Bait & Switch (Alphas Undone #1)

I glanced away for a moment, embarrassed that he’d seen through me so easily. “I admit, I’m curious about those . . . interests you mentioned.” Yours more than hers.

“I see. Well, without going into too much detail, Daniella is a submissive.”

My belly tightened into a knot as my hunch about Nolan’s dominant side came into clearer view. Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself why I came here. I wasn’t allowed to fall for this handsome man anyhow, so what did it matter if his sexual tastes were a little darker than mine? I got the bodyguard I needed, while Nolan and Daniella fed each other’s need for kink. Everybody won. So why was my stomach twisted into a knot?

“H-how did you get this way?” I cringed when I realized how it sounded. Like I thought he was damaged goods. Then again, maybe he was.

But he didn’t even raise an eyebrow at my question.

“After a demanding career as a SEAL . . .” He let out a deep sigh, gazing out at the yard. “My goals are much simpler now. I just want to enjoy life one day at a time, take pleasure where I find it.”

I simply nodded. He didn’t elaborate, but he didn’t need to. I knew he had seen too much, done too much, probably experienced losing teammates he fought beside. Battle could mess a man up. At the very least, it changed them. And in Nolan’s case, it made him harder and closed him off to the hearts-and-flowers kind of love I hoped to find someday. He was surviving, but in his own way.

“Now my work isn’t quite so intense. I’m a consultant for a private security firm called Redstone. And while it can be dangerous, it’s not nearly as life-and-death as my previous world.”

Looking down, I gave a nod of acknowledgment. I already knew all about Redstone, but it was good to hear him say that his life had improved.

Chuckling softly, he returned his hand to my lower back. “Come on. What else did you want to know about Daniella?”

Was I being that obvious? “How did she end up living here with you?”

“I knew her through a mutual acquaintance, and after breaking up with her ex, she needed somewhere to live. I had a spare room—three, actually—and I offered her a place to stay. Rent-free. No strings. And she said yes.”

“That was awfully nice of you.” I blinked at him in wide-eyed astonishment. It wasn’t something many people would do.

“Trust me, I’m very far from being a white knight.” His voice dropped lower and his hand moved slowly along my spine again. “Our relationship sort of evolved from there.”

He didn’t continue, leaving me to guess at the specifics their BDSM relationship might involve.

“What happened to her?” Something must have gone down, if she’d needed Nolan’s help so suddenly.

“Let’s just say she was pretty banged up when I got her.” He went still for several moments, as if he was lost in a somber memory. “She’s safe now,” he added.

It was the kind of heroism I’d expect from a Navy SEAL. Rescue. Relief. I wondered if he’d banged down the door to her ex’s place and made him suffer. A rush of warmth spread through me at the thought.

Nolan glanced at me. “Would it make you uncomfortable to be in my bed, knowing she was just down the hall?”

I thought about it for a moment. “Yes, it probably would a little,” I finally admitted.

He nodded once, as if he was expecting my answer. “I don’t want to talk about Daniella anymore.”

“You don’t?” I murmured, lost in the deep unending blue of his eyes. They were stormy and filled with tension.

Slowly, he shook his head. Bringing one hand up to cup my cheek, he stroked his thumb over my skin. “I think you’re sexy as hell,” he growled. “And Grey was right, that brisket was fucking incredible.”

I smiled and leaned into his touch as his gaze lowered to my mouth. Running my tongue tentatively across my bottom lip, I felt the air around us change, grow more heated.

“I need to know what you taste like,” he murmured.

I blinked up at him, my eyes still searching his. There were so many things I was unsure about, but the electricity buzzing between us wasn’t one of them.

Leaning forward, Nolan brought his lips to mine and waited, as if to give me a chance to decide. His warm breath ghosted over my mouth.

Accepting his invitation, I stood on tiptoe and touched my lips to his. With one hand still stroking my jaw, his other came to settle against my hip, his thumb running along the bare skin at the waistband of my jeans. He pulled my body close, until I felt the hard ridge of him against my belly. He felt massive. My lips parted in a silent gasp and he stroked his tongue against mine.

Our mouths seemed made to fit together. And the skillful way he moved his tongue provoked thoughts of how else he could use that tongue. My panties grew wet and my breathing ragged as we kissed.