Beyond the Consequences (Book 5 of the Consequences Series)

“I don’t give a damn about a few tickets. Hell, we’ll go back to paradise if that’s what you want.”

Exhaling, Claire lost her battle, allowing her anger to fade away and melting into her husband’s embrace. Sighing, she said, “No. If we do that, this woman wins. That’s not happening.”

“I’ve been thinking about something, ever since that gift. I’ve talked a little to Roach about it, but I wanted to talk to you.”

Claire turned back around to face her husband. She tried to read his expression and saw apprehension. “What?” she asked.

“I’m thinking about adding another member to our intimate security.”

She shook her head. “No.”

“You haven’t even heard my idea.”

“Tony, I want family time. I want it to be just us. I’m comfortable with Phil and Eric. We also have Shannon. I don’t want anyone else.”

“I was thinking about a woman. Roach has identified some incredibly qualified female ex-military and ex-field agents who could be with you when he can’t.”

Claire shrugged. “When Phil can’t, you can. I don’t know if you remember, but I spent over a month alone with Phil. There aren’t a lot of secrets.”

Tony bristled. “I’m aware, and I’ll be forever grateful that he kept you safe during that time. My thoughts were that this woman wouldn’t replace him: she’d assist him.”

“You’ve already made up your mind, haven’t you?” Claire fell back onto her husband’s chest in defeat. This openness was all for show. Anthony Rawlings was the same man he’d always been. His decision was the only one that mattered.

“No,” Tony whispered. “I haven’t. I’ve only discussed it with Roach. If you don’t want this, we won’t do it. I just thought there might be times when you and I and Nichol may all need to go in different directions. This woman could help with that too.” His lips brushed her hair as the scent of his cologne wafted through the air. “I love you. I love Nichol. I worry about both of you. Your safety and security are my primary concerns.”

The tension eased from her muscles as her body liquefied against him. “Really? You haven’t already started hiring someone. You truly want my input?”

“Really,” he whispered, as he nuzzled her collarbone. “I mentioned it to Roach. He’s found a few viable candidates. No one has been contacted. I wanted your input first.”

Allowing her husband more access, Claire tilted her head and closed her eyes. His prickly cheeks abraded her soft skin. The sensation was like a spark to dry kindling, warming her and infusing her with the fire of desire she’d purposely tried to subdue. “Can I think about it?” she asked.

He nodded, striking the match with each movement of his head. His intention grew as her internal flames intensified. “If that’s what you want to do…” His words came breathily against her exposed skin. “…then by all means, my dear, think.”

Thinking, however was not what she wanted to do at the moment.

Memories are the key not to the past, but to the future.

—Corrie Ten Boom

“SO WHAT DO you think of her?” Emily whispered as she and Claire stood on the shore of the frozen lake watching the mayhem of activity.

“I think she seems nice,” Claire replied, glancing at Taylor, the new addition to their security detail.

Aleatha Romig's books