Borderline (The Arcadia Project, #1)

Even if what you said was true, that only makes it worse. Truth should be left in wrapped boxes for people to open when they’re ready. When it’s used as a blade, they vacuum-seal the pain somewhere deep inside, sealing the truth in with it, until it’s time to turn it inside out and cut someone else.

I tried to forget the way Teo backed up the stairs, and how young Gloria looked, the end of her nose pink from tears. But I couldn’t, and when it comes down to it, I shouldn’t.

Kids, please don’t try this at home.

? ? ?

With no phone, no other belongings, and no place to spend the night, I told the cabdriver to take me back to the Leishman Center. I was paid up through the end of the month, and so I guessed (correctly) that I’d be allowed back into my still-empty room without excessive bureaucracy. I had no things to unpack, so I just flopped onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. Dr. Davis showed up just before dinner, hovering gravely in the doorway. She looked older than I remembered, her sleek angled bob tucked behind her ears.

“I’m a little disappointed to see you back here,” she said.

“That makes two of us,” I said. I’d missed that bland voice.

“Do you want to talk about what happened?”

“Not even a little bit.”

Dr. Davis hesitated, running her fingers through her hair. “You’ll need to start arranging another place to stay,” she said.

I sat up. “Why? I can pay for a few more months.”

“You checked yourself out a week ago, Millie, and someone had his father on a waiting list for a private room. He’ll be moving in at the first of the month.”

Something squeezed at my insides, but I was too exhausted for full-fledged panic. “Where the hell am I supposed to go?”

“I still have your grandparents’ phone number on file, if you’d like to call them.”

“I don’t have a phone.”

“You can use one of ours.”

“To call Mississippi?”

“Under the circumstances, yes.”

I had only met my grandparents once as a child and hadn’t spoken to them in more than a decade. But there comes a point at which familial awkwardness seems like a fart in a storm.

In a dead-end backwater like Graston, Mississippi, the money I had left could last me a hell of a long time. Sure, I’d never taste another fresh avocado, or watch another decent film. But I shoved that to the back of my mind, because when you’ve lived in L.A. for eight years, the word “homeless” is no longer abstract; it comes with vivid sense-memories of people you’ve passed that day on the street.

It wasn’t eight p.m. yet in Mississippi, so I figured even old folks would still be awake. When someone picked up the phone, I was surprised at how instantly I recognized that dirt-and-worms voice.

“Hi, Grandpa,” I said. “It’s Millie.”

“I’ll be damned,” he said. I waited for more, but that was it.

I knew Grandpa wasn’t one for small talk, so I cut to the chase. “California isn’t working out too well for me, so I wondered if I could stay with you and Granny for a bit while I figure out what to do next.”

“You know your grandmother’s dead, right?”

“I—I didn’t. I’m sorry.”

There was another long silence, but I knew he hadn’t hung up, because I could hear a clock ticking loudly in the background. I remembered that damned clock, the way it had scared me as a kid.

“Would be nice to have somebody in the house again,” he said. He coughed, a sound like nails rattling in a drawer.

“I’d look for a job, of course, too,” I said. “I don’t want to be a burden. Do you know, is there any kind of work for a lady in Graston?” I was operating on the assumption that anything my grandfather considered fit for a lady was doable without legs.

“Billy’s had a ‘Help Wanted’ sign in the window of the market since Lela got herself in trouble,” my grandfather said. In trouble meant single and pregnant, but I had no idea who Lela was. “How old are you now?” he asked.


“Billy’d be tickled to have you show up. No one’s come about the job so far but schoolkids and Negroes.”

I stood there with the phone in my hand for a minute. Hearing casual bigotry from my flesh and blood was like turning over a rock in my yard and finding a swarm of white larvae. I felt filthy; I wondered how badly those mind-maggots had been gnawing away at my own thoughts of Tjuan, of Ellis and Inaya.

Inaya. My train of thought jumped to a new track and barreled right through the paralysis. My surge of hope wasn’t enough to make me say what I should have said to my grandfather, but it was enough to make me fake saying “Hello? You still there?” and hang up on the old coot.

I had one more card I could play, and if I played it right, I might not have to give up on L.A., or Valiant Studios, or finding Claybriar, or any of it.


Mishell Baker's books