Better Off Undead (Blood and Moonlight #2)

She rolled her eyes and started unbuttoning the shirt from the bottom. “Bob, I know you’re gay. I saw your boyfriend sneaking out after your lunch date one day. Rob the cradle much?”

He made one of his hmmmph sounds. His smile stretched a little more. And she knew all was well again.

She stopped unbuttoning the shirt just below her breasts and held the material there. Then she eased back down on the bed until she was lying flat. It was odd. She would have expected the wound to be pulling with her movements, at least aching, but it wasn’t.

Though it had started to itch in the last few moments.

Dr. Bob put on his gloves, then he began to carefully pull back her bandages. She kept her gaze on the ceiling as he worked. If she looked up there, if she let her thoughts focus elsewhere, she wouldn’t think about the damage that he had to be seeing.

Think about the victims. They weren’t lucky enough to survive. Think about them. Alan Thatcher. Travis Maller.

The two victims were connected. So, was their killer connected to them, too? Someone they both knew?

Why was this killer targeting humans? Why Alan and Travis? Had they learned his secret and threatened to reveal it to the world?

But…no. She narrowed her eyes on the ceiling. Aidan had used his power when he questioned Travis. Surely the whole, I-Know-About-Werewolves bit would have come up during that little talk, right?

It took her a moment to realize that the bandage was gone. She could feel air swirling over her skin and…Dr. Bob was just standing there. Her gaze slowly slid from the ceiling to his face. His horrified face.

“Guess I’m going to have quite the scar, right?” That was okay. She’d deal with it.

His mouth hung open.

“Dr. Bob?” Fear twisted inside of her. “Is everything okay?”

Then he gave a slow, negative shake of his head.


“I want a protection spell for Jane,” Aidan said as he paced just outside of the bedroom. His steps were quick and angry. “The most powerful one you’ve got.”

Annette Benoit rolled back her shoulders. “She survived the night. That’s what you wanted. That’s what happened.”

He stopped pacing. “A protection spell. We both know you can do one.”

She laughed, but it was a sad sound. “You think you can save her from every danger out there? That you can keep her safe from every single threat? Not even my magic can do that. Jane has a life to live, and every life has dangers. Every second—it’s a gamble. There are no guarantees in this world, and you know it.”

His hands were fisted. “I know that I need her.”

“Poor wolf. You fell hard and now—”

He stared down at his fisted hands. “Now I’m terrified because I don’t want a life without her.”

She walked toward him. Put her hand on his shoulder. “You think you’re the only one? Anyone—everyone—who loves feels this way. When you give so much of yourself to another, you open yourself up to incredible joy.”

He lifted his gaze to her face.

“And incredible pain.” Pain was reflected in her eyes. “But that’s the risk. And it’s a risk we all take.” Her gaze never left his as she said, “There is no protection spell strong enough. Even you, big, bad alpha, can’t protect Jane from everything in this world. If you tried, if you locked her away, would that really be living for her?”

“I’m not talking about locking her away,” he said. “I just—” Aidan broke off. I just feel powerless. No one else had ever mattered to him this much.

“I know,” Annette murmured and she truly did seem to understand. “But magic can’t fix everything. You love your Jane? Then just—just enjoy her. Enjoy every moment. Don’t look back and don’t look forward. No one on this earth—human, vamp, or werewolf—is guaranteed anything. We take our joy where we find it.”

His joy…it was all tied up in Jane.

“Thank you for your help tonight, Annette Benoit,” he said formally. “I know coming back to this place wasn’t easy.”

“Just like walking into my favorite nightmare,” she said, her lips hitching into a half smile. “So you owe me, wolf.”

He already knew that. “Paris will see you back home. He’ll also pay you for tonight’s work.” Aidan turned away.

“The cash is great, but I’ll be collecting a favor, too. Just so we’re clear.”

He’d figured as much. Aidan turned away from her. He wanted to go back to Jane and hear what Dr. Heider had to say about her wounds—

“Is it wise, do you think? Giving her your blood?”

Her voice was so hesitant. Very unlike Annette.

Glancing over his shoulder, he frowned at her. “I’ve given my pack blood plenty of times.” It had helped to speed up their recovery process when their injuries were particularly severe.

“But Jane isn’t a werewolf.” Her head tilted to the right as she studied him. “Have you given your blood to a human before?”

“No. It’s not like I’m overly tight with humans.”