Bounty (Colorado Mountain #7)

“The wallpaper history of Deke Hightower on the walls. I want to be a part of it.”

His face got soft and his hand did what it did a lot. It trailed up my spine, and along its path, he tangled it in my hair.

This time he used that hair to pull my face closer to his.

“So I take it that’s official you wanna see about lookin’ into a future with me.”

“Yep,” I replied immediately.

“Fuck,” he whispered, his gaze falling to my mouth. “No bullshit. Out there. Open. My Jussy.” He looked again into my eyes. “Made for me.”

I felt more tears sting my nose and combatted them by slapping his chest so hard, the sound cracked across the room and the surprise of it made him grunt and his body jerk.

I ignored that and ordered, “You have to stop saying shit like that because every time you do it makes me want to cry and now I’m thirty-four, I am worldly, worldly-wise and a little world-weary and as such, I’m not a crier. Except,” I hastened to add, “when the man I like…a lot,” I stressed, “tells me he and his mom were homeless. Then I’m allowed to cry.”

He wrapped his other arm around me and hauled me up his chest so we were face to face.

He was grinning when he stated, “Can’t stop sayin’ it, gypsy. Honest truth. You seem made for me.”

“You’ve said it. Sentiment communicated. It undoes me. Kindly stop because I can’t handle it.”

“Most women would like hearing shit like that.”

“I think, me being the only one allowed to use your key and bring over a Crock-Pot, we’ve also established I’m not most women to you.”

“This would be true,” he muttered, his eyes again at my mouth, his mouth being where his hand at my hair was guiding me.

I pushed back. “Deke.”

He stopped guiding my head and his eyes came to mine.

“Yeah, baby?”

“I’m being serious.”

“So am I.”

“If you don’t stop being gushy, I’m going to have to write another song about you.”

His eyes flared and he pulled my face closer in a way I couldn’t resist.

“Baby, you think that’s a deterrent, you are seriously fuckin’ wrong.”

I loved that he liked “Chain Link.”



Loved that.

But it was time for more serious, that being him understanding what he just got himself into.

“The world finds out you’re ‘Chain Link,’ Deke, I’m no Lacey Town. But still, just saying…” I let that hang.

“Justice, you felt the draw of me in Wyoming that I felt from you when you walked into Bubba’s, you think I give a shit about the world knowin’ that, you’re wrong. When I say I don’t want anything to do with your fame I say it so you know what we got don’t got dick to do with that. That don’t mean I don’t get that you earned it and how you earned it. The things a man would be proud of his woman bein’ able to do, know I’m proud of those things in you. It’s just that a whole load of people know how good you are at doin’ ’em too. And that worries me because some of those folks can think they own a piece of you. But mostly, it’s just dead fuckin’ cool that’s a part of you.”


He was always just…so…damned…Deke.

I dropped my head, it collided with his jaw but was cushioned by whiskers, and I muttered, “Fuck, you’re gonna make me cry again.”

“Before you get mushy,” he said in my ear, his tone changing, going low, “you protected against pregnancy?”

I closed my eyes. “Uh, not so much.”

His hand still tangled in my hair wrapped around the side of my neck. “Right. Shit happens, we’ll deal.”


That was surprising.

That was it?

We’d just deal?

I lifted my head and looked at him.

“You got a problem with the Pill?” he asked.

I shook my head. “Only taking hormones when I’m not having sex regularly.”

“Jussy, you’re gonna be having sex regularly.”

I pressed my lips together but still smiled through the press as I nodded.


We now officially were looking at a future together.

I guess we’d just deal.

He watched my mouth, his own lips quirking, but looked into my eyes when I quit pressing.

“You, um…protected against other things?” I asked.

“Didn’t find her, that didn’t mean I wasn’t looking,” he said strangely in answer. Then he went on to explain the strange. “She proved difficult to find. Still was lookin’ and not about to bang some woman ungloved and pass on shit I wouldn’t want her to have. This is good seein’ as one day she just upped and walked into Bubba’s.” His hand (with my hair) shifted so he could stroke my jaw with his knuckles. “And now she’s here and I got nothin’ but clean to give her. And babies, if she doesn’t get her ass on the Pill.”


I dipped close and touched my nose to his.

“You’re doing it again, Deke.”

“Whatever, Jussy,” he muttered. “Get used to it.” He then rolled me so he was on top and asked, “You bring the condoms?”

“Two boxes enough?”

He grinned at me.