Bitter Blood (Blood and Moonlight Book 3)


“How?” That was the part that Jane just didn’t understand. “How could this happen?” It shouldn’t have happened. “I don’t—”

Aidan cut through her words, growling, “I…I can’t stay this close to him.”


His claws were out. He turned toward her and she saw the shadow of his beast on his face. “The wolf wants…to attack.”

Jane shook her head. No, she’d been praying it would be different. She’d— Aidan pushed past her and ran back into the hallway. She hurried after him and when she got into that hall, she saw Aidan on all fours. His hands had slapped against the floor and he was transforming. His muscles were swelling, thickening. His bones starting to pop and snap.

It was a werewolf alpha’s primal reaction to a vampire. Kill or be killed. Only Aidan hadn’t responded that way to her, so she’d hoped that he wouldn’t attack Paris, either.

“Paris is your best friend,” Jane whispered, lost.

Aidan turned back to look at her. His jaw had elongated. “That’s why…” His voice was barely human. “He still…has…his head.”

Tears pricked at her eyes. Someone had done this. Someone had changed Paris. Somehow, at the chaos of that fire scene, a vampire had gotten close to Paris. That was the only explanation she could think of.

And, thanks to Annette, Jane knew exactly which vampire was still in town.

She crept closer to Aidan. “There might be a way to fix this.”

He laughed. Stuck in mid-shift, that laugh was a very scary sound. “Only fix…is death.”

Then the fire of the change swept over him. Brutal, agonizing. The man he’d been vanished. Fur burst along his skin. Razor-sharp teeth filled his mouth. His hands became the powerful paws and claws of a beast.

The change was fast, sweeping over him so quickly. One minute, he’d been a man. The next, a wolf and— Footsteps. Coming toward them. She looked down the hallway and saw that Vincent Connor had finally decided to grace them with his presence.

Tall, with a powerful build. Dark hair, gleaming eyes.

Fangs bared.

Yes, that was Vincent, all right.

The wolf growled when he saw the man there—not a man, really, but a vampire.

Vincent froze as he stared at the beast. Jane raced forward and grabbed Aidan’s fur, trying to hold him back before he attacked Vincent. “You can’t kill him,” Jane fired at Aidan. “We need him!”

“Guessing this isn’t the best time, hmmm?” Vincent murmured as he offered her a tight smile. “Perhaps we should chat later.”

“No!” Jane yelled.

The wolf growled.

“He wants to rip me apart, my dear,” Vincent said. “And if he comes at me, I will fight back.”

Dammit. Why couldn’t Vincent have arrived a few moments before Aidan? Jane bent low to Aidan’s ear. “Don’t do this, okay? I know you want to attack. I know…I just…we need him.” For the moment. “He knows more about vampires than anyone else. He might be able to help Paris.”

Doubtful but…maybe.

Jane looked up at Vincent. She made sure to keep a steady grip on Aidan. “There was a fire tonight,” she said.

“Um, that would be why you smell like ash.” Vincent shook his head. “I get that you’re still new to the whole vamp game, but here’s a tip…don’t run into a burning building. That’s a surefire way to end yourself.”

“Aidan was inside.”

Vincent rolled his eyes. “Like I care about—”

The wolf jerked from Jane’s hold and lunged toward Vincent. The wolf took the vampire down, hard, and he put his front paws on Vincent’s chest to pin him against the floor. The wolf’s jaws were bared, hovering inches from Vincent’s throat and the thin, gold chain that circled his neck.

But Aidan wasn’t biting. Wasn’t ripping Vincent’s head off…yet.

“Aidan,” Jane spoke quickly, sharply. “Aidan, I know you’re in there. You have to stay in control.”

And Vincent laughed. “Of course, he’s in there. He’s fully aware of everything that he’s doing.” There was a pause. “Just as I am fully aware of what I’m doing. Do you feel the gun pressed to your underbelly, wolf? It’s got silver bullets in it. Get even a breath closer to my throat, and I will fire.”

“Stop it!” Jane jumped toward them. “I called you here because I wanted your help, Vincent. Not because I wanted you to hurt Aidan!” She sucked in a breath. “Aidan, back away.”

His instincts would demand that he attack, but he’d held on to his control before. Aidan was supposed to be the strongest wolf in town. He was…

Backing away. But snarling. Obviously, the guy wasn’t a happy camper.

Neither was she.

Aidan backed toward her. His big body bumped her legs.