Because of Lila (Sea Breeze Meets Rosemary Beach #2)

I HAD SHIT to fix. It was vital that I handled it before it was too late. Some secrets were best kept that way. Mine was one of them. I wasn’t going to lose Lila Kate now that I had enough guts to admit I wanted her. That I loved her. I’d jumped in and done this. I wasn’t letting go. Nor was I going to let her.

She’d become as important to me as breathing. Scary as hell. But the truth.

Leaving her to work at her studio while I went to the club for a meeting with Dad would have been the safe thing. The smart thing. But the idea of leaving her hadn’t been appealing so I asked her to come with me, and we’d have lunch.

She didn’t want this world. She had run from it. She had moved across town. Yet I was reminding her that I was this world. I would one day own the club and all that came with it. Sure, she knew where my future was but I still didn’t want to remind her. Not this damn soon.

When we pulled up to valet and got out of the car to go inside, she seemed happy enough. I slid my arm around her waist and she didn’t freeze or act nervous. She was fine with this public display of affection. I was just beginning to enjoy myself when Shelby, a waitress whose last name I did not remember, came walking out of the dining room. I muttered a curse under my breath when her eyes locked on me and she smiled. Completely nonplussed by the fact my arm was around Lila Kate’s waist.

“Cruz,” she said giving me a smile that was too familiar. Too damn sexual.

“Hello,” I replied with a nod hoping to keep walking on past her. She was an employee; therefore, it was a given I should know who she was. It wasn’t a given, however, that I should know that she got a Brazilian wax once a month.

“I’m just getting off the breakfast shift.” She winked at me as if this meant something.

“Then enjoy the rest of your day.” Hopefully, she took the hint. Her eyes shifted from me to Lila Kate, and they widened as if just now realizing I was with someone.

“Are y’all . . .” she didn’t finish that question as she wagged her finger back and forth at both of us.

“Yes, we are,” I replied. “Enjoy your Saturday.” I then moved on hoping Shelby was done with her questioning.

“You don’t have to get so tense when that happens. Cruz. I’ve known you my entire life. It’s going to happen a lot.”

I gazed down at Lila Kate. “I wish I could make it stop. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

She smirked. “Dating you means dealing with all your past relationships.”

“Shelby wasn’t a relationship. She was a fuck.”

Lila Kate sighed. “I was trying to be more delicate.”

That made me laugh. “Shelby never considered me a relationship either. I promise.”

With a small lift of her shoulder she said, “I don’t imagine any girl did.”

Never had I wished I could go back and change shit. Until now. Lila Kate’s opinion of me wasn’t great. And what sucked most was it wasn’t even accurate. I was much worse than she thought.

“I’ll get a table and order a drink while you meet with your dad,” she told me as we neared the restaurant entrance.

“Okay. I won’t be long. I’ll let him know you’re waiting on me. That should make his fucking year.”

“Are you ready to tell your parents about this? Don’t you think we should wait until you’re sure?” The doubt in her voice and her words stung. Even now after the dramatic scene I’d made this morning, she was still being cautious. I deserved it.

I pulled her hand up to my chest and pressed a kiss to her fingers. “I’m not sure where I wasn’t clear this morning. But I am positive. There is no question in my mind. Is there in yours?” Because if she still didn’t know if she wanted to do this I might have to resort to drastic measures. Like kidnaping her and taking her off to a cabin in the mountains and making sure she was as addicted to me as I was her.

I sighed inwardly. The fact I’d just thought something like that meant I was sunk too deep.

“I’ve been sure since I was fourteen,” she replied.

I had started pushing her away even back then. When I knew we had something, but I’d hurt her in the end. So I hurt her in the beginning. I had a lot of years to make up for now.

I grabbed the back of her head and kissed her until she was clinging to me and our chests were rising and falling rapidly. “I love you,” I reminded her. Then I pressed one more kiss to her lips before turning toward my father’s office.

I hadn’t been this damn happy about being here, breathing air, and eating at this place in a long damn time. Since childhood at least.

I glanced back to make sure Lila Kate had gone into the dining room before knocking n my dad’s door.

“Come in,” he called out.

For once I wasn’t dreading it. I opened the door, and Dad stood there leaning against the front of his desk with his arms crossed over his chest. A frown on his face and his eyes glaring in my direction.

“Explain to me what I just saw out there. Go slowly. Be thorough.”


“I’m not sure what you’re referring to,” was my lame response.

“Cruz, I’m not in the fucking mood.”

This was going to have to be dealt with sooner or later. I figured sooner would at least be getting it out of the way. “I’m in love with Lila Kate.”

Dad’s glare faded, and his eyebrows drew together as he studied me. “In love? Like only one woman in love?”

Jesus, he had a low opinion of me. “Is there another love? Because I always believed that if you were in love, it was with only one woman. Unless you’re in love with women in general.”

“You’re a smartass,” he said scowling again. “When did you decide you were in love with Lila Kate?”

Why did this matter? I wasn’t here to defend myself. I would have to do that with Grant. I shouldn’t have to do it with my father. “Does it matter?”

I gave me one sharp nod and continued to glare at me.

“When I thought I was going to lose her. That’s when.”

“Lose her? When did you have her?”

“I didn’t have her, but it was the idea that she could love someone else. Forget me. Move on. It was a slap in the face. One I needed.”

Dad stood up straight and groaned. “That’s not the answer I wanted to hear. You can’t just think you love her in order to keep her loving you. Then get bored and break her heart. That’s cruel son. Selfish. I taught you better than this.”

“I’ve loved her or a long time. Okay. I knew if I let myself I’d feel something special. But Lila Kate is . . . she’s important. I couldn’t hurt her. I was protecting her.”

I watched as he rubbed his forehead as if frustrated. This wasn’t his business. We weren’t kids who were just caught fucking in the backseat. “You wanted to meet with me about the Kipling franchise,” I reminded him.

“You’re changing the subject.”

I nodded. “Yep.”

He started to say something else and stopped. “Fine. You are both adults. If you want to do this, I can’t stop you. But Lila Kate isn’t like the women you typically spend time with. She’s fragile, sweet, unsure . . . I don’t want you to hurt her.”

I looked directly at my dad. “Nothing has ever been this serious in my life. I’ll kill anyone who hurts her.”

Dad sat there a moment then raised one of his eyebrows. “Well, son, I guess I lost that bet.”

Abbi Glines's books