Before I Knew (The Cabots #1)

Her mouth watered when she caught a slight whiff of shallots and thyme. Edible Alec. If only he weren’t so volatile and she so brittle. If he weren’t her employee. Or the old friend whose family still blamed her for their son’s death. In no universe did this risky attraction make sense. Yet it had blossomed steadily despite every attempt to weed it out.

“Thank you.” Alec’s fingertips turned white where they gripped the box. After staring at the gift as if it were an alien, he cleared his throat and teased, “This box looks too big to be a phone charger. Should I open it now?”

“Sure.” She smiled, forcing aside her wistful musings.

Alec unwrapped the package with the same careful attention he gave the most intricate dish. His eyes widened when he saw the silver-framed photograph Gentry had taken of them at Hunter’s the other week.

“I thought it might make your apartment feel more homey.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she felt shy and presumptuous—as if she somehow represented home.

Alec’s straight brows pinched together while he fingered the image. “I didn’t get you anything.”

“I didn’t expect it, Alec. This idea just came to me when Gentry sent me all the photos.” Colby shrugged.

“I love it.” The corners of his eyes crinkled above his gentle grin. Then he surprised her by reaching for her. Colby’s heart turned over, unsure of whether or not she wanted him to kiss her. It then sank when he pressed his lips to her forehead instead of her mouth. He lingered there a moment—a tender point of contact she savored—before backing up. “I’m sorry I’m not as thoughtful as you.”

Sensing the need for a joke, she teased him, saying, “I set a high bar, so don’t beat yourself up.”

He chuckled. “Is it okay if I leave this in here until the end of the night?”

“Of course. Speaking of the night, how do you feel?”

“Eager.” He lifted his chin, but the harsh lines of his face only proved him to be tense.

“Me, too, but you seem anxious.”

“Determined.” Any momentary softness he’d revealed had fled as he turned his thoughts back to business. “You need to pay attention to what people are eating, what they’re pushing aside. Listen to what they say to each other, not what they say to you.”

“Got it.”

“I know your family and friends will be a distraction, but stay attuned to the rhythm of the room. Make sure the waitstaff is attentive to every detail. Otherwise, we’ll be going into the grand opening with weak information.”

“Yes, sergeant.”

“It’s important, Colby.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “This requires perfection from everyone, including you. It may only be a dress rehearsal, but it’s still our first impression. Everyone who comes tonight will leave here and talk to their friends.”

“I understand, but everyone coming tonight wants us to succeed. They’ll be forgiving of little errors.” Colby wished his emphasis on awards wouldn’t eclipse his perspective.

“That doesn’t mean we can slack off.” The force of his voice caused her to step back. He must’ve noticed her reaction, because he attempted a joke. “This is where you could say something encouraging like ‘Everything you make is perfect, Alec, so I don’t expect any complaints.’”

“And inflate your oversize ego?” She poked his shoulder.

He captured her hand and squeezed gently before letting go. “I’d better get back to the kitchen.”

“Yes, do that.” She shooed him off before his nervous energy sapped her stamina.

He set the photo on her desk, momentarily lapsing back to being her friend instead of her chef. “I’ll treasure this.”

His expression then grew fiercely determined before he left her office. Silently, she sent up a prayer for the kitchen staff. Sitting against the edge of her desk, she then lifted the frame. She’d ended up with dozens of pictures of Alec throughout the years, in some combination with Mark, Joe, or Hunter.

She and Alec hadn’t spent time alone since high school, although she’d been in his company with Hunter on occasion since he’d returned from France.

Now she wondered about him. What made him such a perfectionist? What did he want, aside from professional recognition? Mundane questions rattled around her head, too. What did he read? Did he have a favorite movie? Aside from Colette, had he ever been in love?

Not that answers to her questions would reveal more about him than his actions did.

Mark’s emotions had come in tidal waves. Easy to spot, larger than life, chaotically crashing around him. Alec’s were more like a geyser, hidden away with his secret thoughts beneath a deceptive surface until the boiling point caused them to surge upward. Different from Mark, yet equally disquieting. Enough so that she should resist temptation and ignore the whisper in her heart.

Setting the photo down, she straightened her skirt and went to the reception desk to speak with Becca about the seating chart.

Gentry breezed through the door with a man Colby assumed was Jake, the infamous “hot dog guy.” An emerald-green off-the-shoulder minidress hugged Gentry’s curves. Her spiky rhinestone shoes made her an even height with her date, whose faded blue jeans sagged on his hips. His collarless black shirt did little to upgrade his attire. He wore a leather-and-silver chain bracelet on one arm, a silver ring on the opposite hand, and a thick, small hoop earring in one ear.

Colby couldn’t tell whether he’d forgotten to shower, or if this particular disheveled look was intentional. He definitely could use a shave. The black stubble was too long to be considered sexy, yet far too sparse to be a proper beard. Beneath it all, Colby acknowledged the appeal of his strong, sharp features and coal-black eyes.

“I sacrificed making a grand entrance to come early and help.” Gentry smiled and kissed Colby’s cheek. “This is Jake.”

Colby shook Jake’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Jake. Welcome to A CertainTea.”

“Thanks.” No “you, too” or other remark. His blank expression offered no hint of personality. Of course, an empty look probably came in handy at times. Maybe he’d give her a lesson. She’d about given up on the idea he’d say more when he added, “Tight digs.”

When Gentry shot her a cockeyed look, it clicked. Jake’s “dude ’tude” and appearance would piss off their dad.

“We’re serving drinks in the bar until everyone has arrived,” Colby said.

“Cool.” Jake grabbed Gentry’s hand to go, but she jerked free.

“Go ahead, I’ll catch up.”

He ambled over to the bar and ordered himself a beer.

“What do you think?” Gentry asked in a way that told Colby she expected pushback.

Only someone so young and pampered would waste time on games. Games Colby had no interest in playing. Her gaze slid over to Jake, whose raven locks glinted underneath the lights at the bar. Poor guy had no idea her sister might be using him to send a message to her family. Then again, as Hunter had pointed out the other week, Jake was probably using Gentry, too. “I’d kill for his hair.”

Gentry giggled. “It is pretty awesome.”

Colby couldn’t remember ever acting as young as her sister. “Go be with your date. You’re off the clock tonight.”

Jamie Beck's books