Beyond the Consequences (Book 5 of the Consequences Series)

Claire nodded, swallowing a bite of her salad. “She is. She’s just starting the dreaded third trimester. You know, when you’re ready to be done. I remember sleeping a lot. Em can’t do that, not with Michael. I guess she can with Becca helping her, but it’s still hard. She seems tired most of the time.”

As Courtney continued to talk about Julia’s pregnancy, Claire basked in the memories of her own. She tried to think of the good times, those of her and Tony on the island. A faint pinkness came to her cheeks as she recalled the difficulty and inventiveness of being together during those last few months. It would seem that in that enlarged state, sex would be the last thing she’d have wanted; however, Claire remembered it being the exact opposite. It wasn’t a subject she wanted to ask Emily about or bring up to Courtney. Heaven knows, with Courtney’s filter—or lack thereof—she might just say something to Julia, and Claire didn’t want to be the source of that uncomfortable daughter-and motherin-law conversation.

The noontime crowd had thinned by the time the two ladies finished their lunch and last cup of coffee. They’d had too much to talk about to rush. “It’s been great to get some time to catch up,” Courtney said as she squeezed Claire’s hand.

With Claire’s response on the tip of her tongue, she saw Phil looking her direction from a table away. “It has,” she confirmed. “Are you ready for Phil to get the car?”

They both looked toward the large windows of the restaurant. More snow had fallen while they’d lunched. “I wish he’d have joined us for lunch. I always feel bad when he’s by himself.”

Claire shook her head. “I asked him to join us. He said he didn’t want to intrude. Besides…” A gleam came to Claire’s emerald eyes. “…he isn’t always alone. I’m kind of enjoying watching him and Taylor.”


“Well, I just get this feeling there’s some unresolved tension.” She raised her brows. “And I don’t mean the bad kind either. They’re both professional. However, the atmosphere is different when Taylor’s working with Eric than it is when she’s working with Phil. I doubt he even realizes how obvious it is.”

Courtney laughed. “Probably not. After all, he’s a man.”

Both women giggled as Phil approached the table.

“Are you ladies ready for me to get the car? I can warm it up. Mother Nature isn’t being too kind to us today.”

“That’d be great, thank you. Unless…” Claire’s expression sparkled. “…we could convince you to join us for one more cup of coffee?”

Phil shook his head. “Oh, no. I’ve been hearing your chatter from across the way. I think I’ll stay out of all this girl talk. I don’t have much to add to the conversation.”

Both ladies laughed into their mugs as Phil walked away and secured his jacket and gloves. Once he was gone, Claire said, “I’m sorry we haven’t done this more often. Since we returned from the South Pacific, things have been busy.”

“Speaking of busy, I’m sorry your trip to New York was ruined. How’s Nichol doing with all of it?”

“She’s doing fine,” Claire replied. “She really isn’t having any problems. I wasn’t sure how much to talk to her about it. I didn’t want her repressing it and having issues with it later, and I didn’t want to scare her by dwelling on it too much.”

Courtney’s lips pressed into a tight smile. “You can tell that you talk to your therapists a lot.”

Claire’s forehead rose. “Ha! Yes, I guess I’m starting to sound like them. Well, I do talk to them a lot. Between my twice weekly sessions at Everwood and our once a week family session with the child psychiatrist, I feel like there’s very little that ever goes unsaid.”

“I hope it doesn’t make you uncomfortable by my asking, but do you think it helps?”

“I guess,” Claire commented. “It’s been our norm for the last few months. I just want to be done with it—and not have to schedule my weeks around therapy. I know everyone’s worried, but I feel good.”

“Good?” Courtney asked.

Aleatha Romig's books