Blake's Pursuit (Scanguards Vampires, #11)

A disappointed look spread on her face. “But I—”

Her protest was cut off by Yvette. “The V lounge might be a better idea. Nina and Delilah are down there right now. I’m sure they’ll be happy to entertain Lilo while we take care of this.” She arched an eyebrow at him.

“Excellent idea.” He smiled. Since both Nina and Delilah were human and blood-bonded to vampires, they were the ideal conversational partners for Lilo. They could answer whatever questions she might have and give her a different perspective. That of a human who loved a vampire. “I’ll walk you down there.” He nodded at Yvette. “I’ll meet you in the interrogation room in five minutes.”


After introducing her to two women in a lounge that looked like it belonged in a five-star hotel, Blake left.

Delilah, a very pretty dark-haired woman with curves, patted the sofa cushion next to her. “Why don’t you take a seat? It’s gonna be a while before the men are done with their work.”

“Thank you.”

Lilo sat down and glanced at the other woman, who sat opposite. So this was Nina, Amaury’s mate? The woman who had her man wrapped around her little finger. She had short blond hair and an athletic figure.

“You must be exhausted,” Delilah said and waved to one of the waitresses circulating. “What would you like to drink?”

The waitress approached. “Ma’am?”

“A glass of red wine maybe?” Lilo asked hesitantly, glancing at the glasses in front of Delilah and Nina.

“From Samson’s private collection,” Delilah instructed the waitress.

The woman nodded and left.

“Your husband drinks wine?” For some reason she’d assumed that vampires didn’t consume human food or drink.

Delilah chuckled. “No, he doesn’t, of course.” She winked at Nina. “Though Amaury, I’m sure wouldn’t mind an occasional glass.”

Nina grinned. “Amaury would like a lot of things.” She winked at Lilo. “Most of which he gets anyway. He’s really got nothing to complain about. But no, our men don’t eat human food or drink anything but blood.”

Instinctively, Lilo’s gaze drifted to Nina’s neck. “How often do they… you know, feed?”

“Daily,” Delilah said, next to her.

Lilo swallowed. “Blake mentioned… I mean is it true…?”

“Is what true, Lilo?” Delilah asked.

“You don’t have to be coy with us,” Nina added. “I’m sure your questions aren’t any different from the ones I had when I found out Amaury was a vampire.”

“Ahem,” Lilo said, shifting on the couch. “I don’t want to pry or anything.”

Suddenly she felt Delilah’s warm hand on hers. “Dear, I’ve been with Samson for about twenty-three years, and there’s nothing I don’t know about vampires. Same goes for Nina. We’ve been there. I bet you we’ve had the same doubts and worries.”

Was that why Blake had brought her here? So these two women could alleviate her worries about vampires? About having been intimate with one?

“What is it like? The bite?” she finally choked out.

Delilah and Nina exchanged soft chuckles.

“Do you want to, or shall I?” Delilah asked Nina.

Nina motioned to her friend, a sparkle in her eyes. “You go ahead. I really don’t know how to describe it.”

A warm smile playing around her lips, Delilah turned halfway toward her, angling one leg and resting it on the sofa to be more comfortable.

“There’s nothing comparable in the human world. To say that it’s like an orgasm isn’t doing it justice. It’s more than that. Not just physical pleasure, but bliss that touches your soul, that fills your heart and warms it. It’s a connection on a deep level.” She sighed. “Of course, it’s more intense when it happens between a blood-bonded couple, like in our cases.” She pointed to Nina and herself. “But even a casual bite is something out of this world. And during sex…” She left the sentence unfinished.

Blake had said as much, but hearing it from a woman, a human, who’d experienced the bite, the words had so much more weight.

“And your husband, he bites you every day?”

“Yes, he needs to. See, he can only drink my blood, no other human’s. It would make him sick.”

“Mmm,” Lilo murmured, contemplating her words. “But if he can only drink your blood because you’re blood-bonded, how does that work when two vampires are blood-bonded? Can’t they drink human blood anymore? How do they survive? By drinking from each other?”

Delilah laughed quietly. “That’s a lot of questions, but let me see if I can explain all that without boring you.”