Beautiful Distraction

“Let me—” Kellan starts.

“No. I’ll find my way back. Thanks.” I shake my head and shoot him a deadly look, even though he probably can’t see it in the darkness. “It was nice meeting you…”

“Ryder.” He stretches out his hand, and I take it.

“Sorry about the—” My voice chokes.

I rush past him, head held high, trying my hardest not to look back.

It’s the walk of shame.

I might have lost any sense of decency, but I still have my dignity, right?



After returning to the bar, I make up some bullshit excuse, and Kellan drives both Mandy and me home—the silence in the car deafening in its intensity. I barely mumble something about a headache before dashing for my bedroom and barricading myself inside for the rest of the night.

Holy shit!

I can’t believe I let Kellan compromise me like that. Sure, I had the orgasm of my life, but…

What. The. Fuck?

In his brother’s back yard?

With his brother barely a few steps away?

Knowing his brother’s the deputy?

The bastard knew Ryder would be back any time. He knew Ryder could hear us.

Why the fuck would he take me there to have his wicked ways with me?

Because I’m another conquest for his panty collection. That’s what I am. I can’t even pretend that I don’t know it. Like I can’t pretend I didn’t hear Sharon’s warning.

And I even asked him for it.

That’s probably the worst part.

Practically panted his name and begged him to take me…

In his brother’s fucking yard.

He likes to brag about his conquests, or why else would everyone know about his damn business?

This episode is definitely a new low since meeting Kellan Boyd.

Stripping off my clothes, I leave them in a puddle at my feet and step into the shower, furiously washing away the memories of Kellan’s mouth on me. I lather tons of shower gel into my skin and let the hot water burn my body in the hope that Kellan’s image will disappear from my mind.

But he’s all I can think about.

My body’s aching for his touch. Even though I just had a release, I want more of it.

I want all of him.

I switch off the water and step out of the shower. Wrapping a fluffy towel around me, I head back to my bedroom.

My mind is made up.

Even though I can’t leave until the car’s been repaired, I will stay away from him, even if that involves living like a vampire, AKA sleeping through the day and only venturing out at night.

It shouldn’t be too hard a task.

The rap at the door jerks me out of my thoughts. My heart stops—hoping, praying, then hating the thought—that it’s Kellan.

It’s probably Mandy anyway. I can’t deal with her questions right now, not in the least because it’s all her fault. She wanted me to go on this trip.

If it weren’t for her and her stupid plan to see Mile High, I would never have Kellan seen again. I would never have been stuck here. I would never have been so embarrassed.

Another rap, this time a little louder.

Ignoring the urgency it seems to convey, I put on a T-shirt and pair of shorts, and slip beneath the covers, then turn off the lights.

He or she’ll get the message.

I’ll make sure of it.

But, damn, keeping my raging hormones in check has never been so hard.


It was all a mistake. It was all a mistake. It was all a mistake.

The way the same sentence keeps circling inside my brain, I could swear it’s some sort of mantra. Or one of those songs that, once you hear it on the radio, you simply can’t get out of your head.

It was all a mistake.

It’s like invisible strings keep me tied to that one memory, forcing me to watch it on replay over and over again.

Needless to say, I’m up all night, my sleep evading me as my brain keeps replaying the same events, like a broken record.

I’m up at dawn, staring out the window at the rising sun. Stripes of pink and purple streak the sky in the distance, the colors not matching my mood. I’m tired and yet restless from all the frustration building up inside me.

It’s going to be a very sunny morning, yet I don’t know how to face the day.

It depresses me to no end that I cannot be outside, taking a walk, enjoying the scenery, out of fear that I might meet Kellan.

I’ve never been so on edge, every part of me sensitive, my body begging for release. Obviously, I don’t need a cocky, self-centered guy to do it for me.

I know which buttons to press to make myself come.

The trouble is that if I so much as touch myself, Kellan will be all I can think about. Consequently, I’d rather deny myself the pleasure than inflate his oversized ego even more—even though he’d most certainly never find out.

It’s after six a.m. when I head for the kitchen. I need my morning cup of coffee, and no man can keep it from me. Secretly, I hope Kellan and Mandy are still sleeping at this ungodly hour.