Behind The Hands That Kill (In The Company Of Killers #6)

“Izabel,” I say, and for a longer moment than intended, it is all I can say.

She is wearing a black pencil skirt that hugs tightly to her curves, a pair of black heels, and a black silk blouse, fully buttoned all the way up to the middle of her throat; a sheer black scarf is wrapped around the upper-half, perfectly concealing the wound on her neck. But no amount of fabric can keep the eyes of others in the room from zoning right in on the very thing she seems to want to hide. She is stunning, as always, but I realize that there is something quite different about her. It is not her dark auburn hair, shorter than usual, done up in springy curls that barely brush her shoulders, or the glittery black barrette that holds her bangs away from her face on the left side; it is not the long, black eyelashes that seem to sweep her face majestically when she blinks, or the light glimmer of her rosy cheeks. It is the power in the depths of her eyes, a fearless necessity, a darkness that can never again hinder or blind her, but will forever be her advantage—it is The Change. And it delights and troubles me just the same.

“It’s good to see you,” Gustavsson says, beaming at her.

He makes his way over and takes her into a hug, in which she happily returns.

Woodard does the same, moving more gracefully these days since he became determined to better his health.

“I-I hope you’re not offended I didn’t try to see you in the hospital,” he says, pulling away from her. “I-I just thought you might want time alone.”

She smiles faintly, and shakes her head. “Not at all,” she says, then glances at the rest of us with quiet reprimand. “Actually, I appreciate the gesture.” She examines Woodard with a curious and impressed sweep of her eyes. “You’re looking good, James. I’m proud of you.”

Woodard smiles giddily. “Aw, thanks, Izabel.” He pats his stomach with his palm. “Lost nineteen pounds already.”

Izabel smiles, close-lipped.

Then she turns her attention to Niklas; she walks toward him. I—and Niklas, judging by the look of expectation on his face—thinks she is going to say something to him, but she passes him up and comes my way instead.

“Have you told them yet?” she asks.

I pause, thinking. “Told them what?”

She glances back at everyone else, and then her eyes fall on me. “About the bounty on my head.”

“No,” I say, “but I planned to.”

“What about the bounty?” Niklas says, stepping up closer. “We already knew there was one—we all have bounties on our heads.”

“Yes,” I say, “but things have become more complicated.”

“How so?” Gustavsson asks.

Niklas narrows his eyes, chews on the inside of his mouth; I will never get used to my brother looking at me that way, as if everything is my fault, as though I am the Devil in a suit.

Perhaps it is. Perhaps I am.

I leave them all, Izabel included, and make my way toward the window again. I can feel their eyes on me from behind, the anticipation, the impatience, and the resentment from my brother.

I inhale deeply, and fold my hands together down in front of me again. “I will tell you all about the bounty, the surprising and…concerning possibilities surrounding it. But first, I will tell you how Izabel’s life was saved.”

I do not have to think back to that night too deeply to remember—I will never forget it for as long as I have breath in my lungs.


Bullets ripped through the air; I could hear them, but only in my subconscious; I could hear boots hitting the stones in fast succession; the firing of another gun blasting in my ears. I saw bodies falling around my cage. But I did not move. Or blink. Or flinch when a bullet zipped past me and dinged the cell bar inches from my head—I was disappointed that it missed.

More shots rang out, echoing off the tall stone walls of the building.

“The key!” I heard someone shout. “Victor, where’s the key?”

Still, I could not find the will to move, or to understand—what key? Who was this woman screaming at me about a key? I was sitting on the floor with Izabel in my arms; we were covered in blood, but…I thought…it was mostly hers.

“Victor!” shouted a man’s voice this time. “We need to know where the key is. Snap out of it, man, or she’s going to die. And I can’t be having that.”

I blinked, and raised my eyes to place a face with the familiar voice—Brant Morrison, my mentor from The Order. I knew I should be concerned that he was there, but I was not. Take me if you must, Morrison, put me out of my misery if you would grant me a dying wish, but do it quickly.

“The key! WHERE IS THE KEY?” he shouted.

It took a moment for me to understand, to pull my mind from the drowning sea of my despair, but finally I answered absently, “…Artemis…she has the key.”

The woman—something was also familiar about her—crouched in front of the lock on the cage door. She set her gun on the floor beside her and fished a lock-pick from her boot.