Broken Love (Broken #4)

“I’m glad you find this funny,” I responded as I made my way to the house.

Walker wiped his tears away as he walked next to me. “Sorry, dude. It’s just the look on your face. It was priceless. You have been bitten by the love bug for sure.”

There was that word again. “I need to talk to Ava. She thinks I didn’t mean to say I loved her, but I did mean to say it. I just didn’t want to say it like that and then when she asked if I meant it I couldn’t say it again! I need to tell her I can say it and mean it.”

After letting out a long dramatic sigh, Walker slowly shook his head. “I should be really concerned that I understood all of that.”

Nate guffawed. “I’m glad you understood it, ‘cause I didn’t.”

“Everyone is waiting up at the house to go for a hike, so unless you want to declare your love for my sister in front of everyone, it will have to wait until after.”

Reed was standing outside the house glaring at me as we walked up.

“Yeah, I think I’ll wait,” I said as I fought the urge to bolt in the opposite direction of where Reed was standing with his arms crossed.

“Just keep walking like you don’t see him,” Walker said as I snapped my head to look at him.


Nate laughed as he called out. “Hey, Reed! Look who we found … Ryder!”

Reed made his way over to us as Walker said, “Good luck, dude.”

“Wait. Where are you going?” I demanded as Walker nodded toward his father and made a beeline to the door.

Stopping, I grabbed Nate’s arm. “You will never get my truck or condo, you traitor!”

“Ryder, how was your evening?” Reed asked as he stopped in front of me. I was still focused on my brother when he shot me a smirk.

“You’re dead to me,” I whispered before turning to look at Reed.

“Morning, Reed. It was um … it was … nice?”

Tilting his head, his eyes narrowed as he waited for me to change my response.

“It was … um … fun.”

Reed’s mouth dropped open as I held up my hands.

“No, no, that’s not the word I was looking for.”

Ava’s father cleared his throat and stated, “Walk with me, Ryder. I think it’s time you and I got to know each other a little better.”

My eyes widened in horror as I slowly turned and began following Reed toward the barn. Why the barn? Nothing good could come from going to the barn!

Glancing over my shoulder, I shot my good-for-nothing brother a pleading look.

With a smile he called out, “You still keep your spare key under that potted plant, right?”

My hand lifted as I gave him the finger while he threw his head back and cackled.

“SLOW DOWN, AVA! Where is the fire?”

He said he loved me. He said he loved me. Oh. My. God.

“Ava? Where in the hell have you been?” my father said as he stomped down the steps of the porch.

“Not now, Dad,” I replied. Stopping, I turned and faced my father. “And before you think of going off and doing something stupid, don’t. He makes me happy and I … I …” Letting out a sigh, I pointed to him. “Just don’t do what I know you’re going to do!”

Turning away, I pulled on Liza to follow me. “Wow! Were you about to say you loved Ryder?”

The moment we stepped inside the house, I saw Dani. Walking up to her, I took her hand in my other hand and pulled her along with Liza up to the room I was staying in.

“What’s happening? What’s going on?” Dani asked. “Slow down! I’m with child and I can’t move that fast.”

Liza giggled as she replied with, “Not sure, but I think your brother just rocked my sister-in-law’s world.”

Dani gasped as I rolled my eyes and pushed them both into the room and shut the door. Both of them looked at me with excited expressions.

“So? How was last night?” Dani asked as she covered her mouth like we were in middle school and talking about my first kiss.

“He said he loved me,” I blurted out as both of their smiles faded before being replaced with squeals of delight.

Liza and Dani turned to each other and grabbed hands and jumped like twelve-year- olds.

My hands went to my hips as I shot them both a dirty look. “Are we done acting like little girls?”

Liza widened her eyes and took my hands in hers. “Why aren’t you happy? Ava … this is amazing. I mean, it’s kind of fast, but oh my gawd!”

Dani shook her head as she looked at me. “What did he do?”

“Nothing. Everything.” I buried my face in my hands and screamed into them before dropping them back to my sides.

“Last night was amazing. I felt things I have never in my life felt before, not only physically, but emotionally as well.”

“Ew,” Liza and Dani said together.

Liza motioned for me to sit down on the bed. “Okay, so you had a wonderful time last night. When did he tell you he loved you?”

I took in a deep breath and tried not to overreact. “Well, when we woke up, Ryder somewhat freaked that we missed breakfast and he was sure my father was going to kill him.”