Beyond the Consequences (Book 5 of the Consequences Series)


“Yes, Dr. Brown, I’m supportive of another child. Whether it’s our biological child or we’re fortunate enough to adopt, I want Claire to be happy and,” he added with emphasis, “I would like another child. I never imagined being a father, never even entertained the idea. Claire’s changed my life in ways I’ll never be able to articulate. Being a husband and a father has brought me more joy than any business deal or personal quest. Nichol is our world. It seems as though Claire’s done well with the medication changes thus far. Whatever you and her other doctors recommend, we’ll do.”

“Claire, we’ve determined that some of your dreams make you agitated. Does anything else upset you?”

Claire exhaled. “Yes. Things upset me and things excite me. None of it becomes obsessive or overbearing. It’s life. Life has ups and downs. I like them. I like being happy and sad. I like when a book makes me cry or Nichol makes me laugh. I like when my husband’s gaze and gentle kiss give me goose bumps with anticipation. Those are all coming back to me and I want it one hundred percent.”

Dr. Brown nodded. “I’ll authorize it.” Her gaze went to Claire. “Thank you for your answer. For all of this to work, I need your continued honesty. You also need to see your gynecologist before ending your birth control. This is the beginning of April. It takes a month, perhaps two, to have all of the anxiety medications out of your system. I recommend alternative forms of birth control in the meantime.”

Tony wondered when in his life it had become commonplace for him to have so many people who had a vote in his personal dealings. At one time, he’d never have sat and listened as someone else told him what he was to do and not do. And then, as quickly as that thought occurred, Claire’s eyes met his. In her gaze he heard her unspoken soliloquy. It told him everything he needed to hear. His wife was happy, excited, and encouraged.

Though Tony wished he could’ve been with her in her time of need, here in this very facility, he was relieved he hadn’t been. Oh, he would have spent every day with her in hopes of bringing her back to reality sooner; however, the reports Roach had shown him broke his heart. He couldn’t imagine seeing those emerald eyes lifeless or without spark. From the first time he’d seen Claire, up close and in person, he was drawn to the life in her beautiful eyes.

Now, the next step was guaranteeing the best doctor in the fuck’n world to assure that if Claire did become pregnant, her delivery would be nothing like what they’d endured in paradise. Obviously they were both entering into this prospect of parenthood with more forethought than they did with Nichol.

LATER THAT NIGHT, Claire slipped between the soft sheets of their large bed, unable to keep the smile from her face. All she could think about was the fact that Tony really and truly said he’d wanted another child. He didn’t say it just in front of her, but in front of Dr. Brown. Claire was more excited than she’d been about anything in a long time. Oh, each day they spent with Nichol was a gift, and their family had become content and stable over the last six months, but excitement and building anticipation had not been part of Claire’s day-to-day repertoire for a very long time.

Aleatha Romig's books