Broken Love (Broken #4)

My heart dropped as I looked down and kicked at some hay in the dirt. “I’ve got to take your dad and Layton on a little tour of the ranch.”

Ava had walked all the way around Trinity before stopping and looking up into my eyes. I wasn’t sure what I was seeing in those beautiful blue eyes. Whatever it was … I was captivated by them.

“Have fun with that. Nate offered to show me around.”

If felt as if someone had turned on an instant heat wave as my body became ridged. “That so?”

With a tilt of her head and a smile, Ava said, “Yep.”

I nodded and took a step back. “Enjoy your ride, Ava.”

Her smile faded as I tipped my head and started down to the other end of the barn.

“Hey, Ryder? May I ask you something?”

I stopped and turned back to her. “Of course.”

She licked lips and then bit down on her lower lip. “Are you … um … did I hear you say you were moving back up here to Montana?”

“At some point, yeah, I’ll be moving back to stay.”

Ava nodded slowly. With that, I turned and walked away from her. The further I walked away, the more I cussed at myself for not just pulling her into my arms and telling her I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her for the last two weeks.

Everyone was up and on their horses in no time as I watched Nate and Ava slowly walk off toward the west pasture. Jase and Courtney decided they were going to go with us on the ranch tour.

As I watched Ava ride off on Trinity, a sick feeling passed over me as I tried to push it away. I’d never had a girl affect me like Ava. It seemed my brother felt the same way. If he thought I was going to just roll over and let him take her away from me, he had another thing coming.

For once in my adult life, there was something worth fighting my brother over … and her name was Ava.

NATE FOR SURE wasn’t the type of guy who was at a loss for things to talk about. He talked about everything from growing up in Montana to the new loft apartment he was building in Austin.

“So, you’re not planning on moving back to Montana like Ryder?”

Nate let out a roar of laughter. “Hell no. I couldn’t wait to get out of here.”

With a slight smile, I looked around at the breathtaking views. Mountains were everywhere. “But it’s so beautiful here.”

“And out in the middle of nowhere. It’s different, Ava, if you haven’t grown up here. Sure, it’s beautiful and most people come up and they’re swept away by the views. Try living here.”

With a shrug, I let out a sigh. “I don’t know. Sometimes I miss living back in Llano.”

“You don’t like living in Austin?”

Glancing over to Nate, I was taken by how handsome he was. Not as handsome as Ryder, but for sure a turn your head and change your panties when he flashes you his smile, kind of handsome. His hair was much lighter than Ryder’s, more of a dark blond. He had the same green eyes that Ryder had, though.

Nate brought his horse to a stop and slid off as I followed. When I walked around the horse, I was met by a huge smile. I slowly searched his face until my eyes landed on his lips. All I could think about was Ryder. He was moving to Montana. When? Why? How could I possibly even think of starting something with someone who I knew would be moving?

“There is a beautiful overlook if you’re up for a small hike.”

With grin, I said, “Sure. Sounds like fun.”

Nate and I hiked up a pretty good size hill and the whole time I kept reassessing my workout regimen. Time to add more cardio, that was for sure. Once we made it to the top, I sucked in a breath and said, “Oh my word. It looks like a picture.”

“It’s probably one of my favorite places on the ranch. Ryder and I used to come here all the time.”

The mention of Ryder’s name had my chest dropping. For one brief moment, I had wished it was him who had brought me here and not Nate. But then Ryder had pretty much avoided me ever since I showed up.

“I can see why,” I whispered. “It’s beyond beautiful.”

Nate sat down and began asking me questions about what I did and if I enjoyed Paris and Italy. I was soon lost in an easy conversation with him as we laughed and talked about everything and anything.

Nate pushed out a breath of air and said, “Well, I should take you back. Dad’s got a huge dinner planned to welcome you guys. I’m sure you’ll want to doll yourself up.”

Smirking, I gave him a look. “Doll myself up? Really, did you just say that?”

“Isn’t that what girls do?”

The instant Nate reached down and took my hand in his, the moment turned. I wanted to pull it from his hand, yet at the same time, I didn’t mind that he had taken it. He was guiding me down the hill and I took it as a kind gesture to help me. He dropped it the moment we got to the flat surface.

“I don’t like the phrase dolled up.”

Nate laughed. “I see that. You about had steam coming from your ears, and I’m pretty sure you foamed at the mouth in your anger.”

I have him a quick push and said, “Shut up!”