Brave Enough (Tall, Dark, and Dangerous #3)

I don’t know what to say. It’s easy to see that he’s hurt by this situation, as anyone who loves a parent would be. I don’t know much about transplants and compatibility and all that, but one thought comes to mind. “What about your father?”

I don’t have many memories of Stella’s husband, Joseph. I wasn’t allowed out on Chiara grounds without my parents when we came each year, so I wasn’t as familiar with the people outside these walls as I was the ones who worked inside. I guess that’s why I knew Stella better than anyone. She took care of the house mostly. I knew she had a son, but I only saw him from a distance and I thought Dad had mentioned that he went into the military.

“He’s dead.”

Oh God!

“Tag, I’m so sorry. I . . . I . . .”

“Don’t be. It’s been a few years.”

I’m ashamed that I don’t know more about his life. His family has tended our vineyard for as long as I can remember yet I know so little about them. It’s as though they weren’t worth discussing in my family. Despite the progress made in the last two hundred years, class distinction still very much exists in some circles. I was born into it. Tag was, too, whether he knows it or not. And we are on opposite ends of the spectrum.

I clear my throat, not knowing how to recover the night at this point. “Did Dad tell me that you went into the military? Or did I just imagine that?”

“Yeah, I was in the Army for a tour.”

I nod, relieved at the hope of a change in subject. “What did you do?”

Tag shoots me an odd look, one that brings the hairs on my arms to shivering attention. “I doubt you’d really want to know. And even if you did, I couldn’t tell you much.”

“Oh,” I say flatly. I take that to mean that he can’t talk about it, that he’s done clandestine things, top-secret things. Maybe dark, dangerous things. I can’t know because he won’t tell me, but the possibility actually intrigues me. I won’t press, though. I’ve made enough of a mess of tonight’s conversation and dinner hasn’t even begun yet!

Quietly and unabashedly, I examine him as he finishes up the last of the meal preparations, straining pasta and sliding a pan of buttered bread into the oven. I look at his hands—long of finger, broad of palm. Strong, capable. Although this man seems perfectly at home in the kitchen, or in the vineyard, or staring at me from the bathroom doorway, I can easily imagine him dressed in black, holding a gun to someone’s head. He might even wear that same fierce look I saw only moments ago. Yes, I can imagine it all too clearly. This man is probably dangerous in many ways.

“Would you like to set the table? Everything will be ready in just a few minutes and then it will be your turn,” Tag declares.

“My turn for what?”

“To tell me all your secrets,” he says, his voice dropping down to a sexy whisper. And that’s all it takes to shift the mood back to one of attraction that simmers as hotly as the red sauce bubbling on the stove.

“What makes you think I have secrets?” I ask, collecting plates from the cabinet so that I can avoid meeting his eye.

“Everybody has secrets.”

“Then what makes you think I’d tell them?”

I feel the heat of his mouth at my ear as Tag leans into me from behind. “What makes you think you have a choice?”

When I turn to look at him, he’s disappearing into the pantry, leaving me wondering if I have a damn clue what I’m getting myself into. Or if I even care.



I hold Weatherly’s chair as she slides into it. I hesitate to push it in because the enticing glimpse of her mile-long legs will be hidden from my view. I console myself with the thought that I’ll get to see them again soon. With nothing covering them. With nothing covering her.

She smiles politely as I plate her spaghetti and offer her a piece of bread. Her eyes follow me as I pour her a glass of red, per her request, and then pour some for myself. I love that she’s not one of those women who pretends she’s not attracted when she sure as hell is. Something about the way she plays, even though I can tell it’s not necessarily her nature, makes me think she could match me in passion. Honest, no-strings-attached, down-and-dirty passion.

“So, where would you like to start?” I ask, loving the way her eyes widen the tiniest bit with her discomfort.

She takes a sip of wine and then clears her throat before she responds. Very deliberate. I’m sure she was taught to think carefully before she speaks. I’ll break her of that if she’ll give me the chance. I want her to speak her mind, to tell me every erotic thought that passes through it, without even pausing. I don’t know why I want so much to see her inhibitions die, but I do.

“What would you like to know?”

I arch one brow. “What I’d like to know and what you’re willing to tell me are two very different things, I imagine.”

“Then what do you think I’m willing to tell you?”

I can’t help grinning. “So cautious. I’d love to see you let go. Do you think you might consider doing that, maybe just a little, while you’re here?”

“I’m already letting go.”

“How so?”

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