Blake's Pursuit (Scanguards Vampires, #11)

She stopped herself. The man looking up from behind the desk wasn’t Blake. It was Wesley, his colleague whom she’d met the night before. He was casually dressed, a light gray polo shirt complementing his dark hair and bronzed skin. Dark stubble showed around his chin, as if he hadn’t shaved in a while. The two-day growth looked good on him.

“Hey, Lilo,” he greeted her. “Sorry, Blake’s not here. He had to go into the office. They found Hannah’s car.”

Instantly her heart beat faster, and her legs carried her into the office until she stood right in front of the desk. “And Hannah?” She was scared to hear the answer, but she knew she needed to find out.

Wesley shook his head. “Sorry, no sign of her yet. Blake’s having a forensic team comb through the car to see if there’s any evidence of—” He hesitated, then made a dismissive movement with his hand. “Anyway, they’re trying to figure out where the car has been, so they can possibly try and retrace her steps.”

Lilo nodded. “I understand.” She sighed. It had been unrealistic to hope they’d found Hannah so quickly.

He pointed to her hand. “What have you got there?”

She showed him the book in her hand. “Hannah’s appointment book. I thought I’d go through it again to see if I can find anything that might lead us to her.” She doubted it, but last night she’d been too tired to go through it again, and today she had fresh eyes. Maybe she’d find something.

“Good idea.”

She gave a faint smile. “Anything on Ronny’s computer yet?”

Wesley pointed to the laptop in front of him. “The IT department sent me everything they found on it. I’m analyzing it right now.”

Curious, she stepped around to look at the screen, but Wesley stood up and blocked her view. “You must be hungry. The boys are in the kitchen, getting some food. Why don’t you join them?” He winked. “And if they start getting rowdy, give me a holler and I’ll set them straight. They know I’m the boss around here when Blake’s out.”

Hesitantly she nodded, feeling a little taken aback by his obvious attempt at preventing her from looking at what they’d found on Ronny’s computer. She motioned to it. “You’d tell me if you found something bad, wouldn’t you?”

“Promise.” He smiled a kind, warm smile. “Now, go eat something, before Adam and Nicholas empty the fridge. I’ll let you know when I have something concrete.”

With a nod of acknowledgement she turned and followed his suggestion.

Lilo pushed the door to the kitchen open, feeling a little awkward about roaming the house while her host was absent, but now that Wesley had brought it up, she did feel hungry. Her last meal had been before she’d boarded the plane in Omaha.

Nicholas and Adam were both sitting at the kitchen table.

“Morning,” Nicholas chimed and immediately turned back to the plate in front of him, shoving an overly full fork of scrambled eggs into his mouth.

Adam, who sat opposite him, nodded shyly and mumbled, “Hi. It’s not really morning anymore.”

“Hi,” she replied, forcing herself to sound cheerful. She pointed to the refrigerator. “I was just gonna make myself something to eat.”

Adam pointed to his plate. “We already finished the scrambled eggs Wes made. But there are more eggs in the fridge.”

He attempted to rise, but she raised her hand, stopping him. “No, no, eat, please. I’ll find something.”

Lilo placed Hannah’s appointment book on the counter and opened the refrigerator. It was well-stocked for a bachelor’s fridge, and not just with junk food. Staples like milk, eggs, and orange juice greeted her. As did yogurts and cheeses, cold cuts and vegetables.

She took out everything she needed for a healthy omelet and got to work.

“Lilo, do you want to play videogames with us later?” Adam suddenly asked.

She looked at him. “Oh, I’d like to, but I’m not very good. I’m afraid I’d just be holding you back.”

“That doesn’t matter.”

Nicholas shook his head, motioning to his younger brother. “Don’t give in. He’s just looking for somebody he can beat, ‘cause he’s got no chance against me.”

“That’s so not true!” Adam piped up.

Lilo tossed the omelet mixture into the hot pan, before looking back at the two teenagers. “I’m sure you’re both very good. But I never got into playing videogames.”

“So what did you do then?”


“Sounds boring,” Nicholas commented.

“Not really,” Lilo said, flipping the omelet in the pan, so it could brown on the other side. “Some books can take you on quite an adventure.”

Nicholas shrugged, disinterested. “Okay.”

Adam’s eyes widened a little, showing that he wasn’t quite as blasé about books as his older brother. “What kind of books?”

“I like mysteries and thrillers.”

Adam grinned. “You mean with lots of blood and gore?”

She laughed out loud. Figured that a teenager would be interested in that. “Not necessarily. But with lots of suspense.”

“Oh, yeah, well.” Clearly, she’d lost Adam’s interest now, too.