Bewitching Bedlam (Bewitching Bedlam #1)

“I’ve never invited her in. Hell, I’ve never even met her.” But something nagged at the back of my thoughts. “Wait. Franny said she saw her in the house talking to Aegis. So yes, Rachel has been in my house. The house was standing empty so she didn’t need an invitation. And since she was there at least one time—more by the sound of it—she can still gain entrance until I officially revoke her invitation. I’ll do that first thing when we get home.”

That led to all sorts of thoughts. Had she been in my house while I’d been asleep? Had she left the rose outside on my balcony? While Aegis and I had been making love? The thought that she might have snuck around, peeking in on us like some undead voyeur squicked me out in all sorts of ways.

“I’m glad I asked.” Sandy glanced out the window. “Why do you think she approached Ralph? The Greyhoof boys aren’t the most generous of souls but they aren’t really a bad lot, either. They’ve done a lot of charity work around the island over the years, even if they did grump about it.”

I cautiously maneuvered onto the road and tried not to clench my teeth as we began the harrowing drive down the steep and winding hill. The fresh snow over black ice made for dangerous driving conditions and the thick wall of flakes coming down made it difficult to see. I turned on my brights, not wanting to blind anybody else, but it made it easier to see the road.

“I’m not sure. Maybe because they have the Heart’s Desire Inn. I suppose her choice was calculated to put them into the spotlight instead of herself. What she didn’t count on was that Ralph runs off his mouth more than an old fishwife. He’s not shy about talking to save his own skin. When I caught him in my bathroom, he was more than anxious to avoid being turned into some nasty beetle or a worm.” I snorted. “I don’t think he realizes I can’t do that, and I intend to keep that misconception alive.”

“Always leave them thinking you’re more powerful than you really are.” She searched through her purse. “Want a mint?”

“Sure.” I held out my hand, then slapped the wintergreen lozenge into my mouth, biting into the creamy explosion of sugar and mint. “You do realize that we have to press Linda on the vampire issue tonight? If the coven is in danger, then we can’t keep quiet about all that’s been happening. Linda’s going to have to talk about it.”

“Why do you think she wouldn’t talk to Delia?” Sandy popped another mint in her mouth, then closed her purse.

“I don’t know. But we have to keep this quiet from the public for now. What do you think would happen if Bedlam finds out that the vampires are looking at staging a coup on the island? I’m worried about Aegis.” Visions of dozens of wanna-be vampire slayers ran through my head.

“You think people will be out with pitchforks and torches? Bedlam’s more advanced than that, don’t you think?”

“More like wooden stakes and silver chains. The werewolves don’t like the vampires to begin with. And if they’ve got a reason to go vampire hunting, you know they will. And witches—the ones not aligned with the coven? Remember, our blood is an aphrodisiac to vampires. Witches aren’t likely to stop and think, ‘Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt.’ ”

“Well, you have a point there. So what do you want to do about it?” Sandy worried her lip. “What concerns me is this: if the vamps are planning this here, are they also targeting other communities? Maybe in human-centric towns? Humans are far less capable of fighting them than we are. We have magic and strength and an understanding of the Otherkin nature that a human just doesn’t have.”

I didn’t want to think about it. I remembered all too well running cross-country, staking vampire after vampire because they were dead set on feeding on the humans, even as a number of those humans would have happily burned me at the stake.

But times had changed. During the Revealing, a good share of the human world had managed to adapt. There were pockets that feared us, and some smaller nations that had driven out the Pretcom, but overall, we were as much a part of the world now as they were.

“You’re right. We have to discuss this. But we also have to reinforce the idea that not all vampires are in on this. Not all of them are out to climb to the top of the food chain.”

We were nearing the bottom of the hill and I began to breathe easier. As I swung a left, heading back to my place, I glanced at the clock. Four on the dot.

“Maddy, I hate to remind you of this, but they are at the top of the food chain. There isn’t any more room for them to climb. It’s all a matter of whether they want to enforce their power, or whether they’re willing to live and let live. To work with us rather than against us. I’m afraid that if Essie and those of her mindset decide to make a move for control, not only will it set everybody against all vampires, but it will lead to a civil war among their own kind. And that thought is a bloody terrifying one.”

I eased into the driveway, grimacing. “You come up with the most delightful thoughts, you know.” As I gathered my things from the backseat, I picked up my mother’s letter. “And to think, a few hours ago the most worrisome thing on my mind was the fact that my mother wants to come visit.”

Sandy laughed then. “You know, I still think that tops the list in frightening events of the day. Come on, let’s get inside and get ready for tonight. This Esbat promises to be a doozy, all right.”

As we headed into the house, I glanced up at the darkening sky. We were approaching the longest night of the year, and it certainly felt like the darkness was crowding in.

Chapter 11

AS I GATHERED my things for the meeting, I felt nervous. Not only was I unsure of just what we were facing, but I wasn’t looking forward to talking to Aegis about all of this.

“I have to get back to my car. My things for the meeting are in the trunk,” Sandy said.

“We’ll stop on the way and you can drive from the Blue Jinn parking lot. I need to officially un-invite Rachel from entering the house tonight. But if we don’t find her, it won’t do any good after next week. A bed and breakfast isn’t a private residence. She’ll be able to enter whenever she wants, unless I use garlic as an air freshener and silver-leaf every surface.”

That was one of the problems with barring vampires. A private residence could be protected by simply refusing them entrance. A public place? Not quite so easy, although it could be done. But the magic involved in the warding was energy-intensive, and it had to be shored up on a regular basis. I could do it, but then it would prevent Aegis from living with me.

In my bedroom, I stripped off my clothes. “I need a shower. If you want to shower before the meeting, feel free. You can wear one of my gowns back to your car to pick up your ritual regalia, so you don’t have to dress in those wet things again.”

We were both soaked from tromping around in the woods. As I tossed my jeans and top in the laundry basket, Sandy gratefully began shedding her own clothes.

“Aegis will probably be up before I’m out of the shower, so when you come back to the room, I’d be wearing something.”

She laughed. “The last thing he needs is to see me naked. I don’t want to scare the shit out of him or make him think I’m interested in a threesome.”

“I thought we left those days long behind,” I said with a snort. “But I doubt he’d say no.”

“Don’t be so sure. It’s obvious that fangy boyfriend of yours has eyes only for you, Maddy. Which is one reason I feel so bad talking trash about vamps. I know he cares about you. I’m just worried about his essential nature.” She waved me on. “Go on. Get wet. I want a hot shower and I can’t have one till you do.”

“Yes you can, doofus. Use one of the showers in one of the other guest rooms. We have four guest rooms.” I tossed her a towel. “Go on, don’t be shy.”

“Thanks, don’t mind if I do.” Wrapping the towel around her, she sauntered out the door.

I headed into the bathroom, frowning as Bubba followed me. “You going to keep watch for me again, Bub?”

“Mrow.” He rubbed against my leg, his tail pluming out to tickle my knee.

“I’ll pet you when I’m done. Go hop on the bed and wait.”

Yasmine Galenorn's books