Bad Romeo Christmas: A Starcrossed Anthology (Starcrossed #4)

"Josh –"

I've had enough platitudes. I pull my hand away and stride toward the long hallway on the other side of the room. On the way, I angrily jab Angel's number.


"Come on," I say through gritted teeth as Angel's phone rings out for the fourth time. "What the fuck are you doing that you can't answer the damn phone?"

My brain automatically throws up a whole bunch of scenarios that would explain her absence, and I pace the length of the men's bathroom to try and get them out of my head. It might not be the most glamorous location to confront my girlfriend about her behavior with another guy, but at least it's a little quieter in here, and right now my rage needs space.

"Come on, Angel. Pick up, for fuck's sake."

It goes to voicemail again, and I smack the phone down on the bench in frustration.


I take a deep breath and let it out.

Okay, Mr. Hyde, just calm your goddamn farm. Flying off the handle isn't going to help anything.

I put my palms flat on the bench as I take slow, measured breaths. I know Angel. I love Angel. There's no way she'd betray me. Even if those pics suggest she'd like to.

I've managed to dial my crazy down from shit fit to moderately unreasonable when Connor walks through the door. He stops when he sees me.

"Hey, man. You okay? You look a little murderous."

I stand up straight and pick up the phone. "Yeah, man. Thanks. Just ... woman issues. I'll be fine."

He nods. "I know how that is. If I thought I could make money off my ability to fuck things up with women, I'd write a book. You're dating Angel Bell, right?" When I nod, he grimaces. "Yeah, tough gig, dating a star. You have to jump over so many more hurdles than with regular people, but I guess you're learning that the hard way."

"You could say that." I put down the phone and pull off my cape, thinking that I should probably pee while I'm here. Those six beers in my system sure aren't making my bladder any less full. But when I reach over my shoulder to grab my zipper, I realize this isn't a one-man job.

I turn to Connor. "Hey, man. Give me a hand here? I feel like one of those magicians in a straight jacket, except the only magic you're likely to see here is me peeing without opening my pants."

He laughs. "Well, this is a scenario you don't think about when you watch a superhero movie. Does Superman need an assistant every time he takes a piss?"

"Yes. But they're called a pissistant. Important support job."

Connor chuckles and yanks down the zipper before heading over to the urinal. As quickly as I can, I pull the top half of my costume down and join him.

Ahhhh, that's better. My bladder no longer hates me.

I should switch to water when I get back out there. I'm buzzed but not drunk, and that's how I'd like to stay. Keeping a cool head about the thing with Julian is hard enough without more booze egging me on.

Connor and I finish up at the same time and stand side-by-side at the sinks as we wash our hands.

"So, enjoying the party?" I say.

Connor rinses off and looks at me in the mirror. "Yeah, but I think I'm doing it wrong. I'm in the doghouse with Ava for spending too much time with my friends."

I turn off the faucet and grab some paper towels. Connor follows suit.

"In Ava's defense," I say, "I don't think it's your friends she's pissed about. It's Cassie."

He throws towels into the trashcan and turns to me. "You know the history between me and Cassie?"

"Yeah, but even if I didn't, I would have been able to figure it out by seeing you together. You're awkward around each other while trying to be friendly. And then there's the way you look at her."

He leans against the bench. "What does that mean?"

I laugh. "Dude, it's so clear you're still in love with her, Stevie Wonder could spot it a mile away. I'd take bets that's why Ava wants you to stay away from our little group. Hanging around with the chick her boyfriend's still pining for is no one's idea of fun." Or seeing pics of a guy who wants to steal your girlfriend.

Connor takes his hat off and runs his fingers through his hair. "Shit. I thought I was ready to face Cassie tonight. I really did. But every time I see her, I ..." He looks at me. "Sorry, man. This isn't your problem."

"No, but this seems to be the Bathroom of Manly Bonding, so ..." I lean against the bench. "As far as Cassie goes, I get it. She's cool, and funny, and beautiful, and you think that no one will ever compare. But believe me, you'll find someone else. It just might take some time."

"It's been four years."

"I thought my best friend was the most incredible woman on the planet for ten years before I met my girlfriend, so don't beat yourself up. And for God's sake, don't become like old-school Ethan, either. That dude went through hell to deal with his bad boy issues. You seem like a decent guy. Don't let one bad experience get you down."

He nods. "Thanks, man. You a therapist or something?"

Leisa Rayven's books