Billion Dollar Bad Boy (Big City Billionaires #1)

Clutching my dress hem, I did a tiny twirl. I was giddy, floating on my tired toes as I swayed around my home. The bubbles in my stomach were like carbonation and caffeine. I felt alive.

When had I last felt like this?

But I still have so many questions. Silver knew things about me that he shouldn't, not for someone I'd never met. He also enjoyed playing coy.

The reminder of his wicked smirks and hot lips set the other unsatisfied part of me into a frenzy. If he'd pushed me further in the alley, I'd have probably given in. Or maybe not. Fuck, I didn't know.

All I was sure of was that I was here, he was not, and I was decidedly turned on.

Slipping the dress off, I hung it in my closet and flopped nearly-naked onto my mattress. The blanket was cool on my boiling skin. For a long while, I did nothing but lie there with my face in the pillows.

I counted the seconds.

I tried to make my mind focus on boring things.

Finally, I flipped over and puffed at the hair in my face. Dammit. I can't relax at all. Twisting on my bed, I stared at the small table beside me. Maybe... maybe I could...

Swallowing, I reached out, opening the drawer. Inside, the purple sex toy waited for me. I'd stored it there, not wanting to throw it away but too embarrassed to actually use it.

What would I ever need it for?

Now, I knew.

- Chapter Eight -


“You have some explaining to do,” Laralie said, dropping a box onto my desk.

I jumped in my seat, yanked from my pleasant—if dirty—day dream. In it, Silver had come into my home, finding me enjoying the dildo he'd sent. In my head, he was happy to join in and teach me how to really use it.

I blinked down at the long box. “What's this?” I don't know why I asked. One look at the package, and it was obvious; Silver had sent me something.

Propping her elbows on the desk, Laralie leaned closer to me. She arched one fine eyebrow. “A delivery guy just showed up with this for you. Spill it, who is he?”

“Who is who?”

“The guy who's sending you surprise packages in the middle of the day!”

Grabbing the box, I pulled it closer. “Why do you think there's a guy at all?”

She rolled her eyes. “I'm not stupid, Alexis. I know you've been seeing someone. Look at how you carry yourself, it's obvious.”

I tried to evaluate my own behavior. Had I been acting different? Of course I have. My life is changing, Silver isn't like anyone I've dated before.

Shit. Were we even dating? I had no clue what to call our situation.

Laralie cleared her throat. “Well?”

Running my hands over my face, I sighed. “Alright, okay. I'm seeing someone.”

Gasping dramatically, she covered her mouth. I could still see the edges of her huge grin. “I knew it! What's he like? What did he send you?”

My eyes wandered to the box. “I don't know. He likes to shock me.”

“Ooh, sounds fun!”

“Sort of.” Grabbing my phone, I typed quickly: How do you know where I work? Sending the text, I peeked up at Laralie. She was bent halfway over my desk, reminding me of an excited puppy. “You don't expect me to open this in front of you, do you?”

“Oh yes, I do!”

In my hand the phone buzzed. With a flicker of excitement in my pulse, I read the message.

Silver: I know more about you than you realize.

The cryptic words made me freeze.

“Alexis? You okay?”

“Yeah.” I buried the phone in my pocket. “I'm fine, don't worry.” What the hell does he mean? “You really won't let me open this up alone?”

Her teeth glinted. “I'll stalk you into the bathroom if I have to.”

I hope it isn't more sex toys. Peering side to side, I nodded. “Okay, but keep this between us.” Gripping the ribbon, I slid it free. Then, I eased the lid off of the box.

Together, we both inhaled sharply.

The dress was like a waterfall of mercury. I lifted it high enough for us both to see the low-cut back, lace flourishing like a rose garden along the edges.

“Do you know what this is?” Laralie asked, fingering the label stuck to the neck of the dress. “It's a Vera Wang dress, from her new limited collection. This has to cost a fortune!”

“Really?” I asked, but... I knew. I'd spent plenty of time as a kid cutting out pictures of these dresses and sticking them to my walls. I didn't want to get into this with her, though. It wasn't important. Not anymore.

Laralie eyeballed me, letting the dress go before sighing. “You have no clue, do you? Alexis, we work on magazines that show these dresses off! Have you never noticed?”

I scrunched my shoulders up. “I do desk work, not articles like you.” I hated playing dumb, but it was better than explaining what I'd given up on. “It's beautiful, who cares who made it?”

Her lips pouted, a hand dragging over her face. “He's sent you something like this, and you don't even understand.” Rubbing her temples, she groaned. “How come guys like this never contact me? I'd appreciate it!”

Fidgeting, I brushed the soft material again. “I do appreciate it.”

Nora Flite's books