it’s going to go for us.”

Looking up through my eyelashes, I saw him nod his head. “The distance thing.”

“Yeah. The distance thing. I would never in a million years ask you to walk away from your dreams.”

Ryder pushed a piece of hair behind my ear before running his fingers softly down my cheek. “I would never ask you to leave the life you’ve worked so hard for either. Please believe that.”

“I do.”

“Then let’s just take this day by day. Nate is fine working on his own with the company, and believe me, my father couldn’t be happier that one of his sons is home to work on the ranch. We can stay here as long as you want.”

My cheeks felt as if they were burning I was smiling so big. “It’s kind of like our own little private hideaway in the mountains.”

Ryder’s eyes danced with excitement as he searched my face. “It’s my version of heaven.”

Jesus, he is perfect in every way.

“Come on, let’s get you inside. I had MaryLou take care of a few things for me to get everything ready for when you got out of the hospital.”

Ryder jumped out of his truck and ran to my side. Opening the door, he carefully helped me out. “Was there a sidewalk here the other day?” I asked as I tried to balance myself with the crutches.

“Nope. I had them put it in yesterday. It doesn’t go all the way to the main house, but it does go to the barn.”

Dropping my mouth open, my eyes widened as I gave him a stupefied look. “W-what?” I shook my head to get my thoughts together.

“You put in a sidewalk … just for … me?”

With a smile that made me weak in the knees, he reached down and picked me up into his arms, eliciting a small yelp from my lips. The temperature had dropped significantly in just a few days. The cool, crisp air felt good on my face as I buried it into Ryder’s chest.

He carried me toward the charming old homestead as the smell of pine invaded my senses. Lifting my head, I saw beautiful flakes begin falling from the gray sky. “It’s snowing!” I exclaimed, as a light dusting of white quickly covered every surface.

“First snow of the season!” Ryder said as he opened the door and walked in. One look and I gasped out loud at the sight before me. If I thought outside looked beautiful, it was nothing compared to the inside of the cabin.

Ryder shut the door with his foot and gently set me down.

My heart had never beat so hard in my chest. “W-when did you do this?”

His arm wrapped around my waist as he kissed the top of my head. “I made a few phone calls.”

I peeked up at him with a bemused smile. “A few calls? Ryder, you did more than make a few calls.”

I scanned the entire house and took in all the white lights hanging from the ceiling. The furniture had been moved around to make room for a queen bed that had been placed in the corner near the fireplace that had a fire already roaring.

On the other side of the fireplace, the old writing desk that was upstairs was set up with my laptop, sketch paper and everything I needed to work.

“You have a very nice boss at Amour Boutique. She said not to worry; your job would be waiting for you when you got back.”

Oh my. He’s too perfect. He thought to call my job!

“And Maurice was more than thrilled to know you would be laid up in little stone house in Montana for a few weeks.”

A few weeks. Maybe breaking my leg was a good thing after all! Alone in a romantic old home with Ryder every day. Yes. Please.

“He sent over some ideas he wanted you to begin working on.”