Beyond the Consequences (Book 5 of the Consequences Series)

“Good morning, Mrs. Rawlings,” he said with a grin as he wrapped the towel around his waist.

Closing the gap between them, her emerald eyes sparkled. “Good morning. Were you up a long time with Nate last night?”

“No, not too long. Is he awake?”

Rubbing her petite hands over his shoulders, Claire replied, “Yes, I just came in here first so I could feed him again.”

Reaching for her hand, Tony kissed her fingers. “Again? I think our son has an insatiable appetite.”

Claire’s breasts ached as she thought not about Nate’s appetite, but the one of the man before her. Closing her eyes, she imagined Tony’s lips not on her fingers, but on other parts of her body. Though the doctors had told them to wait six weeks before resuming relations, Claire knew that she didn’t want to wait. Nate’s birth had been much kinder to her body than Nichol’s. Reaching with her other hand to Tony’s shoulder for support, she felt his muscles tense as she moved her fingers down his arm. Inch by inch, Claire’s own appetite began to grow.

Remembering Tony’s comment about Nate, Claire finally replied, “Hmmm. Yes, he does.”

As Tony continued his gentle kisses of her fingers, she felt the release. Looking down, she saw the evidence on the bodice of her nightgown. “Tony…”

His dark eyes followed hers, and his devilish grin made her smile. “I’m glad to know that Nate isn’t the only man who can do that to you.”

Playfully she pulled her hand away and swatted his bare shoulder. “You’re awful.”

“I am?” he asked with his most innocent tone. “I thought I was pretty good. I mean if I were awful why would you…”

Claire shook her head as she disappeared behind the next door. Minutes later, she was in the nursery with Nate: his little lips latched and lower jaw began moving with vigor. The relief was instantaneous as he suckled and her body relaxed. Once she’d moved Nate to the other side, Tony stepped into the nursery. Though he was now fully dressed, Claire still enjoyed the view. His customary Armani suit and shiny black loafers reminded her that he wasn’t only a daddy who would rock his child in the middle of the night, but also a businessman who spent his days making decisions that affected multitudes of people. Though the silk spoke of importance, the way the jacket stretched over his broad shoulders and tapered to his waist, reminded her of the man she’d watched step from the shower. Though her mind was there, Tony had obviously moved on.

Leaning down, he kissed her cheek and said, “Nichol’s still sound asleep. Do you want me to wake her?”

“No, let her sleep. I’m sure Shannon’s awake, but Nichol’s been fighting naps. The longer she sleeps in the morning, the better it is for all of us this evening.”

Tony laughed. “Then, by all means, let her sleep.” His brows peaked. “I’m on my way to the kitchen for breakfast. Would you like me to have something sent up?”

Claire looked down at Nate, his suckling now slowed. “No. If you’re going to eat here, I can come down in a few minutes.”

Tony glanced down at her nightgown and lifted his brows.

“Yes, I’ll be sure to change or wear a robe. I know I’m comparatively underdressed.”

He teased the strap of her nightgown. “I like the way you’re dressed.”

Claire shook her head. Maybe he hadn’t moved on.

“I’ll be sure they have your tea ready.”

“Ugh,” Claire replied. “I’d give anything for a nice cup of caffeinated coffee.”

Tony smirked. “Sacrifices, my dear.”

“Sure, that’s easy for you to say.”

He reached for Nate’s head. As he stroked the fine hair, the tips of his fingers purposely caressed Claire’s breast. “I believe I’m sacrificing too.”

“Yes, but your sacrifice is a sacrifice for me, too.”

He lowered his lips near her neck, purposely bathing her sensitive skin in his warm breath. “Would I be awful,” he emphasized the word, “if I were glad to hear that?”

Aleatha Romig's books